Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is determination… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

A quality that makes you continue trying
to do or achieve something that is difficult
~ Merriam-Webster
As I watched my little 4-1/2 month old son work for what seemed like hours to turn over from his back to his tummy, it was with determination that that he finally met his goal and proudly reared his head up and smiled at me.

As my sons grew older, I watched their determination to master the skills needed for many different sports continue. From shooting on goals to perfect their hockey skills to spending hours in batting cages to using ramps to practice over and over until they could jump over a bicycle in their inline skates, they never ceased to amaze me with their level of determination. They were both natural-born athletes and were willing to do what it took to perfect their sport.
Watching as they headed off to attend JRob Intensive Wrestling Camp at the end of Joseph’s junior year and Daniel’s freshman year of high school, though, was the ultimate in seeing how their levels of determination would pay off. JRob is an intensive two-week wrestling camp in Erie, PA, famous for being the most challenging and life-changing wrestling camp in the US. The culmination of two weeks of in-your-face-coaching, technique development, and live wrestling is a thirteen-mile run; and it is only upon completion of this run that campers receive their coveted JRob t-shirt.
During their two weeks at camp I sent care packages of snacks to supplement their meal-plan and to keep my two calorie-depleted teenagers from being famished. Both Bill and I encouraged them from afar when they got overwhelmed, and it was through sheer determination that neither quit like some of the other campers. They both gutted it out determined to learn everything they could from some of the best collegiate wrestlers in the country and proudly wore their JRob t-shirts home.
It is through determination that we accomplish our loftiest goals – whether sticking with that difficult camp, perfecting our grandma’s apple pie recipe, or getting that elusive PR. We dig deep inside, we push ourselves, and we don’t quit until we meet our goal. Whether 4-1/2 months or 86 years old, having determination is a great attribute.
How has determination played into your life?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Hullabaloo
Great perspective! Determination got me through law school. And the bar exam! I think sports are a great way for kids to learn the rewards of pursuing goals with determination.
Thank you, Coco. I’m sure it took a lot of determination to get through law school and passing the bar. Wowzers!
Great post!!
Wowsers that training is intense!!
It is so amazing how when we are determined…all things seem possible!
The human spirit is amazing g like that!
Thank you! I just replied to Coco’s comment and used the word wowzers and then I see that you used it, too! Great minds… 😀
I totally agree that determination is a positive quality. I doubt you’ll find many runners that would disagree!
Wrestling totally freaks me out! Our daughter was one of the wrestling managers her senior year of HS, so we went to some of the meets. I was almost having a panic attack…and none of my kids were even on the mat. That’s one tough sport!
You should have seen me at wrestling matches – I’d lean to the left or the right as I “helped” my sons turn their opponents! My husband and I were extremely involved in their high school program, and now we follow Virginia Tech’s wrestling team closely. They’re ranked #4 in the NCAA heading into the season! I’m sure your team is either 1st or 2nd because they’re always so good!
I never realized how determined I really am until I ran that second marathon. The first one I did because I thought I needed to run one. The second one was to redeem myself. I was determined to run the race I knew I had in me. And I did. Now I’m determined not to let menopause and age stop me from doing what I want to do…
Great word!
Training for a marathon definitely takes determination, and good for you for running that second marathon and redeeming yourself!
This was a sweet post! We are all so much more capable than we think we are we just have to want it and believe it
Thanks, Deborah! 🙂
Determination is what gets me across every single finish line, ha ha. That sounds like a serious training camp your sons went to! Kudos to them for sticking it out!
Agreed, it takes determination to get across those finish lines.
I’ve never done this word link up before. Sounds like fun. Hope to join one of these weeks.
We would love to have you join us!
Determination always gets preached as the defining factor for getting something completed and I agree to an extent.
I think it comes without putting an abnormal amount of emphasis on it.
I’m sure that’s a message constantly pushed at J-Rob but it wasn’t as much said in the U of I camps I would attend.
It’s a good message but same with long distance games it most likely takes less focus on the obvious to win.