Sunday’s Leesburg 20K was yet another fun filled morning spent with my MRTT and Cruiser running buddies! Believe me, I sometimes pinch myself to see if I’m dreaming because I have so many good friends who share my running passion, and each race morning seems like a party to me.
Proceeds from the race benefited the YMCA of Loudoun County’s youth programs, and it’s always nice to run a race that benefits something I find important. I ran this race last year after a ten year sabbatical, and wondered why I had skipped it for so many years. It’s turned into one of my favorites, so I have a feeling I’ll be returning many times.
For the second year in a row, we had great weather. Lower humidity made the mid-August heat bearable, and with a 7:30 AM start time we were finished before the temps got too high. Much of the race was run on the tree-lined and shaded W&OD Trail, a trail that know like the back of my hand since I run on it regularly.
Friday’s packet pick-up was super easy at the Leesburg Potomac River Running Store. Race swag included an adorable race shirt, cute little pin, and coordinated race bib. The shirt fits perfectly, and I love that it’s white. Again this year it’s got a cow and barn on the front – something this farm girl loves.

Erin arrived bright and early to pick me up (we take turns driving to races), and we arrived in Leesburg about thirty minutes before the race started. She has a secret parking place so we were in and out with a zip.
Our first order of business was to meet in front of Tuscarora Mill for an MRTT multi-chapter pre-race picture.

As soon as we took the big group picture, our chapter stayed for our own picture. The race hosted both a 20K and 5K, and we had runners participating in both.

Beth, Amanda, and I double-dip and are also Cruisers as well as MRTT teammates, so of course we got a picture of just us. Several other Cruisers were running in the race, and we planned to catch up with them after the race.

After pictures we made our way to the starting line and self-seeded. Erin (a different Erin than I rode to the race with), whom I met and ran with at the spring trail series runs, Beth, and I started together. Beth had already run a few miles prior to the race because she’s training for a fall marathon, so I had hopes of being able to keep up with her. Spoiler alert – I couldn’t.
I went into the race knowing that I was nowhere nearly in the same racing shape as I was for last year’s Leesburg 20K when I averaged 8:30 minute/miles. My goal was to run sub-nines, and I had hopes of perhaps even running 8:50’s. Another spoiler alert – that didn’t happen either.

Photo credit: Potomac River Running
As you can see from the course elevation, the Leesburg 20K is a great race for reverse splits, and I tried my best to follow my plan and run them.

The course was an out-and-back, so we were able to see the lead runners heading back toward us which is always very cool. The W&OD Trail didn’t seem overly crowded with 914 of us 20K runners because we were pretty well spread out by the time we turned onto the trail. I enjoyed watching for the front runners and cheering for them as they cruised down the hill while I was still plowing up it, and I loved watching for my friends, both in front and behind me, and encouraging them on.
After the turn-around-point, my MRTT friends, Gayle, Angela, and Danielle caught up and passed me, and I didn’t think I’d see them again. I caught them at a water stop and jockeyed back-and-forth with them for several miles. Eventually they pulled ahead, but never out of sight, and I almost caught them at the finish line.
One of my favorite pictures of the day was of my Cruiser friend Amit smiling as he closed in on the finish line.

Amit – photo credit: Potomac River Running
And my favorite runner costumes were worn by these two cow-ladies who dress up for all of our area races!

Photo credit: Potomac River Running
While still out on the trail, the finish line was being prepared for the winner…

Photo credit: Potomac River Running
Jame Luehrs finished in 1:07:20 with the second place finisher almost three minutes behind him.

Photo credit: Potomac River Running
The female open winner was Bethany Sachtleben who finished in 1:15:32, almost three minutes in front of the second place female.

Photo credit: Potomac River Running
See the guy in the orange shirt in the picture below? We ran the last few miles together, and at one point I motioned for him to go in front of me to pass a slower runner in front of us. He thought I meant for him to go on without me, and he said, “No, we’re in this together,” so I pulled past the slower runner first. We ran side-by-side without much talking and as we made the left turn off of the trail to head up Market Street to the finish line, I said, “Okay, let’s finish strong,” and we both pushed a little harder.
I finished with a time of 1:53:39 (9:10 pace), but according to our GPS watches the course was 12.6 miles, so my pace was actually 9:01. Not that I’m competitive with myself or anything!

