Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is resolutions….. I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Resolution – something that is resolved –
to make a definite and serious decision to do something
~ Merriam-Webster
I’ve become a little cynical toward New Year’s resolution as a result of years of working in a gym; and if you workout at a gym, you know exactly what I mean. January can get a little crowded with faces you haven’t seen in eleven months…
New Year’s resolutions mean:
~ Overflowing gym parking lots with people driving around for ten minutes waiting to get a parking space next to the gym door…
~ Long lines to get on a treadmill while watching someone walking at a 15.0 incline while hanging on with both hands for dear life…
~ Women breaking out their twenty-year-old spandex thong leotard and slouch socks or leg-warmers for sixty minutes of staying two steps behind throughout a far-too-difficult-for-them aerobics class…
~ Guys in shorts “way too short” jumping on the lat pulldown and adjusting the weight to exactly the weight they lifted when they were twenty because they couldn’t possibly have lost any muscle strength in the last twenty years…
~ Stepping over people spending three times as long pretending to stretch as they did on their actual workout…
~ Running out of towels at 7 PM even though all washers and dryers are running non-stop…
~ Standing room only in the Jacuzzi after a tough workout…
~ Long lines at the juice bar with people waiting for their well-deserved post-workout eight hundred calorie smoothie…

And then February hits; and hallelujah, the gym is back to normal for the next eleven months.
Don’t get me wrong. I love that people want to improve themselves, but I get frustrated by the number of people who just aren’t able to commit longer than a few weeks. My hat is off to those who set New Year’s fitness related resolutions, join or return to the gym to work toward meeting those resolutions, and follow through until they’ve truly made a lifestyle change.
So do I make New Year’s resolutions? The answer is no, but I do set goals – goals to improve upon my current level of fitness or to change up things within my running plan. You can see my 2015 goals in this post, and later this week I’ll be grading myself on how I did this year. Stay tuned…
Do you make resolutions for the new year? If so, do you keep them?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Renewal
I don’t belong to a gym, although it have, quite a few times, so I totally know where you’re coming from.
It’s annoying to the regulars, but at the same time I’m always happy to see people trying. Even if they fail. Because lord knows I’ve failed plenty of times myself.
Never, ever give up!
It always brings a smile to my face when someone is able to stick with their plan and continue past those first few weeks.
I’m gonna be at that gym ASAP! My experience with this was with the pool a few years ago. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WALKING IN MY LANE!!! 🙂
Happiest of New Year’s to you and your family, Deb!
Thanks, Anne! Happy New Year to you and your family as well!
I have made and broken many a resolutions!
I remember when I use to belong to a gym and HATED the New Year rush! I totally respect the New Year…New ME mentality but totally see how it also sets people up for failure.
I didn’t write my resolutions down last year (boo!) but I have a few in mind that I will write out and check in on monthly.
Happy New Year Deb!
Monthly check-in on your yearly goals/resolutions is a great idea. I do that with my clients and we adjust/update as necessary.
Happy New Year to you, too, Tamieka!
I’ve been making the same resolution to get up and move more at work for a few years. I’m still not successful, but I’m better off for trying. Happy New Year!
Good for you! When I’m going to be sitting and blogging for a while, I set my timer to get up and move around every half hour or so even if it’s just to refresh my water or go to the restroom. I’ve started blogging at my basement bar, too. It’s the perfect stand-up desk!
Happy New Year, Coco!
I used to loathe January back in the days when I belonged to a gym. The other place I hate to go in January is WholeFoods. As if shopping at a certain store will make you healthier…
Oh wow, I hadn’t thought about Whole Foods getting crazy in the new year; but now that you mention it, it totally fits into the whole “I’m going to get healthy” scenario.
Happy New Year!
Wendy, I didn’t even think about whole foods! That’s a great one. 🙂
I loathe January at my gym for many of the reasons you’ve mentioned! I don’t do resolutions either, but I do set new goals – working on those now.
Happy New Year Deb!
