This past week completed week 8 of my 16-week Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training cycle for my OBX Half Marathon which puts me half way home! I was thrilled to be back on track with my running friends, and even though my track repeats and tempo runs are more of a solo event, it’s nice to see my friends in the vicinity.
My friend Tracy and I decided to meet back at the middle school track on Tuesday morning after finding the high school track gates locked the week before. Fortunately, all traces of goose poop had been washed away by the rain and other than being startled by three snorting deer standing next to the track, we had a relatively uneventful run.

I was scheduled to run a 1-mile warm-up and 1-mile cool-down sandwiched around 12 x 400’s with 90 second rest intervals and a 2:30 longer rest after the first 6 intervals. One lap around the track is just a tad longer than 400 meters and I used to let that drive me nuts watching my watch and stopping right at 400 meters. Now I just count each lap as a 400 and don’t sweat it. In the dark, it’s hard for me to easily see my pace so I make fewer adjustments as I round the track. My plan called for me to run each 400 at a 7:18 pace; and I hit them at 8:03, 7:53, 7:10, 7:49, 8:02, 7:34, 7:00, 7:03, 6:59, 6:57, 6:47, and 7:04.
Thursday’s run was a 7-miler with 4 miles at tempo pace – 1-mile warm-up, 2 miles at tempo, 1 mile easy, 2 miles at tempo, and a 1-mile cool-down. My goal pace for my tempo miles was 8:28 and I hit them at 8:51, 8:59, 8:58, and 8:21. Not great, but better than I’ve been doing on my tempo runs. Even though I ran alone, it was nice chatting with my friends as we stretched after our run.

Tracy and I schemed to head out a little later on Saturday morning and met at the W&OD Trail at 6:45. Bill was heading out on his bike as I got into my car to drive to the trail. He planned to ride in the opposite direction for a while, and then turn and ride toward us.
After running past the quarry overlook, our discussion turned toward the copperhead that was spotted there this past week. That prompted us to share a few more snake stories, and later on Tracy even saw a snake curled up alongside the trail. I missed the snake sighting, but I did pause long enough to snap a picture of this little belly-up mole and push him to the side of the trail with my shoe. It wasn’t until looking at the picture that Tracy and I noticed his little tongue sticking out.

Bill caught us in Leesburg and escorted us for about a half mile before continuing on with his ride. I was scheduled to run 8 miles and Tracy was scheduled for 10. We decided to make our decision at the 4-mile turnaround as to whether we’d turn and Tracy would run 2 more miles at the end, or I’d tack on 2 miles with her. I felt good so we ran another mile before turning around.

On our run home, we saw fellow Cruisers Vamshi and Amit heading toward us. As Amit and I were starting to hug on the trail, a biker came riding toward us very rapidly and yelled, “That’s dumber than dirt!” Oops, sorry! After moving off the trail, and making sure no one was coming our way, we posed for a quick picture before finishing our runs. Tracy and I finished our 10-mile run at a 10:27 average pace – I was scheduled to keep it at 10:48, but have been trying to keep my long runs at a 10:30.

Saturday afternoon we had an early birthday party for our son Joseph while he, Julie, Daniel, and Jess were visiting for the weekend. In addition to Whole Foods guac and queso dip, I put together a fruit platter for our appetizer. Julie’s family joined us and we had a wonderful afternoon celebrating Joseph while watching Virginia Tech football. Later, after dinner, we had a chocolate and vanilla ice cream cake, Joseph’s favorite.

Even though I didn’t hit my tempo paces on Thursday, I’m quite happy with how my training is going now that I’m off the sand and back on asphalt. I feel confident that cooler fall temperatures will make hitting my paces even easier.
Looking ahead to this coming week, I have a throwback race recap scheduled for Tuesday and hope to have my Shenandoah Half Marathon recap ready to post on Thursday. The storage on my MacBook was full this week so I couldn’t edit any of my pictures to prepare them for the recap and get it up this past week as planned. Fortunately, my favorite IT guy deleted a bunch of GoPro movies and other stuff from my laptop freeing up plenty of storage and I am good to go.
In addition to the runs I mentioned above, here’s a run-down of other workouts I completed this past week…

Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- Fall seems to be teasing us; what’s it like where you live? ~ Tuesday felt good, but then the humidity sneaked back in…
- What’s your favorite kind of birthday cake? ~ chocolate with white icing for me 😀
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

