Last night I got the BEST. NEWS. EVER!  Julie called to tell me that there will be a Hokie Half Marathon on September 15.  I think I will start packing now.  I’m THAT excited!  I only have a maroon VT running shirt so I think I need to buy a white or orange one to go with these shorts that Joseph and Julie gave to me for my birthday.



I’ll need to pack my VT visor…



And of course I’ll need to pack my VT sunglasses!



If you would like to run in this race with me, you can register for it on (there’s also a 5K).   I’m looking forward to running another race with Julie and her roommates, and hopefully Meagan!  Of course, I haven’t checked with Meagan yet; I just hope her schedule is open that weekend!  How could she not want to run with me if I’m wearing those cool sunglasses?

The race expo will be at The Inn at Virginia Tech.  The expo is described as having “all sorts of VT wear and also all things running.”  I will be in the happiest girl in the world because my two favorite things will be in one spot… Running stuff and Hokie stuff!


The Inn at Virginia Tech

The race course will follow local roads for about four miles, and then it will run along the Huckleberry Trail for several miles.  Bill and I love running on the Huckleberry Trail when we’re in town for football games, so I’m very excited that a good part of the race will be on this beautiful trail.


The Huckleberry Trail


Christiansburg end of the Huckleberry Trail

Did I mention that all finishers will receive a Hokie Bird Half Marathon finisher’s medal?  What’s not to love about this race?  🙂


  • Questions:
  • Do you have your fall race schedule set up?
  • Should I get a white or orange shirt to wear with my VT shorts?
  • Do you have sunglasses as cool as mine?