It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello!

I’m am choosing to go with Five Reasons to Run an Ultra, and I’m taking a fun approach! It’s been years since I ran the JFK 50-Miler, but looking back, here are my five silly reasons to run an ultra:
1. You have three black toenails as a result of your last marathon, and you want all of your nails to match
2. You want an excuse to eat snacks all day long without feeling guilty
3. You miss tripping over roots, running through mud and streams, and having some of the most amazing views while running!
4. You need a new belt buckle for your favorite jeans
5. You need something to talk about at cocktail parties
Today is the last day to enter my giveaway for a chance to win one of two George Mason University SMART Lab 3-D Gait Analyses. Complete rules can be found in Monday’s post.
To enter for a chance to win a GMU SMART Lab 3-D Gait Analysis,
please use the Rafflecopter app below.
- Questions:
- What is the longest distance you’ve run?
- Have you run an ultra, or do you have an ultra on your bucket list??
- Who’s racing this weekend?
Ha ha love #1-not sure that convinced me though 🙂
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…5 Reasons to love a Relay Race
CRAZY lol I love it. Super cute and funny.
Jenn recently posted…Friday 5 – A link up
Thanks, Jenn!
I’ve never run an ultra but I ran 33 miles in one weekend with a challenge once. That was tough!! But it’s definitely something to brag about at cocktail parties. Unfortunately, most of my “cocktail” friends think I’m annoying with all my running stories and missing toenails. lol
Haley @ Running with diapers recently posted…Five Reasons To Run Best Damn Race
33 miles in one weekend is amazing! Congrats!
i love this list. especially number 1! so funny. thanks debbie for linking up 🙂
Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC recently posted…Friday Five: Five Reasons to Run a Marathon
Thanks, Courtney! 😉
One of my colleagues is an ultra runner — she is my hero. I’d like to try one but have no idea how to get started (and this from the woman who swore off marathons this fall because the training took too long . . .). Have a great weekend, Deb!
Anne recently posted…Blogging is Hard with Teenagers but Running is Easy with Friends
Start with a long conversation with yourself, and then if the answer is yes, consider a 50K. I didn’t know 50K’s existed (if they did back then) when I ran my one-and-only ultra.
I actually do not like the idea of belt buckles for ultras. I get that they are unique and different, but really? A buckle? Maybe it is because I rarely wear belts and if I do, they are made out of rope more than leather (I’m classy). But anyway, I do like losing toenails!
Amy recently posted…Denver Rock ‘N Roll Half Marathon
Fortunately, I received a medal and not a belt buckle when I finished my one-and-only ultra. I guess I would prop the belt buckle up on a shelf in my library if I got one. I can’t see myself wearing one, either.
About 10 years ago, I’m working out at the local health club, and I’m chatting with a personal trainer who I knew from our kids wrestling. She explained how it’s possible to run an ultra if you have a reasonable marathon time. I’m thinking, “if she can do, I can do it….I’ll give it a shot” . She tells me to join forces with one Miles Haven, possibly the worlds finest running partner ( his jokes and stories are very entertaining). Miles (and friends) coach me thru my first JFK, in 11.5 hours, in 2008. I followed that with JFK in 2009, and Tussey Mt in 2010 (the most challlenging, yet enjoyable, race I’ve run). Thanks Debbie.
Miles is the best, isn’t he? I’m so glad I introduced you to Miles, and his running group; and I’m glad I introduced you to ultramarathoning!
I don’t think I could ever be talked into an ultra! However, I do know my sister is thinking about it.
If your sister decides to run an ultra, perhaps you could be part of her crew. She’d owe you forever for doing that! 🙂
Haha, have you ever run an ultra?
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Friday 5: 5 Reasons to run a Marathon!
Yes, I ran JFK-50 a month after I ran my first marathon, back in 1997. It was a pretty cool experience. There’s a link to my recap in today’s post.
Great list. A little funny and a little awesome. Dont know that I’ll ever run an ultra, but amazing accomplishment.
John @ run. geek. run(disney) recently posted…Five Reasons to Run Like a Kid | Friday Five
Thanks, John!
haha, I love t! I’ve never done an ultra – well I haven’t even run my first marathon yet! – but I’ll keep this in mind 😉
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Friday Five: Why I’m Running Marine Corps!
After this weekend you’ll be a marathoner! 🙂 I ran my one-and-only ultra a month after my very first marathon (the MCM).
An Ultra is what – a mile, mile and a half? Psh. I could do that.
My longest official run was 5K. Felt right to me. It felt good. Maybe I’ll run another someday.
No races again this weekend … but I’ll snack all day in honor of those who are.
Eli@coachdaddy recently posted…Go Ask Daddy About Whales, Insurance and Hoops
Eli, we visited my mom over the weekend, and I think I set a new record for power eating! Southern fried chicken, biscuits, gravy, mashed potatoes, etc… It’s a good thing I only eat that about twice a year!
Haha funny list!! Not sure if I have it in me for 50 miler – but never say never 🙂
Jennifer recently posted…Friday Five – Reasons to Run a Half Marathon
Never say never!
You’ve got me convinced. Sign me up!
Meagan recently posted…Marine Corps Marathon – The Finish
I’m sure there’s an ultra in your not-to-distant future!
It’s definitely on the horizon. But sometimes horizons are further away than they look….