~ Runfessions ~
A collection of statements admitting
that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…


It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscious of recent running, biking, fitness, and nutrition related faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done!


I runfess:  I’m considering throwing out most of my old race shirts that I rarely wear or haven’t worn for years and put an end to my hoarding ways. Of course, the older ones certainly came in handy while writing my throwback race recaps! A part of me thinks that I should save them for a quilt, but after all of that work making it, would I really ever use it?


I runfess:  I hinted to my son that I’d love a Boston Marathon race course pint glass for Christmas, but I don’t drink beer (modern day hints include texting a link). He took the hint and bought it for me. Guess my margaritas will be a little larger from now on!


I runfess:  On the morning of New Year’s Day, my car was at the dealer getting its oil changed so I had to drive Bill’s car to my race. I grabbed my key fob, but the battery in it was dead (I rarely drive his car) so I ran back into the house to get Bill’s. The car said something like it didn’t recognize the key. I freaked out that I was going to be late getting to the race (I had plenty of time) and ran back inside to get Bill to come help me. By the time he’d gotten to the garage I was back in the car, trying to start it again. Turns out, I’d grabbed his key fob for my car, not his key for his car. What a nincompoop!


I runfess:  I haven’t run since New Year’s Day, but not because of lack of motivation. I’m hoping to get answers later this morning as to why I’ve had this nagging injury resulting in deep glute and hamstring sciatic nerve pain since the third mile of my Thanksgiving Day turkey trot.


I runfess:  I still haven’t made anything from my Run Fast. Eat Slow (affiliate link) cookbook by Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky; and I’m going to keep runfessing this until I embarrass myself to the point of making something… anything!


I gymfess:  Recently at a gym, I saw a ziplock bag full of  earbuds with a note taped to it saying, “Loaner Ear Buds – Please Wipe Off After Use.” My first reaction was ewww, but then I remembered that you used to be able to rent earphones on planes for watching movies, but then I remembered that they had foamy things that fit on the outside of your ears, not in them… I’m trying not to be judgy, but ewww!


I bikefess:  I ordered rechargeable biking gloves from a Facebook ad because the fingers are also warmed, something I can’t get with hand warmers. The gloves took about six weeks to get here and they’re not rechargable in the sense that I can plug them into a mini USB port and recharge them like my headlamp (affiliate link). Nope, each glove requires three AA batteries to operate.


I bikefess:  I’ve not been very good at riding my indoor bike (affiliate link) this winter, but I’ve actually ridden it three times this weeks, so there’s that!


There you have it, my most recent runfessions. Ahhh yes, it feels good to get another set off of my chest. See you next month in the runfessional.


  • Questions:
  • Have you ordered anything from a Facebook ad? 
  • Do you like beer? Margaritas?
  • What are your runfessions?




Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup.  Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up.


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