It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. Considering I’ve been slacking since April’s coffee klatch, I’ll go first…

May’s/June’s Missed Lowdown
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I received the following text from my friend…
Can’t believe I have hit the age where friends’ kids are now graduating from college!
I replied with…
I can’t believe I’ve hit the age where store clerks automatically ask if I qualify for the senior discount. On the brighter side, on Tuesdays I get a 10% discount at Ross.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that the best time to eat ice cream is immediately upon bringing it into the house from the store while it’s soft from the drive home. I’d also tell you that I’m not ashamed to admit that on Mother’s Day Eve, I skimmed that top soft layer off and ate it directly from the container. 😀
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I sent flowers to my mom for Mother’s Day only I forgot to change the address to hers and I received these beauties on the day I was expecting a happy call from Mom. She got quite the kick out of my mess up and later scolded me when I resent flowers to her address.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that just out of the blue, one of my Cruiser friends sent Running Home: A Memoir (affiliate link) by Katie Arnold to me. When I messaged my friend Rich to thank him for his touching and generous gift, he replied that when he read the review he immediately though of me and some of the parallels between the author and me – both having a great love for running, having a very close relationship with our father, and the loss we felt after our father’s deaths.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that on February 25th contractors ripped apart our master bath for a complete remodel and finished it on April 10th! I was going for a spa-like feel. Do you think I got it? Here are a few before and after pictures…
Sink area before…
Sink area after (view from opposite direction)…
Tub/shower area before…
Tub/shower area after…
July’s Scoop
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that our family just returned home from a week in Southern Utah. The Southern Utah desert has long been one of Bill’s and my happy places so we decided it was time to share the love with our sons, d-i-l, and gf. We booked a house in Washington, Utah, rented a large SUV and together, explored the beauty of the area. It was magical sharing some of our favorite National Parks with our kids – there’s nothing like watching your kids experience firsthand something you’ve told them about for years.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that a deer came up on our front porch and ate my beautiful blue Wave petunias. I thought it was cute when I saw a deer hanging out in our neighbors’ front yard one day.
I didn’t find it so cute when I came downstairs the following morning and saw something had eaten my petunias – most of the one on the left was eaten and about 50% of the one on the right was gone. My security camera caught a deer standing on our front porch munching away at 5:34 AM just as I came downstairs. Most likely I frightened it away as I walked down the stairs and into the foyer.
Apparently, she was still hungry the following night (or didn’t like leaving a job half completed) because she came back to finish the job.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that since I did’t have anyone to watch Sissy while I was on vacation, I created a little terrarium for her to call home. When we returned, her hair was moist and just as green as when we’d left her!
If we were having coffee…..
I’d ask if you have a race coming up, and if you do, I’d wish you good luck and remind you to have fun!
Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup which goes live the first Friday of every month. Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in the linkup.
- Questions:
- If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?
- Have you ever sent flowers to yourself? By mistake or otherwise?
- What’s the latest book you’ve read? ~ I’m currently reading North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail by Scott Jurek (affiliate link).
I’ve never sent flowers to myself, but I have bought them for myself. At Trader Joes, where they’re cheap. But it’s nice that you also still sent them to your mom!
I would like to live in your bathroom. That is all. Actually, the before photo looks a lot like our master bathroom in TX. We really miss that double sink (and the fact that it was right off the bedroom, we don’t have that here).
Deer will eat anything pretty much. Luckily we don’t get them in our neighborhood. And luckily the rabbits can’t climb into my raised bed (really raised, waist height).
I love TJ’s flower prices – they’re so reasonable!
My back would appreciate your raised bed. It sounds delightful for planting and weeding!
Your bathroom looks fantastic! Enjoy every minute in there and soak up the relaxation. Your trip looked amazing. Traveling with adult children is so much more civilized isn’t it?!
Thank you! We are so happy to be back in the master suite and finally enjoying it!
“Traveling with adult children is so much more civilized isn’t it?!” – so well said! HaHa!
Love the new Master bath. Looks fab. I definitely need to do a master bath remodel at some point! Those flowers are gorgeous. Always fun to get flowers even if they were a mistake lol.
Thank you! We’ve been talking about remodeling the master bath ever since we moved in sixteen years ago! It’s good to finally have it behind us.
Your bathroom looks great! We have a big soaking tun that I only use for epsom salt baths! It’s too big for ice baths. 🙂 Your Utah trip looked amazing!
Thanks for joining up for coffee!
We’ve pretty much only used the tub for ice baths and you’re right, it’s really too big. We’re not tub people (I’ve only used the jets once), so I wasn’t willing to spend the money to have the old Jacuzzi torn out and a free standing tub put in so we just had the old tub refinished. It was what slowed down the process – I wasn’t thrilled with the company I hired to reglaze it, but in the end, it turned out quite nicely.
[…] Friday – Catching Up Over Coffee: Getting Older, Unexpected Flowers, and a Surprise Book […]
[…] been putting off due to lack of time and interest. I also had a few leftover projects from the master bath remodel which I wanted to wrap up – I didn’t, but got a little closer. Last up is cleaning the […]