Sleep Seems to be Ruling My Life I’m shocked at the amount of sleep I’ve needed since surgery. My goal for the past few years has been 7 hours per night, according to my Fitbit (Fitbit subtracts out restless sleep and any time I wake up during the night). Since surgery I’ve needed 8-9 nightly […]
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Category: Weekly Recap
Not the Workouts I’d Planned In the following 3-week Weekly RunDown post, I detail the events of a surprised diagnosis of a ruptured appendix and six-day stay in the hospital. Please feel free to skip from the first week’s Tuesday workout – my last real workout – to the final week on Thursday when I […]
A Winter Getaway Our Florida roadtrip is behind us and rather than complaining about the snowy weather in our forecast, I’ll focus on how absolutely beautiful the weather was during our two weeks away. Every day the temperature got up into the 70-80’s and sunshine prevailed. We were gone for 15 days and rode 7 […]
Learning to Appreciate Shorter Workouts When it comes to cardio workouts, I’ve always preferred long and steady over short and intense: long training runs over track intervals, marathons over 5K’s, long bike rides over hill repeats. However, last spring’s training for my first bike race had me doing shorter rides with pickup intervals and I […]
Fitbit Premium I purchased my first Fitbit over ten years, but have always used the free app. This year, a health insurance change qualified us for Fitbit Premium. When logging onto premium I discovered it includes coaching from Peloton, Les Mills, and a variety of other instructors. I had previously completed a few cycling classes […]
The Beauty of Snow Days I’ll be the first to admit that I love a pretty snowfall. Growing up in the mountains of southwest Virginia we got plenty of snow. I have fond memories of riding a sled without stopping from my dad’s dairy barn right down the middle of the gravel road to our […]
Dumb Luck Brings Me to Finding that Pesky 15.1-Mile Discrepancy Out of sheer dumb luck, I found the 15.1-mile cycling discrepancy between Strava and Garmin that I mentioned last week. I found it when I saw on my Garmin app’s year end review that I’d gone on a 15-mile run in September. No I didn’t. […]
Taking the Week Off from Work, Mostly I took the week off from work with the exception of seeing my 6:30 AM virtual client on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I usually see her four days a week, but she left on a cruise Thursday afternoon so my upcoming weekdays will start a little later. The […]
100 Miles to Go And just like that I only have 100 miles left to reach 5,000 miles of riding for the year. I told my husband that if I say I’m going to do anything similar next year to just stop me. I have the ability to get a bit obsessive about things and […]
Don’t Neglect Weight-bearing Exercise While spending so much time cycling last week, I neglected walking. Now that I’m no long running, walking and strength training have become my go-to exercises for providing that much needed weight-bearing benefit to keep my bones strong. As my Mom says, “Getting old isn’t for sissies,” and I’m amazed at how […]
A Shiny New Cycling Goal After Sunday’s ride I checked Strava to see how many miles I’ve ridden in 2024 and was shocked to see 4,246.2 miles pop up. I shouldn’t have been surprised considering we’d taken our gravel bikes with us on three cycling focused road trips in 2024: Florida in January, the Dakotas […]
Decorating and Exercise I can’t really say that decorating for Christmas is great exercise, but I certainly got my steps in while making multiple trips up and down two flights of stairs over the course of three days. Once home from Thanksgiving dinner with family, I started decorating and spent most of Friday and Saturday […]
Waning Days of Fall I tried to get outside as much as possible this past week because I suspect the weather isn’t going to stay this nice much longer. I made it out every day except for Friday when we got snow flurries during the morning before it turned to rain in the afternoon. The […]
Birthday Miles, err Kilometers For the last several years on my birthday – probably since the onset of social media – I’ve been running or cycling miles equivalent to (or an abbreviated version of) the number of years old I’m turning. Last year after a particularly difficult 66-mile ride, I decided there would be nothing […]
From Meh to Great With the weather continuing to be gorgeous (I think we’re on day 39 of no rain, though), my husband and I took advantage of getting out on our bikes. After about a month of feeling somewhat meh about riding, it felt great to get back on two wheels again! As we […]
Yes, I Count Gardening as a Workout I spend a lot more time gardening in the fall and spring than I do the rest of the year, and yes, I count those hours as workouts. We have a lawn service that mows each week (my husband highly encouraged me to give up that favorite chore […]
Busy Days of No Workouts I roll my eyes when my clients tell me that they don’t have time to work out, but after the last two weeks, I have a better understanding of what they’re telling me. I always thought they could get up earlier or workout after work, but now I realize that’s […]
Fall in New England First, then Virginia We arrived home from our New England trip where we enjoyed spectacular fall colors to a mostly green northern Virginia. Leaves are starting to turn, but it will be another couple of weeks before we see full color here. As with the past two years, we’ve set ourselves […]
Enjoying Fall Foliage This October marks the third fall my husband and I have traveled to New England to enjoy the fall foliage. We love riding on Vermont’s gravel and the focus of this year’s trip was a bike event in Peru, Vermont. Cycling along the rural gravel roads as the leaves reach peak color […]
Depressing Weather We saw the sun last Saturday at the farm… It was bright and beautiful, shining from a blue sky dotted with puffy white clouds. By the time we got home from the farm, it was nighttime and rain had moved in. We woke up last Sunday to a cloudy day with a few […]