I’m kicking off National Nutrition Month with one of several posts about diet and nutrition. As a health and fitness blogger I tend to focus on my first love, running. During March, I’ll share a few posts about nutrition with the hopes of leaving my readers with tools for eating well and feeling the best that they can.

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietitian.
As a fitness professional, I can only make suggestions on dietary recommendations,
and cannot write eating plans, nor tell my clients what to eat.
Before starting any new diet or eating plan, you should consult with your physician
or a registered dietitian.
You know the feeling – it’s mid-afternoon and you’re starving. You still have a couple of hours until you can leave the office and go home to prepare a delicious dinner, but the rumblings in your stomach are telling you otherwise.
One of the most important things to help prevent those mid-afternoon hunger attacks is to have a nutritious breakfast and lunch. Going into the day limiting your calories either because you’re in a rush, or think that’s a good way to lose weight, will only set you up for a miserable afternoon, and an evening of eating everything in your kitchen while you try to prepare dinner.
Often when we think we’re hungry, we’re actually dehydrated, and a glass of water will do the trick. When in doubt, start by drinking 8 to 12 ounces of water, wait about 15 minutes and see if you’re still hungry.
If you’re truly hungry, and in need of a pick-me-up, opt for foods that will stick to your ribs. Remember the basics you learned about macronutrients in high school.
- Carbohydrates – Fuel the body with energy (fruits, veggies, whole grain breads, cereals)
- Proteins – Build and repair muscle, give us energy, and help fight infection (lean meats, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, eggs, dairy)
- Fats – Provide energy and help us feel satiated (avocados, oils, cheese, nuts)
It’s not always easy, but try to remember why we eat. We eat to fuel our bodies. I teasingly tell my clients that we are what we eat, but really, there’s a lot of truth in that statement. Snack on crap (chips, candy bars, sodas), and you’ll feel like crap. Snack on foods provided by mother nature, and you’ll feel energized and invigorated.

- Greek yogurt topped with blueberries
- Fresh fruit
- Raw veggies
- Trail mix
- Peanut butter spread thinly on a banana
- Almond butter spread thinly on a banana or apple
- Almonds or pistachios
- Edamame
- Avocado
- Hummus spread on carrots
- Leftover roasted veggies (they’re great cold)
- Water
When eating any of the above snacks, remembering portion size is very important. The goal of a mid-afternoon snack is to satisfy your appetite and provide you with energy until dinner. Snack sizes should not mimic those of dinner portions.
Play around with what satisfies your hunger, and keeps you away from the vending machines. Once you find what works best, you’ll be on the road to a healthier, more productive and energized you!
- Questions:
- What are your go-to snacks?
- Do you experience mid-afternoon snack attacks?
- Did you race this weekend?
I love to make smoothies with greens in the afternoon. Just what I need to get out of my afternoon slump!
Sounds delicious!
I keep a little cup of peanut butter pretzels in my car for the trip home from work. It’s not a long drive, but having that little nosh helps keep me from having a crazy snack attack when I get in the door.
Brilliant idea!
i’ve been trying to make one type of hummus each week. i like having in the office frig for when afternoon hunger strikes!
That’s a great idea, and will help you keep from getting tired of having the same snack each day.
I’m one that needs to eat every few hours to keep a level blood sugar or I get the hangries! I have a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack and much of your list is similar to what I bring to work with me. Nice selection!
That’s great, Courtney. It sounds like you know exactly what your body needs.
I clicked on your post because it’s mid afternoon and time for my snack. I have to keep my blood sugar regulated and thus eat every 2.5-3 hours. My afternoon treat is typically greek yogurt and a small banana. I enjoy most all of the items on your list, but have not tried Edamame.
Give edamame a try sometime. They’re yummy!
I hate the afternoon snack attack! Mine always hits right around 4 PM. I’m going to give that glass of water trick a try! I wish I liked nuts, because they make such a healthy snack. I’ve tried them several times, and I’ve tried to like them, and I just don’t! Same goes for Greek yogurt – I can’t get used to the tartness of it.
I guess you don’t like peanut M&M’s then! Chocolate AND nuts!
I love apple and pnb for snacks these days and hummus with veggies!
One of my faves: almond butter on a banana or apple. Great idea for a series of posts – helps us stick to our new year’s resolutions of eating better!
Thanks – glad you’re looking forward to my posts.
I do experience mid-afternoon snack-attacks. I try to combine macronutrients if possible (today I had strawberries and a cheese stick). The apple + almond butter is a good choice, too. Ants on a log are yummy and combine salt/sweet/crunch.
I had to Google “ants on a log” – not a fan of celery so I suppose that explains why I wasn’t familiar with that name! Sounds like a great snack for celery fans, though!
I love apple and peanut butter, and the fiber in the apple fills me up. Because I’m snacking at home, I like that it takes me a little while to eat – that way my mind is fooled into thinking I ate a whole lot!
Good job – slowing down when eating is one of the best and oldest tricks for eating less!
This is so me! I get so hungry mid afternoon that I often end up making a portion that’s just a little too large by dinnertime. All these are great snack ideas, I can’t wait to make them!
Hope they help take care of your afternoon munchies!