Several weeks ago I invited my Cruiser and MRTT friends to a huge group run to celebrate National Running Day. On Monday, my friend Kelley posted the following on our MRTT group:
Hold The Phone…. Debbie has agreed to show up in a SPARKLE SKIRT to Wednesday’s National Running Day Event…IF…50 of you ladies RSVP! Who’s coming??? You don’t want to miss this!
What I didn’t clarify with Kelley in advance was, “What counts as an RSVP – only yeses or all RSVP’s? At the time of our run we had 32 yes RSVP’s and 14 maybes. Being the good sport that I am, I considered 46 close enough and wore a sparkle skirt for pictures.
Yes, I drew the line at being the only one running in a sparkle skirt, but as my sparkle skirt friend fans told me, “It’s all about baby steps…”

A few of our friends hadn’t arrived at the time of the picture, but since we didn’t want to get too late of a start, we snapped away anyway. We had some serious celebrating to do since it was National Running Day…..

And we started our celebration with a jumping picture!

Daniel, Ravi, and I were the only three Cruisers who were able to make it. BTW, Daniel is my younger son. Isn’t he handsome? 😎

Next we divided into pace groups and took off!

And on his way back, Daniel saw a cheetah down by the creek when he crossed the bridge! Can you believe that?
It was a great day and I had lots of fun with my friends; however, until next year’s National Running Day, I bid you adieu, sparkly skirt!

- Questions:
- How did you celebrate National Running Day?
- Do you think Daniel looks like me?
- Do you sparkle when you run?
Your sparkle looks great! But um, I need more info on this cheetah sighting?!?!?!
HaHa, Courtney, I thought the same thing! When Daniel first showed me the picture I asked if that was a cow down by the creek, but he said it was a cheetah. I was like, “WHAT!?!?!?,” but then he said it was a sticker he’d added! 😎
Hold the phone! Stop the presses! Deb wore a sparkle skirt.
Daniel is very handsome! You did good.
If you hadn’t commented, I planned to email the picture to you! HaHaHa!!! 😎 Wasn’t Erin nice to let me borrow her skirt? She’s going to let me borrow a green one for my Ragnar Appalachians Relay “uniform.”
What a great sized group! Love the sparkle
Thanks! It was nice to have such a great turnout.
I’m by far the shortest one in the group photo, yet for some reason felt the need to squat anyway! So happy to have celebrated another National Running Day with you… Here’s to many more!
HaHa – you are adorable! Our MRTT chapter knows how to have fun, don’t we? 😀
I love that y’all were able to get such a large group together to celebrate National Running Day! And you in that sparkle skirt…. all I can say is you know what they say about blue sparkle skirts. They’re the gateway drug to more sparkle!
[…] on a weekday (the first Wednesday in June) I don’t plan anything more than a large group run. This year, after some prompting from friends, I added a sparkle skirt, and that got me thinking, “What else can I do to add sparkle and fun to next year’s […]
[…] More details can be found at National Running Day Demands Sparkle. […]