Good for you! I’m going to work on my 2016 goals later today.
Happy New Year, Michelle!
I typically do not make resolutions, but this year I had a bit too many cookies and candy through December so I’m resolving to clean up my diet and lose a few pounds!
Yeah, I could use a little refocusing on my eating, too. I didn’t make cookies this year for that very reason, but somehow they sneaked into our house in the form of gifts!
oh the January gym rats are so funny to watch! All decked out in their new gym clothes they got for Christmas! Ours is such a meat market! The best thing I ever did was quit the gym and get outside! Nothing like the pavement and some fresh air! Happy New Year!
I have to admit that I don’t miss the crowded gyms now that I workout in my home gym; and of course there’s no replacement for running outside!
Happy New Year to you, too, Mary Beth!
I am not a resolutions person at all! I totally dread the gym in January. I am all for people starting to workout just not when they take my spin bike!
HaHa – you need to make a sign for your spin bike! 😀
Oh my goodness! I Lol’d at #1 and #2. #2 is hysterical because it’s so true. They’d be better off vacuuming! Thanks for my very first link up this week – I look forward to linking up in the future!
Welcome to Wednesday Word! So glad to have you join in on the fun!
Hahaha I love this. That defines the gym 100% in the first couple months. I too will give people all the opportunity to get fit but get annoyed by the lack of dedication and excuses.
This is why I avoid the gym all together. Look for trails far off in the wilderness to run in solitude 🙂
When your only concern is a snake slithering across the trail in front of you, it’s a good day!
I had almost forgotten about the flood of new gym members until I read this! It seriously made me laugh then… I got to thinking about all that happens in the month of January and what all I’ll have to put up with…. Geeze, oh well at least it won’t last long right? Thanks for the link up Debbie I appreciate you having it and I hope you have a great New Year!!!
Reality stinks when you’re waiting in line to use your favorite piece of equipment, huh? At least it’s short lived.
Happy New Year to you, too, Tricia!
I made goals last year but this year, I’ve decided – no goals.
I don’t need to focus on specific accomplishments/
I just want to enjoy my life and running is part of it.
I like that!
That is exactly what is going on at my gym now! Last year Jan. was very annoying and it seems a lot of people started resolutions at Christmas this year. I don’t like a super crowded gym, it gives me a reason to duck out early. I like to set goals too and I do a lot of tracking, which some poke fun at, but I have to track to know, right lol
Ah yes, I do remember it starting to get crowded the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Now that I workout and train my clients in my home gym, I don’t have that problem anymore.
[…] Wednesday I talked about Broken Resolutions and promised to let you know how I did on my 2015 goals. As you can see, I didn’t do […]
People hanging on for dear life on an overly-inclined treadmill…wow, I’ve never seen that before….or the short shorts you mention from our favorite male friends….good stuff Deb….Happy New Year!!
I was channeling my inner sarcastic John while writing this post. 😉
Happy New Year, John!
I know it’s really annoying for gym-goers, but I find reading their blogs this time of year very entertaining because of everything you wrote about. Just because we flip the calendar doesn’t mean you’re magically a new person than the one you were the day before. I don’t make resolutions, but like you I do make goals. I think making small goals to chip away at a big change is a great way to make that change a reality.
“Small goals to chip away at a big change” – I like that!
I don’t like making resolutions. Last year, I called them wishes. All of my wishes did not come true for 2015. I decided this year I’m not putting anything on paper. I just want to get through January and then re-assess. I do have a few ideas. You are so right about the gym! I don’t think the crowds last as long as a month, though. Happy New Year!
Here’s hoping that lots of wishes coming true in 2016! 🙂
Happy New Year to you, too, Holly!
Yesterday was my first weight training day for 2016 and my gym was PACKED! Like you, I love that people are motivated to better themselves but only if they are really committed to doing it! I hope more and more people realize how important health really is before they decide that working out is “just not for me”.
A packed gym means good business for your fitness center, though. Here’s hoping those new clients will stick around and become healthy permanent members of your gym!