I’m caught in lala land, and I kind of like it! Last Sunday, Bill and I ran the Hokie Half Marathon, and with that, I finished my summer/fall training cycle. I will probably keep my running to a steady base of three relatively easy runs and one long run per week, until the end of February when I ramp my training back up again as I prepare for the Zooma Half Marathon in Annapolis in May.
Before I talk about my workouts from this past week, I want to mention tomorrow’s post. I will be recapping my experience with my 3-D Gait Analysis at the George Mason University SMART Lab. I will also be giving away two gait analyses to two lucky readers, so be sure to stop back by to read about what an interesting and informative experience it was, and to enter the contest.
I started back in with the weights on Monday, and lifted for about an hour. I hadn’t been able to lift for about six weeks because of skin cancer surgery to both arms, and I’d given my legs the last two weeks off as I tapered for the Hokie Half. It felt so good to be lifting again! Of course, I also continued with my October plank challenge that I started on the 1st.
I woke up Tuesday feeling the low grade ache of a cold or the flu coming on, and I was completely bummed. By mid-afternoon, I realized that I wasn’t getting sick, but my entire body was experiencing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). As the day progressed the soreness increased until it was obvious that my muscles were complaining bitterly about Monday’s workout.
Later in the day, I headed outside for a 4-mile walk at a 16:44 pace. I’d trained so hard for my half marathon, and hadn’t given myself time off after the Leesburg 20K or Ragnar DC, so it seemed like a really good idea to replace my runs with walks for a couple of days, and give my body some much needed rest.
I got right back in the weight room on Wednesday to work the soreness out of my body. Lunges are not easy when your legs are calling you names, but I knew that in the long run, it would help me feel better. I’ve never been one to succumb to the peer pressure of my legs anyway!
One of my clients and I ran/walked 2.75 miles at 14:28 pace early Thursday morning. We finished at 2.71 miles, and I taught her that “real” runners can’t stop on such an odd number, and that it was imperative that we walk .04 more miles to make it a nice and tidy number. She can thank me later when she’s lying on a therapist’s couch. Oh wait, she is a therapist… Perhaps we should trade services!
I kept it pretty low keyed on Friday and walked 4 miles at 16:20 pace, and saw this little guy while I was out. I skipped lifting weights, promising myself that I would lift over the weekend.
I met my MRTT buddies early Saturday morning and ran 8.5 miles at a 9:50 pace with them before sending some of them on their way to run a total of 24 miles! I miss those days of running 24 miles on a training run, and coming home so utterly and completely exhausted, yet exhilarated beyond words.
First thing Sunday morning I met my BRF for an easy-peasy conversation paced run of 5.5 miles at a 10:29 pace. We hadn’t had a chance to run together for a couple of months and it was sooooo good to see her!
All-in-all it was a great week!
Total weekly workouts:
Running – 14 miles
Run/walk – 2.75 miles
Walking – 8 miles
Lifting – 3 hours
Planks – 12 (longest 3:00)
- Questions:
- What was your favorite workout this past week?
- What non-workout fun things did you do over the weekend?
- Who raced yesterday or today?
I love/hate that soreness where you think you might actually be sick – glad it was DOMS and not the flu!!!
I call it a “good sore,” except this time it was extra bad since I’d taken so much time off.
Wow that’s a really good squirrel picture! They usually move so fast, it would be hard to get such a clear picture of one. By the way, I thought you were taking one or two weeks completely off from running after the Hokie Half?
The squirrel was running around a playground letting the children come right up to it. It even ran into someones bag to explore. I took a burst of photos and he finally looked up at me!
I know… I took off until Saturday so that’s almost a week. Work required Thursday’s run/walk. Actually, the run/walk was a very good way for me to check out the old legs!
My hip was sore this week since Army so I took the week off running. I’m going a little crazy but hope to be back out there this week
Hope it feels better quickly!
[…] On Wednesday, I will share a little bit of my findings, and what recommendations were made to help me make the most out of my running, and help me meet my goal of running forever. Please be sure to stop back by to see what adjustments I’ll need to make in my workouts, because you know I’ll be talking about them in my weekly recaps. […]