On Thursday I picked up my race packet for the Firecracker 5K in Reston Town Center. Packet pick-up was at Potomac River Running and I got in and out in a breeze!
Since last year’s shirt was a little tight, I ordered a medium this year and it fits perfectly. The color is a dark slate even though it looks black here. I addition to the shirt, we got a cute little race pin (on bib) which seems to be a signature feature of =PR= Races.

Here’s a close-up of the pin.
Race morning we woke up to rain from the outer bands of Hurricane Arthur that had skirted our area overnight. By 7 AM it was heading north, leaving in it’s wake absolutely gorgeous weather! The temperature was about 68° when we left our house, and even though it got warmer when the sun came out, the humidity seemed to drop a little as the morning progressed.
Bill and I met my local chapter MRTT friends at 7:25 for a group picture before we headed out for a short warm-up run.
And this is how excited we were that we got to go on an easy run together before we each ran our own race!
Bill joined us for our ten-minute run along part of the race course before we headd back to Fountain Square for our next engagement… another photo.
At 7:45 we joined other MRTT ladies for a multi-chapter photo! It’s so cool having such a good MRTT showing at local races!
My new running friend Anne who blogs over at Mom and Dad Track Stars and I had been trying to find each other for about 15 minutes when we finally found each other at the starting line. Erin read both Anne’s and my blogs before she met either of us, so we were kind enough to let her get a celeb picture with us.
I worked my way up toward the front of the sea of runners, but once again probably didn’t move quite far enough because when the race started I had to weave my way around runners for about a quarter mile. I don’t want to get in front of runners who I will slow down, but I really do need to have more confidence in my pace and know that I belong even closer to the front in a 5K.
Approximately 2,200 runners showed up for this 5th annual race, and this picture shows participants stretching all of the way back to where the street meets the sidewalk heading into Fountain Square.
The cutest little drone was flying over our heads taking pictures before the start of the race. After a beautiful rendition of The National Anthem and presentation of the colors by the Herndon High School ROTC, we were off!
As I mentioned, I jockeyed around other slower runners for at least my first quarter mile, and continued to pass far more runners than passed me. By the time I pulled over to snap a quick picture of the water stop and volunteers, the crowds were thinning and I felt very comfortable. This particular spot is at the beginning of a sweet downhill stretch that I enjoyed very much!
About a half mile after the water stop, I heard a female say my name as she passed me, and it was Mary. Soon after, Kathy passed me, but I was able to keep her in my sights (but never catch her) for the rest of the race.
While I was getting passed by two of my running besties, the overall winner was crossing the finish line! It was a fast course and Deme Dereje finished in 14:35 with an average pace of 4:42!
Shortly afterward, Etaferahu Temesgen was the first women to cross the finish line with a time of 16:25 (5:18 pace).
I finished in 24:19 (7:50 pace) which put me in 3rd place out of 46 in my age group (84th out of 1,212 females). Even though I was 30 seconds slower than at the Fit Foodie 5K two weeks ago, I was very happy with my time because I shaved 1:39 off of last year’s Firecracker 5K time!
Bill came in right behind me at 24:50.
After I caught my breath, I walked around and captured a few pictures of the race festivities.
The USO had a large presence giving out little flags and stickers, collecting donations to “stuff the bus” with non-perishable food items, and accepting donations. Potomac River Running made a donation to the USO Metro on behalf of the branch of the military with the most runners registered for the race. At the awards ceremony they announced that the Army had won the “Battle of the Branches.”
There was a large board for writing words of thanks to our military stationed overseas.
Back at our post-race designated meeting place, we goofed off a little before we each left to go celebrate Independence Day with our families. I have been running with these ladies since January and they are why my 5K time dropped 1:39 since last year… These ladies are fast and I push myself like I haven’t in years when I run with them. Their times were:
- Mary – 22:56
- Beth – 23:47
- Kathy – 23:52
- Dora – 24:15
- Deb – 24:19
- Erin – 26:12 (shaved 2:30 off of December time on this same course)
To add to the festivities, a band was playing on stage throughout the post-race activities.
Post-race refreshments included bananas…
Cookies, bagels, and plenty of water…
While walking around after the race we ran into Lana from Miles’ group! We hadn’t seen her in years and it was great to briefly catch up with her!
