Last Sunday I left you with a teaser about my longest bike ride to date, thirty-six miles with my Cruiser friend, Chuck…

What had started out as a bike ride with Bill and Chuck, turned into just Chuck and me when the chain on Bill’s bike derailed and they couldn’t get it back on. Bill had to carry his bike home about three quarters of a mile and after not being able to fix the chain himself, he took it to the bike shop where they fixed it back as good as new.

Chuck and I continued our ride to the end of the W&OD Trail in Purcellville before turning homeward. Chuck had ridden fifty-two miles the day before which had tired out his legs and helped me be able to keep up with him.

Since I planned to spend most of the day on Friday driving to my mom’s house, I mixed my workouts up during the week, moving my running and lifting days each up one day. I’ve found that planning ahead helps keep me from missing workouts when life gets busy.

On Wednesday evening Bill and I met a new friend for dinner at Ford’s Fish Shack. Miss Ittie Bittie Fittie and I have followed each other on Instagram for quite a while and while chatting one evening through comments in a post I’d made, we decided to meet in person. We had great conversation throughout our delicious dinner and were so happy we’d made the effort to finally meet in person!

On Thursday as I came in from a walk with a client, I noticed that the southern magnolia was blooming outside the clubhouse where I train a few clients and lead two boot camps. There as only one bloom on the two plants, but I spied it at the top and managed to hold my phone up high enough to capture this gorgeous picture.

After driving most of the day on Friday, I got to my mom’s house in time to relax and change clothes before heading to the local community center for the first night of our annual family reunion festivities. It’s always so fun to see all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins on my mom’s side of the family. Sadly, one of my aunts and her family from the St. Louis area weren’t able to attend this year. Since she reads my blog, let me give her a quick shoutout and say that I hope she’s feeling much better!
Heavy rains and thunder storms Friday night and Saturday morning kept us from going to my uncle and aunt’s picnic area along the North Fork of the Holston River for our Saturday picnic festivities, so we returned to the community center. After lunch most of my cousins and their families went to the river so the little children could play, but I stayed behind with my mom, aunts, and uncles. After hearing that our annual hike up Big Spring Branch went off without a hitch despite the earlier heavy rains, I was disappointed that hadn’t gone with my cousins, but I did have a fantastic time catching up with my aunts and uncles while sharing stories from years gone by.
Below are pictures from our hikes from a couple of different years. For more pictures and stories from previous year’s hikes up Big Spring Branch, check out these posts:
- An Ice Cold Hike On A Hot July Day
- Rattlesnakes, Stinging Nettle, Or Rushing Water
- My Little Fitness Buddies
In 2015 we had a rather uneventful hike…

In 2016 we made it all of the way to the top to the spring head despite the water being the highest that I’ve ever seen.

The water was so high, in fact, that my cousin John had to carry me piggyback across one of the deeper pools. To put it into perspective, John is 6’7″.

Just as he started to set me down, he fell over backwards as I shifted his center of gravity…

We laughed so hard that I didn’t even care that my white shorts would never be the same! Fortunately, I’d handed my GoPro to my cousin Terri and she captured the entire thing.

Looking ahead to this coming week, I’ve got a post about exercising with your pets coming up on Tuesday and I’m sure I’ll be posting about some of my runs along the country roads of Southwestern Virginia (I’m visiting Mom all week). Stay tuned!
In case you missed it, on Tuesday I wrote Flying Deer, Rabid Animals; And What’s The Difference Between A Runner And A Jogger and on Thursday I shared my 2017 Firecracker 5K Race Recap.
This weekend marks the one-year anniversary of my Weekly Run-Down infographic where you can get a detailed look at my workouts each week. Here’s a run-down of other workouts I completed this past week…

Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- Where’s the coolest place you’ve hiked? ~ Bill and I hiked to Lake Solitude in the Tetons while on our honeymoon.
- Does your extended family have reunions?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Congrats on your long bike ride!
I love that you were able to meet up with a friend from Instagram for dinner. I did that earlier this year and it was awesome. Social media has lots of positives!
Love the photo of the flower – so beautiful!
Yes, it was nice to connect and dinner was so fun!
Looks like you had a fun week of different types of workouts. I need to bike out to Purceville again soon
Let me know when you bike out my way and I’ll meet you along the trail. 😀
I love that you met up with our IG podmate. You know, I don’t even know her real name! I’m still sad we couldn’t connect when you were here.
What? She has another name? I called her Miss Ittie Bittie all night. 😉
Same here… I need to go back to Chicago for the Club Industry Show again so we can meet up.
How fun! That pics of you and your cousin in the river are hilarious 😉 My mom’s and dad’s extended families both have bi-yearly reunions, but (fortunately) they happen on alternate years…so every year I have a reunion to attend. I enjoy seeing all of my cousins, but at least with social media (now days) we can stay in touch without having to make the journey if any scheduling conflicts arise.
I love being able to stay connected with my cousins, aunts, and uncles via Facebook!
Great job this week! I love your pictures from the hiking trips over the years! Looks like a great place to hike 🙂
Thank you!
Wow, that is one long bike ride!!
I don’t hike at all because I’m too lazy to go walking. 🙂
HeeHee… You’re too lazy to hike, but you run marathons. 😀
You reminded me that I too have a post about exercising with pets that I wrote but never put the finish touches on to publish.
So cool that you were able to meet an IG friend in person.
Your family reunions sound fun.
Oh cool! I can’t wait to read your recommendations for exercising with pets when you publish it.
Family reunions are such a fun time! Our next one is next summer, I’m still on the fence since it’ll be in Arkansas, lol! I love bike riding but I don’t have a bike right now, sigh…I am definitely missing the trails and the adventures!
Our reunions used to be at different places in the US, but recently they’ve been in the community where my mom and her siblings grew up. That’s fine with me since my mom still lives there and I visit her for a week each summer. Arkansas would be hot in the summer!
Your hiking adventures look like a lot of fun!! Family reunions are great. We usually have one in the fall with my dad’s side of the family.
Totally agree with you on planning your workouts ahead of time. It’s a must in order to fit everything in!
Fall sounds like a delightful time for a family reunion.
Oh my goodness, I love those pics of you falling from your cousins back! It reminds me of a time, not too long ago, where Tricia (MissSippiPiddlin) and I were kayaking near here campground and while we were trying to get out of the kayaks, I lost my balance and fell TWICE trying to get out. My white skort is still stained to this day!
Have a great week visiting with your Mom!
If only you had pictures of you falling out of the kayak… 😉
what an adventure! these are the best types of weekends! fun, biking, running, eating and laughing with friends and family 🙂
I don’t really hike. Once, though, I went to Geneva and a friend and I went to Chamonix. We took the tram up to the first stop on the glacier and then “hiked” down. I had no idea what I was doing. It was snowy and icy and I had on dr marten boots (I did say I had no idea what I was doing!). I fell so many times on my bum… the first few times it was hilarious. After about the 10th time not so much. My friend kept saying “I think it’s just about another half hour down”. For three hours. I wanted to pummel her! Then we got more into a woodsy area and it started getting dark. That’s when I lost it. I couldn’t see well and started to cry. I was cold and just wanted food and a very strong adult beverage. Then literally minutes after my melt down we were back in civilization. And right in front of us… a restaurant. Fondue of course (as you do in Switzerland). What a day. I can laugh about it now but man was I mad at her!!
My family does reunions but they are not the kind I like. I’m not into drinking, fighting and passing out.
No races last weekend – still training for the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Dublin!
Oh my goodness, your hiking adventure sounds downright frightening! I’m glad everything turned out okay!
Oh my goodness, every time I swing by here I need a little lie down just from reading about your activities 😉 Love that you met somebody from Instagram, that is so cool! And yay for family reunions – I have one coming up in September, though actually it’s strictly a ‘union’ as it will involve a lot of people who have never met… should be interesting!
Claire, it’s great to hear from you! Do you have any new thrillers coming up?