Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers.
Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post.
Today’s word is dreams…… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Dreams – strongly desired goals or purposes.
“Qualifying for the Olympic Trials was beyond her wildest dreams.”
Everyone has dreams – some simple, some lofty, but all equally important to the dreamer…
Some dreams just aren’t meant to be…
- I dreamed of a sister
Some dreams come true…
- I dreamed of meeting my prince charming in college
- I dreamed of having children
Some dreams take longer than others…
- I dreamed of having a daughter
Some dreams come true only if you work hard for them…
- I dreamed of helping people become healthier
- I dreamed of one day running a marathon
- I dreamed of qualifying for Boston
And some dreams are only that – dreams; but fun to pretend that they might come true…
- I dreamed of running into Olympic Stadium to wildly cheering fans and pulling ahead in the last twenty meters to win the Olympic Marathon
My friend Mary recently had a dream come true – one of those dreams that she really had to work hard for. You know, like qualifying for Boston. But before I tell you about that, let me tell you about the very first time we met.
On a very cool early morning in April last year, Mary and I went on our first run together. In fact, it was the very first time we met. I think there were about six of us MRTT ladies out there that morning for our first weekday morning training run. It was a cool morning and I had on my long sleeved Boston Marathon shirt.
As we finished up our run and were stretching, Mary said that she’d forgotten my name because when we were introduced earlier, she was blinded by my Boston shirt. Little did I know how much she dreamed of running Boston some day.
Over the course of the summer, Mary, our friends, and I spent many humid summer mornings bringing up the hot sun while going on tempo runs, long runs, and doing hill repeats together until she and her family moved to Colorado.
Even after running miles and miles together, Mary never mentioned to me that her secret dream was to qualify for Boston. That’s because she hadn’t said it out loud – she now says she hadn’t had the courage to commit. Then one day, either while reading her blog Taming the Thorsons, or looking at her Instagram account, I saw it. Mary’s secret dream was to run Boston, and now it was out there for the world to know; and, to make Mary work a little harder.
On Sunday, Mary qualified for Boston at The Colorado Marathon in Fort Collins. I am beyond thrilled for her, and can’t wait to follow her journey during these next eleven months. Mary wrote about her experience in A Dream Come True, and if you love race recaps, check it out. She takes you on her journey from her secret dream, through her hard work to make it happen, and to the moment her dream came true.
What have been your wildest dreams?
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Next Wednesday’s Word: Challenging
A wonderful story. Congrats to Mary. It took me a long time to have a daughter too. I’d like to win a waterskiing championship when I’m 90. I guess I could run Boston that year too. Ha ha.
I love your waterskiing dream, and when you want it to happen!
How funny that we both wrote about Boston! It’s been my secret dream for a while, but now it’s out there for everyone to see.
For everyone to see, and to encourage you along the way!
Very cool story!! That’s amazing that she qualified in CO! That’s not an easy course! Dreams do come true. Boston is my dream too, I hope I make it there someday!
Best wishes while reaching for your BQ dream!
I love this! MRTT love is the best. Good luck to Mary can’t wait to see you crush it
I’ve met so many amazing women through MRTT, and Mary is one of them! 🙂
Congrats to Mary! That’s an awesome story!
Great story! Congrats to Mary!
What an awesome story. Congrats to Mary!!
I am still dreaming about crossing the finish line at my first marathon 🙂
[…] Deb for the […]
what an awesome story – going to read her race recap now 🙂 thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome! I think you’ll love her recap.
Mary’s story is so inspirational!!! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to her!!! BQing is one of my dreams, too, so it’s wonderful to see others achieve their dreams.
Love your list and love how you’ve got it split out across the different categories of things that take time, things that require hard work, etc. Thanks for hosting this linkup!!!
Thank you, and you’re welcome. Here’s to reaching your BQ dream!
LOVE this!! And so proud of our girl.
Thanks Erin!!! You guys are all the ones that encouraged me to go for it!
Thanks, Erin! During this past week while thinking about my approach to the word dream, I decided to share May’s Boston shirt story. I couldn’t believe the timing when she posted her recap, and that she’d BQ’d!
Great story and how exciting for Mary! Congratulations to her!!
Wow! Congrats to your friend, Mary. Loved this weeks theme, Deb.
Mary is amazing! Can’t wait to see how you tackled the word challenging!
Dreams that come true as a result of hard work and determination are the best ones. Thanks for sharing Mary’s story! I’m headed over to read her race recap now 🙂
Yes, check it out. She’s such an amazing runner, and all around great person!