It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. I’ll go first…

If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that yesterday was my six year blogiversary and to celebrate, I’m giving you the chance to win two fun Kudos coasters. A couple of weeks ago I shared step-by-step pictures of how easy it is to put together with a choice of six different background colors. Just hop over to yesterday’s post to enter to win!
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that not only was I gotten good, but my friend Betty was gotten as well! Last summer I asked Betty to babysit Sissy, the plant on the right. Sissy’s hair needs to be misted daily so I couldn’t leave her unattended while we were on vacation for almost two weeks. Once we got home, Betty returned Sissy along with the succulent in the center and mentioned that someone had given it to her, but she thought I’d enjoy it more. When I asked how much water I should give it, she said about a tablespoon once a month.
I diligently watered my new succulent on the first day of each month. Last month, it hit me that most plant’s tips eventually get a little brown and I was surprised that hadn’t happened to any of the succulent’s leaves. I pulled on a tip and it stretched a little rather than breaking off; and then it hit me, the succulent was fake. For seven months I had been diligently watering a fake plant!
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that Bill and I have signed up for two more bike rides. In addition to our Bike NY Five Boro Tour, we’re now riding in the DC Bike Ride and the Loudoun 1725 Gravel Grinder. Who wants to join us?
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you a little bit more about this cool pint glass one of my sons gave me for Christmas. It’s got the Boston Marathon course map on it and when I shared this picture in my Runfessions last week, a few people commented that they’d love to get one. I couldn’t find it on Amazon, but did find it on the Uncommon Green website.
It can be purchased in several different glass sizes; however, only the following marathons are available:
- Austin
- Berlin
- Boston, Chicago
- Honolulu
- Houston
- London
- Los Angeles
- Marine Corps
- Miami
- New York
- Philadelphia
- San Francisco
- Tokyo
- Twin Cities
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that this year’s Amaryllis is blooming and I’ve started watering a second bulb to bring it out of dormancy. Each Christmas our lawn guy gives us a planted Amaryllis bulb as a thank you gift. At the end of the summer, I stop watering the plants and place them in our dark workshop for the winter. Every couple of weeks starting in late January, I bring out a bulb and resume watering it so I have blooming Amaryllis flowers through April.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that next weekend is our annual Italian Dinner Party. Our good Cruiser friend Beth and her husband Tom moved to North Carolina this past summer and we haven’t seen them since they moved (we were supposed to get together at the beach in September, but Hurricane Florence happened). Since they’re now in NC, they’re driving up for the dinner party and I can’t wait for them to arrive on Saturday!
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that unlike the bike gloves I mentioned in my Runfessions last week, I ordered a tote bag for Jess from Facebook that was a home run! I selected the Airedale Terrier which in real life doesn’t really look like Pablo, but since the picture on the bag looked so much like him, I couldn’t resist. It took forever to arrive, but arrived in plenty of time for Christmas.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d ask if you remember that my medal from my Thanksgiving Day turkey trot was MIA. The race director told me that her notes showed that it had either been given to me or to one of my friends. I checked with everyone I could think of who might have picked it up for me at the awards ceremony but no one had. It ended up that it had been given to the lady who won the age group one group older than mine, and the only reason I know this is that she stopped by the running store to ask what she should do (she didn’t have the medal with her). One of my friends just happened to be working and called to see if I had mistakenly gotten her medal.
In the meantime, the race director ordered a new medal for me and even had my name engraved on the back!
If we were having coffee…..
I’d ask if you have a race coming up, and if you do, I’d wish you good luck and remind you to have fun!
Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup! Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in the linkup.

- Questions:
- If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?
- Have you ever watered a fake plant?
- Have you entered my giveaway?
Happy 6th blogaversary! And yes I’ve watered a fake plant
So I’m not alone? LOL
How nice that the race director sent you a new medal! I can’t see that happening here.
Your story about the succulent made me laugh. I bought one a few years ago, planted in a buddha head vase. I’ve NEVER watered it. LOL…it has to be fake.
Happy blogaversary!
Even though it’s become a huge race, it’s a close knit community so it didn’t surprise me as much – I would have done the same had I been the race director. Plus a church puts it on which makes it even less surprising.
Glad your Buddha plant is surviving!
I feel like I have literally fallen off of the bike thing. I have been using my Peloton a ton but cannot remember the last time I was on my outdoor bike. I will check out those bike events to see if any fit into my schedule! Thanks for linking up for coffee!
Oh, I haven’t ridden outside since late September. I only had a chance to ride my new bike a few times before it got too cold for this wimpy rider. It would be great to have you join us if it works out, especially the DC ride. I don’t think your bike and the gravel grinder ride in Western Loudoun would get along very well. 😀
Omg that’s hilarious about the plant! That happened to me once where I was AG1 but when I got home I realized I got the AG3. Guess I didn’t notice the bronze color in the sun. I never pursued getting the right one. Thanks for the info on the pint glasses! I think I need the whole World Marathon Majors set. I’m sure Marie Kondo is frowning on me right now.
“Marie Kondo frowning on you” – HaHaHa! 😀
Oh, that tote bag is everything!!! Love your sweet puppy!
Also, that amaryllis is gorgeous, especially against the white snow.
I am crying with laughter that you watered a fake plant. I have a total brown thumb and probably would have forgotten to water the entire thing and felt so good about myself for keeping it alive.
Isn’t that tote bag amazing? I can’t remember if they had them with pugs or not.
That coaster + those succulents are so cute! :]! I think that’s something I’d end up doing too (watering a fake plant). I wouldn’t put it past myself, hahaha. At least it makes for a good story? 😛
I used to have an amaryllis–they’re super pretty!
You should have seen my friend’s face when I told her it was a fake plant and that we’d both been watering it. We both cracked up and you’re right, it makes for a great story!
I’m doing the Houston Hot Chocolate 15k tomorrow! I’m looking forward to it so see if my hill work has paid off. I feel like I would totally water a plastic plant and not know for a long time. I don’t have an ounce of gardening knowledge like my mom does!
Good luck at your race!
The funny thing is that I have a really green thumb and still didn’t realize the plant wasn’t real. 😀
Your Amaryllis bulbs look beautiful in bloom! I never think of buying them during the holidays, but I wish I would! The fake plant! ha ha ha….no wonder it looked so healthy LOL
I wouldn’t think of buying them either if I didn’t receive one each year as a gift.
I know… 😀 😀 😀
Happy 6th blogiversary! That’s 5 years longer than me. The pint glasses are so cool, but I have gotten so many pint glasses as race swag, there is no way I could fit any more in my cabinets. Lots of trail races around here give them out rather than T-shirts. So funny about the (fake) plant! 🙂
I would rather have pint glasses over t-shirts up to a point, but eventually everything becomes too much. 😉 One of our popular race producers gives the option of a $10 gift certificate to their store or a race t-shirt. I think that’s a great option.
Bwahahaha, Watering a fake plant sounds like something I’d do, except I forget to water the real plants …. Love the pint glass!
Would you guys be interested in doing one of the Farm To Fork Fondo events? I don’t have a coupon code yet, but hope to get one. This year Shenandoah isn’t until September ….
Yes, please keep us posted on the Farm To Fork Fondo events! Is the Shenandoah ride super hilly?
THat tote is gorgeous!
Well done on keeping the Sneaky Succulent alive. That’s one I still might have managed to kill by knocking it off or something
How long are you in town for for 5 Borough? LEt me know if you want to try & meet up for a coffee or something.
We’ll be there for the ride for a few days and staying in NJ. I’ll keep you posted!
Great. The email that shows with the blog comments reaches me – my comment about being bad at email nonwithstanding. Let me know and maybe we can connect. Speaking of NJ, if your treatment works/leg is better and you need a shakeout I may do this if I don’t do the Great Saunter
Great, thanks for the info!
[…] Friday – Catching up over Coffee: Succulents, Marathon Pint Glasses, and a Giveway […]
[…] chance to enter and was thrilled when I heard that I’d won! The ornament arrived just after last month’s coffee date so I just had to share it this month! […]