Quick Overview:

  • Monday: Lifted
  • Tuesday: 7-Mile Run
  • Wednesday: Lifted
  • Thursday: 15-Mile Bike Ride
  • Friday: Lifted and 15-Mile Bike Ride
  • Saturday: Watched the 2016 Olympic Trials Marathon (Does that count as a workout?)
  • Sunday: Run Your Heart Out 5K


Tuesday morning we woke up to beautiful snow – the kind that actually sticks to tree branches and creates a winter wonderland. With temperatures threatening to rise and turning the snow to rain, I headed out early to enjoy the beauty. 

I usually run first and take my GoPro pictures at the end of my run while doing a few strides; however, I knew if I didn’t mix it up and take my pictures at the beginning of my run, there might not be any snow left on the trees an hour later. Ends up it was a good call…


The beauty of the trail behind my house never gets old.


Bringing a touch of brightness to our dreary winter, the owner of our lawn service gives us an Amaryllis bulb every year at Christmas. This year’s version is in full bloom, and our previous year’s bulbs have been brought out of their cool dark closet and watered so they’ll bloom for us next month.


Saturday afternoon Bill and I watched the Olympic trials marathon on NBC. We were so happy to see the race covered in its entirety this year. I loved seeing Meb grab a bottle of water and pour it over Jared Ward after he crossed the finish line in third place as if Meb were baptizing him for making the US Olympic team. Not pictured is Galen Rupp, who made his marathon debut with a win. So amazing!


TV Screenshot

I loved hearing Desire, Shalane, and Amy’s thoughts on the race shortly after they finished. I so wish we could send four female marathoners to the Olympics so Kara could join the team! Finishing forth in the Olympic trials must be heartbreaking. 


TV Screenshot

This morning I joined my friends Melissa and Erin for the Run Your Heart Out 5K. I won an entry in the race a few weeks ago when I posted a picture to Instagram of me running in the snow on the first day of the blizzard.  I hadn’t planned to run a winter race because I get so cold waiting for winter races to start, but since it was free… Here we are waiting in the car because the air temperature was 15° F and the wind chill was 3° at start time.


I’m hoping to get my race recap up in a day or two. Stay tuned!


Weekly Recap: 

  •  Training: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Runs: Tuesday – 7 miles, Sunday 3.1 miles (Total: 10.1 miles)
  • Bike: Thursday – 15 miles, Friday – 15 miles (Total: 30 miles) 
  • Yoga: Unpacked my DVD’s from the box
  • Stretching: Most Days
  • Average Steps Per Day: 12,073
  • Average Hours Sleep Per Night: 7:09


♥ ♥ ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day!!! ♥ ♥ ♥



I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap.  Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!


Have a great week!

  • Questions:
  • Did you watch the Olympic trials?
  • Are you doing anything special to celebrate Valentine’s Day?
  • Did you race this weekend? ~ I ran the Run Your Heart Out 5K this morning