Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is decorate… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

To add honor to;
To furnish with something ornamental <decorate a room>
~ Merriam-Webster
On Sunday, Bill and I will be hosting two Christmas parties – 2 to 4 PM for our MRTT friends and 6 to whenever for the Cruisers. It’s going to be a runner’s dream come true and you can bet that I’ve already got my decorating complete!
There will be decadent food to nosh, yummy drinks to sip, and fun running gifts to choose, then lose, then steal, and perhaps lose again. Hopefully, everyone will leave with a gift they covet or have a great story to share about the ridiculous running item they can now call their own.
And while our running friends are visiting, I hope they will enjoy the Christmas decorations we’ve collected over the years…

Photo credit: Bill

Photo credit: Bill

Photo credit: Bill

Do you decorate for Christmas, New Year’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, birthdays, or any other holiday? ~ I decorate for all the occasions I mentioned except Christmas and New Year’s are the same, and I only put up birthday banners if my sons are visiting.
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Giving
Everything looks lovely & I’m sure both parties will be so much fun.
Nope, as I mention, I don’t decorate.
Thank you, and you know it – runners are so fun! 😀
What beautiful decorations! Have a lovely time this weekend
Thank you! Bill photography skills enhance the beauty for sure.
Your decorations are beautiful! I’m still getting mine out..
Have a fun party! Runner friends are good for that!
With a bunch of runners, you know that both parties will be fun! The secret will be in getting all of my MRTT friends out in time to straighten up and prepare for the Cruisers. 😀
Your Christmas decorations are beautiful and Bill’s photography sets them off perfectly! I hope you have a joyous day of celebrations! We decorate for Christmas very early, right after Thanksgiving. But then we take it all down in time for Cora’s birthday on January 5. This year I went to the effort to get out our collection of Christmas mugs and they have been very well received by the family. It’s the little things, right?
Thank you! We do the same, we put up our decorations during Thanksgiving weekend and by the time New Year’s Day rolls around I’m done and want them down by the January 2nd or 3rd.
It’s absolutely the little things. One of my favorite decorating traditions is when my son and I each hang little matching doves on the tree. We did it when he was little and have done it together every year since. Now that he doesn’t live at home anymore, I set them aside waiting for his first visit home after I put up the tree. 🙂
Oh wow…what great host! I am sure your parties will be a blast!!
That is so awesome that you have such great running groups.
Our MRTT group is very stagnant ;(-I wish we were more active.
Love the decorations.
Thank you – I’ve had some of the decorations for many years and that’s what makes them extra special.
Have you tried organizing a special MRTT event? Perhaps if you plan a welcome run in the spring with muffins and fruit afterward people will come – food always attracts people. 😀 While you have them captive, organize them into running groups based on where they live or what time of day they run, pace, etc. Maybe that will help…
You have such lovely decorations! I decorate heavily inside, but my outside decorations are becoming less. To make it easier on me, I have pictures stored of each area so I don’t have to think about where things go. Sunday will be a big day of celebration! I know you will have such fun at both of your parties. Thanks for the linkup!
We didn’t put up any out door lights this year and only put wreaths on the front doors. I’m kind of bummed that I didn’t get it done, but at least the inside looks very Christmasy!
Both running parties were so much fun!
Wow, you do a really nice job of decorating. As for me, nope but I would like to. I blame it on laziness.
HaHa! There are a lot of other things I don’t do that I can blame on laziness! 😀