Oh wow, it’s time to sit down once again and chat about things other than just running and training. We can meet at Starbucks and I’ll treat because I bought more gift cards to give as Christmas presents than I needed and have some leftover!

If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that hot chocolate has hit the spot a few times recently. I made myself a cup after both of my most recent races and it was so cold on Book Night that I bought one while shopping in Barnes and Noble. Hot chocolate is a special treat, and I savor every drop!
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that it been cold here in Virginia! We dodged a bullet and didn’t get the blizzard that hit the coastline on Thursday and only got about a quarter-inch of snow. Even though it’s too cold for it to melt, there’s none left. I think those winds blowing out of the west have blown what little we got into DC. LOL
If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that even though the windchill has been near zero and even into the negatives, my friends and I have been meeting for our early morning runs, and yes, outside.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I spent over eight hours taking down and storing Christmas decorations over Wednesday and Thursday, and still haven’t touched the family room Christmas tree (pictured behind the hot chocolate). It certainly seems like it takes a lot longer to undo Christmas than to set up for it. Perhaps it’s the lack of pending excitement.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I’m itching to run the Grand Tetons Half Marathon in June, but haven’t quite pulled the trigger on signing up. Bill and I have not been back to the Tetons and Jackson Hole, Wyoming since we honeymooned there many years ago.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that after a year of hanging onto this cool plaque, I gave it up at the Cruisers Christmas party. What was originally just another silly gift to be selected out of the myriad of wrapped presents for our gift exchange became the gift to take home. The first recipient wrote his name and the dates he had it in his possession on the back before he regifted it the following year. I was the third person to have the honor of displaying it for a year (I hung it in our gym). I suspect it will make an annual appearance at our Cruisers Christmas parties, and each recipient will add their name to the back.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d also tell you that my sons gave me an Echo (affiliate link) and two Dots (affiliate link) for Christmas. It took me about two seconds to wonder how I ever lived without Alexa. Yesterday, I went grocery shopping using my Amazon Alexa app shopping list and it was fabulous, mainly because I didn’t forget anything. Even if I’m in the middle of cooking and my hands are busy, I just tell Alexa what to add to the grocery or Costco list and BOOM, it’s on there.
And just for fun, I asked Alexa to tell me an exercise joke that I could share on my blog. She came up with, “How did the coffee get so strong? By doing the French press.” 😀
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I’m having my third and final (hopefully) gum grafting surgery on Tuesday. If you need me on Tuesday afternoon, I’ll be sacked out on the sofa groaning…
If we were having coffee…..
I’d ask if you have a race coming up, and if you do, I’d wish you good luck and remind you to have fun!
Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup! Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in the linkup.

- Questions:
- If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?
- How cold is it where you live?
- Are you racing today or tomorrow?
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
If we were having coffee, I tell you that even though I ran outside (in Iowa, none the less) every day from Thanksgiving to New Years Day….I have stayed inside ever since. The outdoor mojo has left the building (well, not literally LOL).
Good one! LOL
Who knew Alexa had a sense of humor? Good one!
Does she have any jokes about the weather? Brrrr
Oh, I’ll have to ask her when I get home!
Put off Grand Tetons til next year & I might join you! But then I’ll need your plaque, of course. 🙂
We only got about 4″ of snow, which isn’t much in these parts (not that I am wishing for more). It’s still very definitely here, and of course was on top of our previous little snowfall.
I love hot chocolate. Especially after a cold run! But hell has frozen over, because even Darlene is running inside & on treadmills.
LOL about Darlene running on the treadmill and hell freezing over…
I’ll keep you posted on the Grand Tetons Half. The summer of 2019 might take us to Colorado for a visit. Have you run a half there yet?
Technically I could probably do Grand Tetons, but since we’ve already planned a longer trip for July, I just don’t think it’s in the cards. 🙁 Because when/if I do that one, I want it to also be a longer trip — neither one of us has ever been there!
I haven’t done CO. I haven’t done much of the middle of the country. Skirtsports has a half out there but I’ve always been undecided whether or not that’s the half I want to do in CO.
We got an Alexa when they first came out and I never really used it. Maybe I should try again everyone seems to love it. And wow she even tells exercise jokes 🙂 It as been brutal out there this week!
HaHa, that’s the only exercise joke Alexa seems to know. I use her a lot for playing music from Amazon Prime – the Echo has a great speaker.
Wow, Alexa is pretty good on the jokes! I find it easier to take down Christmas decorations because there’s less deciding about where things go, but after we’re done we keep finding one more thing we forgot!
Yeah, same here – I found two Christmas champagne glasses yesterday.
I’d tell you I received a HUGE SB giftcard from PoPo. I’m going to see if I can make it last all year. 🙂 I’m coveting your snowman mug by the way. Speaking of Echo, we can’t get ours to sync to our WiFi. And we are fairly tech savvy. IDK what the deal is. I guess we need a kid to intervene.
Bill had a little trouble getting our Echo to sync to our WiFi, too. I think one of my clients gave the snowman mug to me.
Love that joke! My mother keeps her Christmas tree up year round… says it’s too much work to take it down! One year she added little ghosts ornaments to it when she had a Halloween party.
One of my neighbors does the same thing. He hangs Valentine hearts, Easter eggs, etc. from it as the seasons change.
I have an Echo but haven’t tried the grocery feature. Sounds like I need to figure that one out! I’ll be spending today taking down our Christmas decorations – definitely not as much fun as putting them up – and I don’t get any help from the kids.
Yeah, it’s amazing how the kids aren’t interested in helping after Christmas… Lists and listening to music are my two favorite Echo features so far.
Early mornings AND outside!? You and your friends are troopers. I don’t think I’m hardcore enough for that, haha.
That plaque is awesome! :]
Isn’t that plaque awesome? I bet my friend didn’t have a clue how much everyone would love it when he bought it! 😀
Happy New Year! I got an echo for Christmas, too, and also wonder how I lived without it. Ironically, Siri can probably do a lot of the same things but doesn’t have the same appeal.
Love the french press joke!
I’m so impressed that you guys are still meeting outside for your runs. This weather has been brutal!
Happy New Year to you, too, Kim!
Ive been in Florida but was supposed to fly home Thursday but the storm got me 3 more days in the warmth! Not madd about it at all.
Oh yeah, sounds like a lucky break unless you had something pressing going on at home that you needed to get back to…
We haven’t gotten on board the Echo train yet but it does sound fun!! I’d absolutely love to run the Teton half marathon. The hubs and I vacationed there two years ago and fell in love! I would seriously love to retire there. Good luck with the dental work …sounds dreadful!
Thank you! I had two similar surgeries last December and January and it’s not as bad as it sounds, although the first couple of days are rather yucky.
Come join me for the Grand Tetons Half!
Love that plaque and how it’s moving it’s way around your group. 🙂 Alexa sounds so cool. We’re always thinking of things to add to the list and then never get around to adding them. 🙁 Good luck with your surgery on Tuesday. Hope it goes well and the recovery is speedy!
Thanks so much!
Kudos on braving the cold and getting a run. I have been having my hot chocolate and getting back under the covers. Alexa is super fun!! Call her stupid and she says funny things.
I think I like your way of enjoying hot chocolate better than mine! LOL
[…] Saturday – Hot Chocolate: The Perfect Drink For Braving Cold Air And Fierce Winds […]