I’m linking up again this month with Amanda at The Lady Okie and Becka at Sunshine To The Square Inch for their Runner’s Tell All monthly linkup. Be sure to pop over to their blogs to see what they have to say on today’s topic, and to see who else is linking up.
This month, Amanda and Becka’s cue was to write about nutrition and fuel while training…

Generally speaking, I eat pretty healthy… Compared to the average American, I eat extremely healthy; but compared to my healthy living blogger peers, I’m much less impressive. Heck, I’ve never even tasted overnight refrigerator oats, I don’t always buy organic, I’m known to drink the occasional soda, and I’ve only recently fallen in love with kale.
Today I’ll leave the day-to-day nutrition to the experts, and I’ll talk about pre-run and race-day fuel; what works for me, and what I need to avoid.
For anyone that’s been hanging out with me for a while, either on the running trails or by reading my blog, you know that I have a thing about porta potties. In my opinion there can never be too many, and running around the curve on a trail, and seeing a porta potty ahead is a beautiful thing.
What does this have to do with fueling for a run? Everything!
It has taken years, but I have finally figured out what I need to eat (and not eat) the day before a big race in order to perform at my best. For me, performing my best means not having to stop to go to the bathroom along the way. And that starts with a “successful” trip to the bathroom at home before I head out the door for my run.
True story: I was running strong, feeling like a million bucks, enjoying perfect racing weather, and on track to run a 3:30 at the Baltimore Marathon, when it hit. There were no porta potties or bushes to be found as I did the “please don’t poop, please don’t poop, please don’t poop” walk-of-almost-shame past row house after row house. Finally I found a place to go, but by then I had lost so many minutes that I ended up barely breaking four hours.
Situations like that have made me analyze my diet to death!
- The Day Before:
- I’ve learned that I can’t eat any fatty foods the day before a race. For me, fatty foods choose to make a reappearance along the race course, and usually when there’s no porta potty in sight.
- For years we had pasta the night before a long run or race, but I’ve realized that I’m much more likely to have good race (i.e. bathroom) results if I eat salmon instead of spaghetti.
- High fiber foods work great for me. I usually have a large salad with baby spinach as the base with dinner the night before my race or long run.
- Race/Long-Run Morning:
- I start drinking lots of water as soon as I get up to get things moving.
- A banana with a small amount of peanut butter or almond butter is my favorite pre-run morning fuel.
- After years of using GU, I have recently switched over to Honey Stingers and find that they work better at keeping my bathroom emergencies to a minimum.
- I drink water while out on the trail, and if I’m running a longer race, I don’t take the sports drink offered unless I have tried it before and know that it will not upset my stomach.
Please keep in mind that this is what works for me. I know that most experts say to stay away from high fiber foods for the last few days before a big race, but if I did that there would be no bathroom visit that morning, and I’d be stopping every few miles once the jostling began.
Now watch… Because I posted this, I probably just jinxed myself and I’ll have to duck into the woods during tomorrow morning’s hill repeats!
- Questions:
- What are your pre-race fuel secrets?
- Has a “bathroom situation” ever cost you a goal time at a race?
- What is your favorite post-race treat? ~ chocolate milk
Previous Runner’s Tell All Linkups: My Running Story In 250 Words, ,Favorite Running Gear And Products, and My Proudest Running Moment.
Ha! I’ve only had one bathroom situation and that was at Shamrock in March because I mistakenly ate caffeinated honey stingers (which I NEVER do). My go to pre run/race fuel is an english muffin with peanut butter. It hasn’t failed me yet. And I try to eat totally normally the night before a race, I don’t really do anything different!
Perhaps it was the caffeine in the GU I used to take was the problem, since I do better with Honey Stingers and they don’t have caffeine.
I’ve also had issues with gu leading to an angry tummy. I’ve had some good success with Swedish Fish (I even ate them during my last marathon), but I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for something else. I guess I should give Honey Stingers a try, too.
I never missed a goal because of a pit stop during a race, but during my first full I made many a stop. It was not fun for me or my husband who had to watch the time tick by as he waited.
I bought Swedish Fish to try, but I didn’t like them. That’s too bad, too, because they are so much less expensive than the fuels you buy at the running stores.
I usually eat past the night before with no meat. But I have had chicken and rice with great success once! Pre-race morning I always have either a mini bagel or full, depending on race length. And I stick to sports drinks. I drank soley Powerade throughout my Okc memorial marathon and I had zero cramp or potty issues. I almost had an issue on a long run when I was first training … I had popcorn and raisinettes the night before. Bad idea!!!
I used to eat half of a toasted bagel with jelly for years, and I’m not sure when or why I switched to eating a banana with peanut butter. Since it’s working, I’ll stick with it.
You mean popcorn and raisinettes aren’t the fuel of champions? 🙂
Before every long run or race I have a whole wheat english muffin (with butter!), a banana, and coffee with skim milk. That digests pretty quickly and reliably. I used to have a cheeseburger after long runs or races, but have switched to the occasional Elevation Burger veggie burger (they have 2 choices, both tasty!). After last week’s long run, I ate more low-fat than I ordinarily would, which helped out my stomach for the rest of the day. It is still a work in process. And I must insist that you try overnight oats! You’re missing out!
