Last week in Becoming A Runner, Part 2, I mentioned a phrase that I often use with my clients.

We are going to trick your body into adapting to your new exercise routine by making the routine a little more difficult each time we meet.


After I wrote that, I started thinking about some of the other things that I say to my clients regularly and came up with…

I don’t want you to be so sore that you can’t walk tomorrow, but I want you know that you worked out.  I want your muscles to be a ‘happy sore.’LungeWithCurls

My clients particularly like this quote…

If I can’t demonstrate it, you don’t have to do it.

I thought it would be fun to do a post on some of my memorable, if not particularly motivational quotes,  so I sent an email out to my clients and Cruisers asking for quotes that they’ve heard me say.  Here’s what I got…

Watch your range of motion.  You are going to overextend and you’ll blame me when you can’t move tomorrow, so shut up and stop talking!  (my client added: of course you say it nicely!)



The slower you go the better the burn.

The Cruisers see a slightly different Deb than my clients do.  I’ve always said, “If you really want to get to know someone, go on a twenty-mile run with them.”  Here are what they sent…

It’s okay to walk.


We stop at all porta-potties.


I have to go to the bathroom, again!


A long run is defined as more 10 miles or more.


Always look for poison ivy when you stop to pee.


You’re not supposed to wear cotton underwear under your lined running shorts.

  • Questions:
  • What are your “not-so-memorable” quotes?
  • Do you wear underwear under your lined running shorts?
  • Who’s ready for fall?

Source for all images.