Photo credit: Potomac River Running
And as soon as I finished, I was handed this adorable cow finisher’s medal.

Beth finished strong and about three minutes ahead of those of us pictured below. The rest of us finished within seconds of each other, and I just barely missed catching up to my three friends that I’d chased and mentioned earlier.

Soon after we finished, Beth and I were able to find our Cruiser friends Murali and Ravi, and spend a few minutes visiting with them.

We eventually found our way to the food area, and I had a banana and grabbed another water. I snapped this picture before the race while the volunteers were setting up.

My friends and I headed over to the awards ceremony, and when my name was called for second place in my age group, I had such a loud cheering section that the announcer commented on it! #MRTTLove

My second place age group prize was this coveted cowbell and a $20 gift certificate to Potomac River Running Store!

As expected, the Leesburg 20K was a fantastic race; and any day that brings together so many of my running friends is a great day for me!
- Questions:
- A 20K is not a very common distance for a race, have you ever run one??
- What is your favorite post-race food?
- Did you race this past weekend?
I did the Leesburg 20K two years ago as a training run. Boy, those hills! Cute medals this year. Congrats on the AG award!
Thanks, Kelli! I do weekly hill repeats each summer specifically to get ready for the hills in this and another race.
Great photos and great medals! I haven’t done this race yet never seems to fit in at the right time for me. Wish it was in the fall. Nice recap
Let me know if it ever fits into your schedule and I’ll make sure to run it! 🙂
way to go! That was a tough one last year but it was fun hanging with you after the race. I was out of town for this year’s race so couldn’t make it. Was (kind of :)) sad to miss it!
Thanks, Courteny! I definitely thought of you, Julie, and the other ladies I met at last year’s race. Perhaps next year you can join us again!
I’m always down in OBX during this race. Sad to miss it, but I’m not sure I could handle running in the heat, anyway. I dislike running races from May-August… ha!
We’ve been lucky with the weather these last two years. Hope I didn’t just jinx next year’s race! Ha!
Congrats on the AG award! I hope to run this again next year (bummed I was still in Alaska..but happy to be in Alaska). The medal and cowbell were adorable! Great pics too.
Thanks, Jennifer! I would have loved to see you, but excited for you visiting Alaska!
I love the Leesburg 20K and have run it the past 3 years. That’s me photobombing your finish line photo!
HaHaHa – that is so cool! 😀
Love the costumes of the cow ladies. Glad you had such a great race !
And in France we have a ton of 20K races…. it is a typical race distance here.
That’s cool. I can’t think of any other local 20K’s, but I’m sure there are some I’m just not aware of.
I know, weren’t they adorable!
20k-wow never even heard of that distance!
Good job-love the cow award! Way to go on your age group-you rock!!
Thank you! I wonder if race organizers feel that if runners are going to run 12.4 miles, they’d prefer to run .7 more miles and make it a half. I kind of like the distance, though.
I’m glad you had such a great race, and congrats on the AG place! You know I love the theme for this race’s t-shirt and medal. I remember reading your race recap last year and thinking “that’s a race I want to do!” but then I forgot about it until this year. Ack! Maybe next year. I hope they don’t drop the cow/farm theme!
Thank you! I will do my best to remind you about this race next year, but isn’t it during your vacation time at the beach?
You’re right – it is. Maybe that is why I didn’t actually write it down last year. But we are looking at possibly going to the beach a little later next year, so maybe it will be feasible? We will see – everything is up in the air right now.
If you (or you and Barry) decide to run it, you know that you have a place to stay the night before. I’ll have your room ready! 🙂
[…] Leesburg 20K has become one of my favorite races despite the risk of facing brutal August heat and […]
[…] humid, hilly, and left nothing to make me want to run it again. Fast forward to 2014 and then 2015 when I decided to give the race another chance and quickly learned that I really liked the […]
[…] 2015 Leesburg 20K […]