I’m one of those weird people that loves to workout. Please don’t hate me! I love running and I really do enjoy lifting weights. I like yoga if I’m in a class, but I’m not disciplined enough to do it on my own. I need to find a short beginner/intermediate yoga DVD to get me back into it. Any suggestions? I should stretch more consistently, but it’s what goes when I’m in a rush. Like I haven’t heard this before from my clients… I love my foam rollers and sometimes they replace time that I should be stretching. I promise to get better and not be the person that says, “Do as I say, not as I do!”

Monday – lift weights

Tuesday – cross-train on my stationary bike

Wednesday – run with my BFF Susan and lift weights later in the day

Thursday – cross-train on my stationary bike

Friday – lift weights, soon hopefully add a mini yoga session

Saturday – long run with my Cruiser buddies

Sunday – recovery run with my BFF’s Susan and Shawn


  • Questions:
  • Which do you like better, running or lifting weights?
  • Do you have any recommendations for a short yoga DVD?
  • How many days a week do you workout?