This morning Bill and I are driving to the Outer Banks for a few days of rest and relaxation!  To get you in the mood for our vacation, I thought I’d post a few of my favorite beach running pictures from previous years.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, I will run with just about anybody or anything!  Bill snapped this picture of me as I was passing the horses.  Obviously these guys were taking their walk-break in their Galloway Run-Walk-Run training program, so I was able to pass them!



Last year while heading out for an early morning run, we saw this group of horses flying down the beach.  I tried to recruit them to join the Cruisers, but they didn’t stop long enough to listen to my sales pitch!



This stallion was the fastest of the group, and right after I took the above picture, he took off and ran ahead of everyone else.



Bill caught me at mile five of my fourteen-mile run back in 2010.  The tide was high by the time I finished (stupid mistake starting so late) and I had to run the last three miles in deep sand with water and sea foam slapping at my feet…  Never again!



Here’s what my shoes looked like when I finished.  These shoes were never the same!


Sea foam covered Asics

I caught Bill at low tide on another early morning run.  When we are at the beach, our run start times are determined by low tide since we have to run on the beach… unless we want to drive to town where the roads are paved.



One day we drove up the beach to False Cape State Park for a little solitude while running.  Very minimal permit-only traffic is allowed on that part of the beach.  We saw a park ranger while on our run, and she pointed out where a sea turtle had laid eggs the night before.  The ranger was in the process of putting yellow ribbon around the nest.


Sea turtle nest

Shortly after seeing the park ranger, I snapped the picture of Bill crossing a dune and heading toward the sound.



I’m hoping to get some good runs in while we’re at the beach this week, too.  Low tide will be at 5:13 and sunrise will be at 5:45 tomorrow morning.  Do I really want to get up that early for a run while on vacation?  We’ll see!  There’s a 60% chance of thunder storms so that may be the determining factor.

Since we left Daniel, Joseph, and Julie behind; Julie will be a guest writing for my blog tomorrow and Friday.  She has two fun posts in the works that I know you’ll love!  See you back on Saturday, if not before.  It might be hard to stay away from you guys!


  • Questions:
  • Do you research running trails, local weather, etc. before going on vacation?
  • Where was your favorite vacation run?
  • Have you entered my Born To Run giveaway today?