I’m also linking up with Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC for her Training Recap linkup. Be sure to check out how Courtney the other great bloggers joining the linkup are doing on their fall marathon and half marathon training.
I love it when I run in to my friends out on the trail. Even though I am a cyclist as well sometimes I do get caught up in chit chatting and I am not careful enough. You seem to be having such a great experience w the run less run faster, I may try it again if I ever do another half
It’s easy to get excited when seeing friends and forget where we are… It’s something I’m constantly working on.
It sounds as if your training is going well. As the weather cools down, I think you’ll find it easier to hit your desired paces. I only saw one snake this year and that was early on. Poor mole. My dogs like to catch them. Thanks for linking!
Thanks, Holly! If we could train on hilly trails in the heat and humidity and race on relatively flat courses on cool crisp days, we’d be golden! 😀
Favorite cake? White with white frosting, preferably a corner piece 😉 No racing yet for me…but stay tuned…I have a 5K (finally!) in two weeks.
The more icing the better so I’m with you on the corner pieces, and white cake with white icing is a close second for me. 😀 Yay for a race coming up soon!
My MacBook is ready to retire. I had to reboot it to even link up to Holly’s blog!
Good luck on your race. You’re a pro and you will do great!
My MacBook is seven years old so I suppose it could be considered an antique! 😉 It’s still plugging along, though…
Great week of training! That poor little mole!
Your fruit plate looks amazing!!
We had a little heat wave here this week…fall can come back any time now!
It’s supposed to continue to be warm here through the weekend, but at least the mornings are feeling a little bit better.
Happy Birthday to your son! That fruit platter looks delicious. I don’t have a favorite cake. I know one that I do not like is chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. I know, I’m weird.
You’re not weird in my book! I don’t like peanut butter and chocolate together. I though my brother and I were the only ones who didn’t like that combo. 😀
Awww is that little mole dead? Poor thing. You had a great week of workouts. I am a fan of RLRF!
Yep, he was a goner. 🙁 Sad, unless he was the mole wrecking havoc with my lawn.
That mole… and that little tongue! Aaawww. 🙁 A great week of training, well done! My favourite cake – I’ve got to say carrot cake, yum!! Happy Birthday to Joseph!
I enjoy carrot cake every now and then, too, but haven’t had a slice in forever.
Looks like a great week of training! That fruit platter looks so good and pretty too. It’s going to get into the 80’s this week. Hopefully, this will be the end of warmer weather. Moles are sort of cute, poor guy.
I was actually quite surprised at how cute that little mole was, even dead. Our warm weather is continuing through the weekend, but the mornings haven’t been too bad…
Omg that mole! Was it alive? I would have been too scared to touch it, lol!
The weather was getting fall-like but we’ve had a recent warmup that has been pretty annoying, lol. I can’t wait for things to cool down again.
Nice job with your workouts, especially on the track – I find those to be so tough!
That poor little mole was dead, and I didn’t touch it… I gently nudged it off the trail with my foot. 😉
It’s always nice to run into friends while out for a run! It doesn’t happen to me often but I love when it does 🙂
Greta job this week! It’s been hot and humid here which makes me sad because I really want Fall like weather to be here, like now! I got used to cooler temps when we were teased with cooler temperatures 2 weeks ago.
We have the W&OD Trail which so many of my friends run on, so it’s not unusual to see lots of friends while I’m out running. I’m a lucky girl!
I agreed, it’s time for fall weather to move in and stick around for a while! 🙂
We are back with summertime heat and humidity. We did have a fall tease. I so enjoyed it too! But to be honest, I’m ready for cooler temps but I need some new fall clothes. So this snap back to summer will stretch my wardrobe a little bit longer!
As always thanks for your support Deb!
You crack me up, Tricia! That’s definitely #glasshalffull! 😀
Nice fruit tray spread! That mole still cracks me up with his little tongue sticking out! 🙂 You really do have some of the most ‘social’ weekend runs I’ve ever seen!
Come up and run with me and we’ll make it even more social! 😀
The warm temps definitely make hitting workout paces a lot harder…I bet you’ll be just fine when its nice and cool!
oh, the poor little mole…hopefully he lived a good life 🙂
Thanks, this week was a little cooler in the early morning and my paces were so much better. 🙂
It seems like you had an awesome week. Running in to friends while running is awesome, Deb! How did you cope with the warm weather?
Fortunately, my body is still acclimated to the heat from the summer, so this unusually warm fall weather isn’t bothering me too much. Also, it’s been cooling off pretty nicely overnight and I usually run at 5:30 or 6:30 AM while it’s still cool.
[…] Photo credit: Tracy […]