Next we headed down the street to watch the children’s fun run. It was a riot watching these little runners express themselves as we adult runners would love to do! If they fell down, they cried; if they got tired, they walked without concern; and one little fellow even wore his red cape! I overheard a dad telling his little girl that if she didn’t run, she wouldn’t get her medal that she badly wanted; and isn’t that why many of us race… to get the shiny bauble at the end!
We stuck around for the awards ceremony so I could get my third place prize. It was a great cap to the end of a very fun morning.
Third place prize was a $15 gift certificate to Potomac River Running Store. I know I will put that baby to good use! All runners received a “Support The Troops” wrist band from the USO Metro after they crossed the finish line.
We celebrated the end of a perfect day with a margarita; on a patriotic napkin, of course!
If you live in the DC area, and are looking for a fun way to start your 4th of July with a bang, consider running this great race next year! Potomac River Running doesn’t disappoint!
- Questions:
- Who raced today?
- What did you do to celebrate Independence Day?
- Did you get to see fireworks?
OMG!! I crossed only seconds before you! i can’t believe we missed each other!! My friend is in your finish line photo and I was just in front of the guy in purple!!! It was a great race!!
Seriously? I wish I’d known that you were running, so I could have looked for you. I guess you didn’t get word about the mult-chapter photo… Bummer!
Well done on getting 3rd in your age group Deb!
I’ve found your starting line place is trickiest at races where there are a lot of more casual runners, but good on them for running too!
Thank you, Sherry! You are exactly right; casual runners don’t understand pacing and general race etiquette, but that’s where you learn the rules as you’re exposed to varying situations on the course. It’s always great to welcome new runners to our sport!
Great job on the PR for the race!! And, awesome on the 3rd place AG finish!!!
My boys and I did the 6 mile race around the lake we live on yesterday – fun that they wanted to do it this year.
Thank you! It’s great that your sons wanted to race with you! The only thing that would have made my race more fun yesterday would have been if my two sons had run it with me, but they were at the Nationals game in DC.
I missed the group pic bc the pick up line was huge. Totally should have come out the day before-lesson learned. Great job on race looks like you had lots of fun. Perhaps we will get to meet in person one day!
Fingers crossed that we will meet at a race one of these days! I didn’t realize Sue would be running so I didn’t look for her either.
I raced, but I did this downhill one miler – it was great but not nearly as packed as your race! I nailed that mile in 7:21 – looking to see if I can hold onto that pace for 13.1 miles next.
That’s a great pace! Hope you can meet your half goal!
Congratulations on a great race, Deb!! I love all the patriotic outfits, and how many races are held on July 4!
Also love that finishing pic of you- so strong!
Thanks, Abby!
You seem to find the most celebratory races to run! That looks like quite the event. And congrats ona great race, like always!
Thanks, Amy! We do have some great races around here, but I’ve never run with a dinosaur!
Wow speedy mamas! Congrats on the PR and placing! This was my first time running the Firecracker 5K and enjoyed it very much!
I’m glad you enjoyed it. The Run With Santa 5K runs along the same course, and it’s fun, too! Last year it started snowing right at the start. It was perfect!
Awesome recap and race, my friend! That’s an awesome time! Your MRTT chapter looks like so much fun (HI ERIN!!! If you are reading this, congrats on your PR!!) and it looks like everyone did great! I love the shirt they gave out too. 🙂
Yes, those guys are fast, and I see them at a lot of the local races.
My MRTT chapter is the best! We have so many different types of runs throughout the week!
Awesome race and congrats on your AG 3rd place! That’s a pretty big 5K. The winning time was so fast, it blows my mind that people can run those times! Your have some speedy friends in your MRTT group, too. The benefits of fast friends – you get faster, too! 🙂 Congrats.
Thanks, Meagan! My MRTT friends drag me along and make me faster every time we run together!
[…] Firecracker 5K – 24:19 (7:50 pace) – 3rd Place Age Group […]
[…] Firecracker 5K […]
[…] July – Anne from Mom and Dad Track Stars at the 2014 Firecracker 5K […]
[…] the Fit Foodie 5K in 23:49 (7:40 pace) and won my age group. A month later I cut 1:30 off of my Firecraker 5K time from last year’s race, but wasn’t able to break 24 minutes on that […]
[…] I bought these amazing Road Runner Sports High Five Pocket Shorts to wear in the Firecracker 5K. I bought them because they were blue, but love them because of many great features. They have […]