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Road Trips Aren’t New to Us During the early years of our marriage my husband and I took several road trips across the USA. Our first one, just a few short weeks after we got married took us from Virginia to Utah for grad school. While living in Utah, we took a few shorter road […]


Staying Cool It was quite a week, weather wise… The DMV’s (the DC, Maryland, Virginia metro area) three airports (DCA, BWI, and IAD) reported 4 consecutive days of 100° or higher. That’s hot for us for this early in the summer and for that many days. I pretty much hunkered down inside for my workouts […]


Weekly RunDown: July 7 – 13 / Letting the Heat Dictate My Rest Leading up to the Race

Resting up for the Big Race With a race coming up on Saturday, my plan was to rest my legs just enough to to have a strong ride, but not as if I’d be seriously racing the event. At 66 years old, I’d be in the 50 and over age group and that leaves a […]


A Ride Around the Gettysburg Battlefield Back in the good ole days, I’d run in the Firecracker 5K on Independence Day morning with my running friends. But since 2020 I’ve traded in my red, white, and blue running outfit for a patriotic jersey and joined my husband and Dawn Patrol friends for a covered bridges […]


A Likely Story I had invited two new-to-gravel-grinding friends to join my husband and me for an introductory ride on a relatively easy gravel route (20 miles with only 1,019 feet of climbing). Neither were able to make, but we wanted a chill ride so we decided to ride the course anyway. After driving about […]


A Trip of a Lifetime In 1993 my husband received the Circle of Excellence award for his company which included a week-long trip to Maui, Hawaii for the two of us. With the help of my in-laws, we were able to spend our first vacation without children since becoming parents while knowing our little boys […]


Summer Came in Hot, Hot, Hot Thursday was the first day of summer and it’s already time to start complaining about the heat. Check out the the screenshot from my phone when I finished my bike ride yesterday. And it got a little hotter after that – the highest I saw was 101, but forgot […]


If I Can’t Run… If I can’t run, I might as well ride, right? And that’s exactly what I did, totaling 132.3 miles over four rides for the week. Broken down, they included one event, one hill workout, and two chill rides. Would I rather be running? Of course. Am I glad I love cycling […]


National and Global Days for the Fitness Enthusiast On my post this past Tuesday about Global Running Day, a reader asked if there as is a Global Cycling Day – little did I know, but Global Cycling Day had been the previous day. Catrina got me to thinking so I did a little research and […]


  It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, and complaining about our most recent injuries. […]


Global Running Day Through the Years and What’s on Tap for this Year

From National to Global Running Day Global Running Day, or National Running Day as it was originally called, is the first Wednesday in June. The first National Running Day kicked off in 2009 and changed its name from National to Global in 2016. Once it became a global event in 2016, lovers of running from […]


Beautiful Weather for the Win This week we were blessed with mostly phenomenal weather and I was lucky enough to be able to spend quite a bit of time outside enjoying it. The temps were warm, but not hot, and the humidity kept its distance. Rain came in the evenings and the wind was mostly […]


100-Mile Gravel Grinder Nationals: About the Event This was our second time participating in a US Endurance Gravel Grinder Nationals or Mini G event. Two years ago my husband I endured a 48° day with heavy rain and high winds while participating in the 39-mile Mini G on our beloved gravel roads. Loudoun County’s gravel […]


Memorial Day As we enjoy time with family and friends over a three-day holiday weekend, it’s important to remember that Memorial Day is a day set aside to remember and honor our military members who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. These heroes gave the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedom.   Overview of […]


Easy Week of Recovery With last Saturday’s Gravel Grinders Nationals 100-mile race behind me, it was time for a chill week to give my body some time to recover. My week included more time in the car than my body would have liked, but I countered that with lots of stretching. For exercise, I enjoyed: […]


Too Much Time Stressing Since registering 10 weeks ago for my first bike race, a 100-miler on gravel no less, it’s felt like I’ve spent every waking hour thinking about it. It’s been a long time since I’ve been competitive in an endurance event and I’m older now. Old people fret about everything! LOL In […]


Bike Tour of the Savannah Historic District As we made our way home from our Florida Coast to Coast tour, we spent two nights in Savannah, Georgia, a charming southern city neither my husband nor I had previously visited. Traveling with our bikes, it only made sense to tour the quaint historic city by bike, […]


Taper Mode After a 10-week training cycle, Saturday’s ride was to be our last mid-distance gravel ride before our big 100-mile race scheduled for this coming Saturday. Non-stop rain on Saturday had me changing gears and declaring that I was ready for the race, and a soggy and slippery ride wasn’t worth the risk. I […]


The W&OD Trail, a Longtime Friend I stopped during Saturday’s ride to chat with volunteers of the Friends of the W&OD Trail who had a tent set up celebrating the trail’s 50th anniversary. My husband and I have logged thousands of running and biking miles on the W&OD Trail over the years and enjoy supporting […]


  ~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscience of recent running, biking, fitness, nutrition, and life in general faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll […]