It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run!

Each week Courtney, Cynthia, and Mar either suggest a theme for that week’s Friday Five Linkup, or leave it up to individual bloggers to come up with their own Free Friday theme.
The goal of the linkup is to introduce bloggers and readers to other blogs, so if you choose to linkup, check out the other bloggers participating. Also, please pop over to Courtney’s, Cynthia’s, and Mar’s blogs to see what their thoughts are on this week’s Friday Five; and to see which other bloggers are joining in on the fun!
This week’s theme is Friday Favorites…
2. I bought these amazing Road Runner Sports High Five Pocket Shorts to wear in the Firecracker 5K. I bought them because they were blue, but love them because of many great features. They have two zippered pockets in the front, a Velcro pocket in the back and two inside pockets. The wick-away fabric, reflective markings, and five-inch inseam are just another reason these shorts have quickly become my favorite pair!

- Questions:
- What’s your Friday favorite?
- Have you tried PicStitch or FitSnap?
- Have you been positively effected by the brief summer cool-down?
That salad looks delicious! I’m totally loving all the fresh fruits & veggies right now as well. If I could get all my nutritional needs from fruit I’d be a happy camper! 😉
I use PicStitch and FitSnapp and love them both!
PicStitch looks cool! I may have to try that. I’m not on Instagram – maybe I should be. Love your workout photos too. Have a great weekend!
Several of the people I follow on Instagram use it, so I decided to give it a try. It’s easy to use and fun!
Deb, I LOVE your Friday Five list! Okay, so my Friday Five Favorites today are my running songs, including that stupid “Fancy,” by Iggy Azalea that I can NOT get out of my head. This weather has been amazing; I’m afraid I’m going to be in for a rude awakening in a few days. I JUST installed Fit Snap last night, and I’m looking forward to trying it out; thank you for sharing Pic Stitch; it looks better than the one I’ve been using and I will definitely check it out! Great post! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks! Yes, when our “normal” weather returns, I’m going to be bummed! Hope you have a great weekend, too!
Yes, we’ve had cooler weather here in western NC and made for a perfect long run! Hooray! We’ve been eating tons of fresh spinach salads. Adding fruits, veggies, blue cheese…mmmm yes please! Glad I found your blog through the Friday five link up! I look forward to following you. 🙂 happy Friday!
Thanks for checking out my blog! I’ll pop over and say hi, too.
I hadn’t heard of that pic app thanks! We have had gorgeous weather here haven’t we?! I also love all of my new road runner clothes. Happy Friday!
We have a new Road Runner Store that opened up nearby this spring. It’s nice to see their stuff in person instead of ordering online, and they’re sooooo nice!
I am downloading FitSnapp ASAP! I have a number of friends who use it and it’s so cool! Hope you have a great weekend — enjoy some cool running!
Thanks, Anne, you too!
I use InstaCollage for my collages and I use FitSnap to caption my runs and post to Instagram.
I haven’t tried InstaCollage. I only heard about PicStitch this past week from two different friends.
The weather. LOVING it! It’s absolutely perfect.
I was fortunate enough to be able to stay outside all day today. I was working in my yard, but at least I was outside!
i LOVE your instagram photos. i really do need to check out fitsnap. i love how clean it looks. and that salad looks great. i love spinach, kale, swiss chard — basically any leafy green veggie is a friend of mine 🙂
You’ll have a lot of fun with FitSnap!
Ok don’t rub it in with the beautiful weather. It’s deathly hot out here in AZ. I’m going to check out those apps, they look awesome.
Hope you enjoy the apps! By the way, the humidity here is usually awful, so the lack of humidity has been amazing!
That salad looks amazing. Thanks for the tip for the apps I am going to check them out. I am always on the lookout for a good running short, so going to check them out too! Love that they have lots of pockets.
I was thrilled to find shorts with a zippered pocket for my car key.
And yes, that salad is amazing!
I have never heard of FitSnapps. I’ll have to check it out!
I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun with it!
This week was the perfect week for a drop in the temps!! It made it possible for my sis-in-law and I to enjoy our morning runs (not super early) and then spend hours by the pool!!!
And from Instagram I see that you’re enjoying a cocktail or two! Running in the cool summer morning, relaxing in the afternoon with a good friend and a drink sounds lovely! I think you and I would get along beautifully! 🙂
Oh that salad looks amazing!! I love red peppers. So yum!
I hadn’t made it for several years, and just this summer added it back into our mix! It is delicious!
I have both of those apps and love them! Although I don’t use the collage app that much for some reason :/ And OMG, I can’t believe I ‘m not in DC right now during this polar vortex!! I’m up in Boston and it’s been rainy and awful! So bummed!! Enjoy!
So bummed that you’re having horrible weather on vacation while it’s been so beautiful here.
I haven’t tried Picstitch or Fitnsnap – I wonder if they have Android versions. And YES to this amazing weather!
This has been one of the longest “cool snaps” that I can remember us having during the summer, and I’m loving every second of it!
The salad looks SO good! I wish Fitsnap made an Andriod app, only iOS… so far 🙂
Oh, bummer.
The weather has been amazing this week, hasn’t it!? This morning it was 60 degrees and raining during my long run. It felt more like April than July! I’m loving this low humidity. I also love that you bought those shorts just for the 5K and they have since turned into favorite shorts 🙂
Yum, that salad looks delicious!
I hope your rain is headed our way. It’s gotten very dry here.
I hope y’all got some rain. It has been dry here, too. Most people only got one cutting of hay this summer!
We didn’t get much rain, mostly drizzle overnight on Saturday and then a little more drizzle this morning.
I wondered how people put cute collages on FB from their phone – I bet it’s PicStitch. Thanks for the tip Deb! I’m loving all the yummy veggies too – Tuesday is my happy day because it’s my CSA pickup 🙂
You’re welcome!