You guys seem to enjoy my recaps from races I ran long before I started blogging, and I love having one place that I can put all of my pictures and thoughts on those races together, so I’m going to keep sharing these with you. Today I’m recapping the five years that Bill and I […]
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Tag: Montgomery County Road Runners Club
Yesterday I published Beth’s Paris Marathon Recap, Part 1. We left off with Beth in the early miles of her marathon. Here is part 2, in her words… At about the 9 km mark, I was happy to spot a familiar tee shirt “Montgomery County Parks ½ Marathon” being sported by a fellow DC […]
The Cruisers met at 7:30 AM on this gorgeous spring morning for our weekly group run. We had a pretty good turn-out, and I’m hoping more of our fair-weather Cruisers will join us now that the weather is getting nicer. 🙂 We ran eight pretty fast miles, and I was really happy with how I […]