It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! This week, the DC Trifecta chose All About Love as the Friday Five theme.
Since I think about running most of the time, and happen to think about my hubby on the rare occasion I’m not thinking about running… Hmmm, do I have that backwards? I decided to write about my love for my favorite runner – Bill.
1. Bill has a great sense of humor, and puts up with my silliness and goofiness.
2. He understands when I need to go to bed early on Friday nights because I have to get up super early the next morning to meet my running friends. He understands, because he’s usually getting up with me to meet the same running friends!
3. Bill is always willing to take a Saturday afternoon post long-run recovery nap with me.
4. All the running he does makes him quite callipygian, and I like that!
5. Even though we compete against each other, we’re on the same team!
Bonus: He never minds when I spend a lot of money at the running store, as long as I buy plenty of new toys for him as well.
- Questions:
- Who is your favorite runner?
- Do you have plans for Valentine’s Day? ~ My favorite runner and I will keep it low key since I have a big CEC class the next day.
- Who’s racing this weekend?
i love this. you guys are the cutest and are a total inspiration to this newlywed! 🙂
Awww, thanks! 🙂
Love this – especially your bonus one 🙂 We celebrated Valentines Day a little early with dinner b/c I/he will be out of town this weekend (separate trips), but will likely do an out home dinner when we are back in town. Have a great weekend!
I know, right? Who can complain when they’re getting fun gifts, too! 🙂 Hope you had a great Valentine’s weekend!
That’s awesome! Sounds like you make a great team! No big plans and no racing this weekend. Have a good one!
Thanks, Sherry!
You are SO lucky to have him and that you share the same interests! Have a great weekend!
Thanks, and yes, I count my blessings! Hope you had a great weekend, too!
I love #5. Haven’t been able to convince my hubby to run yet. Have fun at the race tomorrow BRRR!
Saturday was cold, but thankfully, we were able to stay in the high school until just before the race started.
So sweet. You guys are adorable. No racing for me unti March! But looks like I’ll have a 16 miler on the treadmill today with the cold temps coming up this weekend. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks, Sue! Hope you survived your treadmill run without too much boredom!
This is so sweet!! I totally feel you about the competing thing… The reality is that I will never be faster than my fiancé, but I always try to beat him!
Like you, my favorite runner is definitely the fiancé! He’s a good one! And we’re really excited to run the Hot Chocolate 15k this weekend. Woot Woot!
It sounds like you and your fiancé are a good team, too! We ran the Hot Chocolate 15K when it was in DC a few years ago. Hope you had a good race!
LOl on the intro paragraph! It would be awesome to have a fellow runner as a spouse! My husband is very much not a runner but tolerates my craziness. Oh, and you deserve a gold star for using the word callipygian in this post! 🙂 Have a great weekend with your favorite runner!
HaHa, thanks! Callipygian is such a great word. 😉
Very sweet post. Ha Ha…I had to Google callipygian! Well said! Enjoy your Valentine’s Day.
I learned the word callipygian from a client years ago. He pointed out that a lady doing squats was very callipygian. He wouldn’t tell me what it meant, and made me look it up. After that, he gave me a new word each week. It was fun, and obviously I learned something!
Awww…love this post! The couple that runs together…
… gets callipygian together? 🙂
I love this post!!! I wish my hubby was a runner.
Is it bad that I had to Google “callipygian” to find out what it meant?
Not bad at all! The first time I heard it, I had to look it up, too.
LOL, I have never heard the word “callipygian” before. Great job using it in a sentence!
HaHaHa! Thanks, Kim!
So jealous your hubby is a runner! I will be racing a half marathon this weekend 🙂
Hope your half went well!
Haha, a new word! Callipygian! I had to look it up.
I hoped callipygian would be a new word for a lot of my readers, and apparently I was correct. Perhaps I need to Google some more new cool words to use!
Such a cute post! I’m still new to running, but I’m hoping to convert my husband one day. No racing or outdoor runs for me this weekend because negative temps. VDay was low key, we just enjoyed a few holiday treats and watched a movie.
Thanks, Sara! Hope your hubby is out on the trails with you soon!
I really enjoyed reading this! I’m also married to a runner – he’s far more experienced than I. However, he pushes me when needed and runs ahead when I need him to let me learn on my own.
It’s great!
It was great getting to know you better at today’s strength training for runners workshop. Thanks for coming!