This time of year is crazy for everyone, but with my self-imposed expectations of Martha Stewarting everything I do, I stay incredibly busy and that’s why I was more or less absent from social media all week, and I wouldn’t change a thing…
On Sunday I had a lot of fun with my MRTT friends at the Run With Santa 5K, one of my favorite races of the year. Before heading over to our meet-up place, I saw Santa and Mrs. Claus and asked for a picture.
After a one-mile warmup, I found my friends and got a quick group picture before heading to the starting line. I ran a less than stellar race, but more on that on my race recap…
I felt off on Monday so I skipped lifting, but in my spare time between clients, I put in the initial leg work for writing my recap for the Run with Santa 5K, in other words, I started editing pictures…
Tuesday and Thursday mornings I met my friend Lupe to run and finally tried out my new GoPro (affiliate link) Bill had gotten me for my birthday. It’s supposed to do much better in low light than my old one did, so I couldn’t wait to try it out and it didn’t disappoint. The Hero 6 is sooo much nicer than my old Hero 4, and you know how much I loved that one!
Tuesday evening we entertained Bill’s team from work, and with a few vegetarians in the group, I made portobello mushroom pizzas, roasted Brussels sprouts, and a garden salad. The food was yummy and I think everyone had a great time. If you haven’t tried balsamic glaze, try it, it will change your life!
Saturday morning I met Angela and Lupe for what we thought would be a snowy run. Unfortunately, the snow came in later than forecasted and was rather wimpy until the second half of our run. We saw lots of our friends out on the trail and stopped a couple of times to chat.
We even found a bike!
With the snow coming down heavier and finally making the ground white, on my way home I stopped by my neighbors’ front yard for a picture with their inflatable nativity. I had to brush the snow off Mary and Joseph so they weren’t lying on their sides, but didn’t think to brush it off the back of the manger so it would stand back up.
It snowed for the remainder of the day and into early evening. We ended up with about three inches of what I would call the perfect snow storm. It was pretty coming down, stayed on the tree branches all day, and yet the roads stayed clear.
Bill and I had two holiday parties to attend last night and had a lot of fun at both. This evening we are hosting the Cruisers Christmas party where once again I’ve wrapped a copy of Shalane’s Run Fast. Eat Slow (affiliate link) cookbook for our gift exchange. I suspect that it will be a big hit!
In case you missed it on the blog, this past week I posted:
- Wednesday – Finding Beauty In Running
Looking ahead to this coming week, on Tuesday I’ll be sharing about my Christmas tree adventures from when I was a child. I’ll be traveling this week to help my mom with some last-minute Christmas preparations so I don’t know how much time I’ll have to work on my blog, but if time permits, I do hope to get my Running With Santa 5K recap completed.
Yes, it was a busy week with work, shopping, gift wrapping, mailing Christmas cards, attending parties, throwing parties, etc., but I did find time to hit my gym. Here’s a run-down of my workouts from this past week…

Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 6 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- Do you like to entertain? ~ Bill and I LOVE entertaining!
- Did you get snow this week?
- Did you race this weekend? ~ I was planning to run the Jingle Bell Jog 5K this morning, but by the time I was ready to register the price had gone up to almost $50 which seemed ridiculous for a 5K. I paid $25 last year, but registered early.
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Wow! $50 is definitely ridiculous for a 5k. Our snow — totally stuck to the roads, making our race rather treacherous.
I am sooooo not Martha Stewart though. Life’s too short! Everyone seemed to enjoy anyway. 🙂 I guess it’s always a good time if someone asks for one of the recipes. 🙂
I think I can understand where you’re coming from by saying that life’s too short, but for me I’m the opposite and my motto is anything worth doing is worth doing to perfection and not regretting doing it half-way. My mom is exactly like that so I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 😉
My motto is that anything worth doing is worth doing WELL. Perfectionists have a tendency to drive themselves & everyone around them crazy. 🙂
We’ll have to agree to disagree.
I am not a vegetarian but what you made looks very tasty. I always love those holiday parties where we swap gifts at. I would love to get that book.
The portobello mushroom pizzas are so easy to make, and even though neither Bill nor I are vegetarian, I make them pretty often (they’re so easy).
I’m loving your festive outfit for the 5K race! I love this time of year because runners can really get into the spirit during races 🙂
Thanks, and me, too! I love seeing all the fun Christmasy outfits at races.
I paid $35 (and process fee) for the Jingle Bell Run last weekend, and thought that was crazy! Of course, it was for a good cause, so I didn’t think twice…but $50 is nutzo for a 5K
Sadly, if I’d registered back in July it would have only been $25, but these days I’m always nervous about registering for races that early and then being injured. Think Army Ten-Miler and surgery to remove that suspicious spot on my knee and $75 down the drain…
Well you really are super busy this week too! I also put a ton of pressure on myself to make everything perfect. Why do we do it?!
We do it because we appreciate things being done right and how much our guests appreciate our efforts, or at least that’s why I do it… 😀
I love your 5k Christmas outfit, especially those shorts! I used to do all the self imposed Martha Stewart stuff. But I’m tired now. LOL. I’ve had to let a lot of it go. Saying that…I admit I just asked PoPo if we should have a party. Sigh. Thanks for linking!
Thank you! I love that the mittens match my shorts. They also had a matching ski hat, but I knew I’d be way too hot in it so I didn’t order it.
So what did you decide? Party or no party?
My sister is our family’s Martha Stewart, so thankfully the pressure is off!
HaHa! I think that would make me even more competitive! 😉
I’ve pared way back on my holiday celebrations. We’re even skipping my fancy office party so I can spend more time with my aunt who’s here helping my mom, but I’ll attend our less fancy in-the-office party. The snow was lovely and I’m glad it’s gone for my commute!
That was the perfect snow – pretty to look at, but the roads stayed clear.
Can’t wait to read all about the Jingle Bell 5k ..I loved your race outfit! P.S. I do love a balsamic glaze!
Thanks, and I’m working on my recap! I promise!