Please share your overnight oats recipe and I’ll try them!
I love Honey Stingers, too. They work so much better for me than any other fuel. I tend to stick with toast, almond butter and plenty of water before a long run. Oh and coffee.
I don’t like coffee, which is a bummer since I understand it helps move things along.
I had the best race of my life after having fish the night before. I think there is really some secret success behind fish! I’m also a big honey stinger fan. I eat the chews and the waffles (waffles pre-run, chews during). No bathroom incidents during a race yet, but plenty of mis-steps training. Live and learn! I love having a cheeseburger after a really long race or run, but for normal sum-10 mile runs I will usually just stick to my regular diet with maybe some ice cream or a cookie thrown in.
Training is the time to have the mishaps and to figure out what works and what doesn’t. I haven’t tried the Honey Stinger waffles, but one of my running friends (that also has tummy issues) had great results with them this past Saturday on our long run!
I have this problem too, but fortunately it’s always during my training runs and hasn’t happened to me yet in an actual race. I’ve been able to somewhat control it by not having coffee before running and switching from gels to whole foods when fueling, but it still happens sometimes. Someday I’ll have it all figured out!
I guess the good news is that it’s only happened during training runs. Hopefully you figure it out before you have issues during a race.
Great post, this is very helpful. Even in my small running career, I’ve found that fueling is sooo different for every person and its all about trial and error. I like a banana or apple or Clif bar before a race. Plus I’ve been trying out a few different gels. Vfuel is my favorite so far.
Glad it was helpful!
I like sweet potato pancakes before a race. I was SOO incredibly horrified of having bathroom issues during my half I made sure I tested everything out way ahead of time! My last 5k I did salmon the night before, and I liked that a lot… better than pasta. I’m sure many people love pasta and I get why… but if I eat pasta I want the heavy cream sauce and all that goodness… and it doesn’t work well for me during a race!
Sweet potato pancakes sound yummy! Even pasta with marinara sauce is too heavy for me sometimes. Of course, it could have to do with my serving size! 😉
It’s so refreshing to see you talk about this, when I’m too shy to talk about poop issues on my blog. It’s real life, the real deal! I need to have a hearty dinner the night before but pasta just doesn’t make me happy any more. I often have a small amount of rice or another carb with some protein and veggies the night before. The morning of, I typically have a big slice of homemade wheat bread and a banana. I do love Gus though, haven’t tried Honey Stingers gels or gummies, only the waffle things.
Perhaps I should have a better filter, but like you said, it’s a real issue with many runners!
Part of my problem with the 50 mile race I tried in May was that the only porta-potties were at mile 17, 25 and again at 33. Umm….I needed one around mile 4 – not cool!!!
I have tried for years to nail my pre-race/pre long run meals/food and still don’t have a set plan. What works one time doesn’t usually work the next for me – one day I will figure it out!!
Seriously? The first porta potty wasn’t until mile 17?
My pre-race fuel trick is to eat healthy as soon as I start training for a race. Then, by the time the race comes along, I’ve worked out all of the kinks and don’t need to make any changes. I don’t bother with carb loading, pre-race pasta parties, or trying anything fancy the morning of a race. I just eat whatever worked during my training runs. It works for me, and it is way less stressful than trying to guess a magic food combo the day before a race. Also, thankfully it has prevented any race day bathroom incidents! 😉
My husband and I pretty much do the same thing. Our Friday night dinners and Saturday morning breakfasts vary very little over the year!
Good tips, Deb!
My first 1/2 marathon (I didn’t know much about nutrition) was almost a ‘poop my pants race’. Thankfully a porter potty came around and saved my pride!
I read an article that said if you drink Gatorade and eat GU that it is just too much sugar for your spleen to process and then the big ‘D’ hits! They say to do one or the other. I also think that the honey stingers or GU chomps can be eaten slowly, over the race rather than swallowing it all down at once.
I also really think that more protein and less carbs is better the day before a race! I know that doesn’t work for everyone but it sure has for me.
Thanks for linking up with us this month!
Yay for a porta potty being the in the right place, at the right time!
I agree, I think it makes a big difference that Honey Stingers can be eaten over time rather than ingesting them all at once like a gel.
I love Honey Stingers! The only gel I can tolerate! Thanks for sharing your nutrition routine.
You’re welcome! Hope it was helpful!
I really like honey stingers! It’s so frustrating when you are on pace and then lose minutes from a bathroom stop. It’s so good you’ve figured out what works for you and what doesn’t. I never used to like salmon, but recently I’ve started really liking it! Maybe I should try that the night before my next race. Thanks so much for linking up! Sorry this is belated… I was out of town all last week 🙂
Not only do they settle well in my tummy, but they’re delicious! 🙂
It is so tricky, and sometimes frustrating, to figure out pre-run fuel and what to eat during a run! For me, I cannot eat salad the night before a long run but spaghetti with a small amount of marinara sauce works for me. Sometimes I feel like what used to work as fuel during a run doesn’t after awhile, and you have to switch it up. Maybe that’s just me, though. I hate having to do the dash to the nearest porta potty (or the worried shuffle when there isn’t one in sight).
I’m exactly the same way. Food that used to work, just don’t anymore. Go figure…