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Ten Favorite Marine Corps Marathon Memories

This post first ran last October, but the Marine Corps Marathon holds such an important place in my heart that I wanted to share it again this year. Minor changes have been made to bring it up to date. Enjoy…     In celebration of tomorrow’s 41st running of the Marine Corps Marathon, I’m sharing ten […]


My Ten Favorite Marine Corps Marathon Memories

In celebration of today’s 40th running of the Marine Corps Marathon, I’m sharing ten of my favorite memories from the ten years I ran this amazing race.  Before I jump into those memories, though, I want to wish all of my friends who are running to have a wonderful day.  Run hard, run happy, and […]


Inspired To Run A Marathon

Perhaps it’s a cliché that I was inspired to run my first marathon because of Oprah and because I was about to celebrate my 40th birthday.  But come on, if Oprah could do it, surely this girl that had been running for years could do it.  And seriously, what better birthday gift to give myself […]


Marine Corps Marathon Recaps For 2009, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999, 1998, And 1997

Today is the 38th running of the Marine Corps Marathon, and I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of my friends running in this terrific race a fun and successful day. I’ve run this race ten times over the years and it holds a special place in my heart as my very first […]


Fall Is The Time For…  Racing!

It’s racing season!  I have no statistics to back this statement up, but it sure seems like the majority of marathons are in the fall… at least around here.  With so many of my friends doing a fall race (some are running their first marathon),  I thought I’d focus on running tips in some of […]


Lunch With Miles: My Coach, Mentor, and Friend

Today I had lunch with my coach, mentor, and friend Miles.  We met years ago when I worked at The Health Club of Reston.  Miles came to the gym during lunch to workout, and I would hang on his every word telling me about his marathon training.  One day Miles told me that he had […]


The Many Years of Yo-Yo Dieting

As promised, today I will start a three part series about my friend Betty’s lifelong struggle with weight loss. She describes herself as a chubby child and teenager. Throughout high school she tried many different diets, and as a result, she lost weight and gained it back over and over again. She always strived to […]


A Run Down Memory Lane

Today I thought it might be fun to take a run down memory lane… Except for a baby picture my parents have of me running toward them on my first birthday and a high school yearbook picture that I can’t find, this is the first photograph that I have of me running. I ran lots […]