It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! While you’re there, be sure to check out other bloggers who are participating in the linkup, too. This week, the DC Trifecta chose A Day In The Life as the theme…..

“The most important thing is to enjoy your life
– to be happy –
it’s all that matters.“
~ Audrey Hepburn
So what’s a day like for me? I might start it with a wake-up call at 4:30 AM to meet my running friends at 5:30, or I might get up at 6:30 to train a client at 7:30. Other days I might have the luxury of sleeping until 7:30 because my first appointment isn’t until 9.
With a schedule that’s different every day of the week, it’s difficult to tell you just exactly what one of my days is like. Some days I see several clients, and some days just a few. The one thing that you’ll find consistent is my love of running. So I think it’s fair to say that one of my typical days includes:
- Running
- Talking to my clients about running
- Writing about running
- Planning my next run or race
- Following other runners on social media
Of course my days also involve lots of mundane activities like doing laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, tidying the house, cleaning, keeping up with paperwork, gardening, etc; but I didn’t want to bore you with all of that stuff…..
- Questions:
- Do you need lots of sleep, or just a little?
- What does your typical day look like?
- Who is racing this weekend?
Hmm, running you say? I don’t believe it.
I kid you not! 🙂
4:30 yikes that’s a rough one. I don’t get enough sleep either and I keep talking about going to bed earlier but it just doesn’t seem to happen. Darn that social media! Have a great day
I don’t mind getting up early; I just wish I was better about going to bed at a more decent time.
Love it! My husband is always teasing me that if I’m not running, I’m planning when to run, reading about running, writing about running, or talking about running. 🙂
It sounds like we would get along well!
Hmm…seeing a little them here! ; )
What a great lifestyle!
I can’t complain! 🙂
The 6:30 wake-up time is the only one out of those choices that I would consider and only if need be! lol I do love me some sleep. No race this weekend but next weekend it’s Hot Chocolate San Diego. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
I hope you enjoy your Hot Chocolate race. I ran it when it came to DC, but that was a rough race for them – everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. The chocolate after the race was amazing!
lol. i love that your days are so centered around running. that is awesome!
I would love to be a trainer full time. Due to my full time job now I am unable to do that because of my crazy schedule.
It is fun and very rewarding to watch your clients make healthy improvements in their lifestyle. Hopefully some day it will work out for you.
Sounds like a great day to me! Luckily we can at least THINK about running at any or all times of the day!
So true!
Thankfully I’ve learned to get by with not a lot of sleep – rarely more than 5 hours a night.
My days are usually all different, too but they start with a 5:30 am workout.
Good for you on your consistent 5:30 AM workout!
I probably average about six hours of sleep. Sometimes it catches up with me, but usually it’s enough.
Lol- love that your life revolves around running and fitness! Hopefully one day my career can be that, too!
My day in the life is very different now with a newborn 🙂
I’ll bet your day has changed a lot since little Jasper came along!
I like how your schedule can change day to day. I do admire everyone who is up and running at 5:00-6:00am. I love seeing your/Erin’s photos when I get onto the bus for work 🙂
I seem to need between 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night, and I’ve not been getting it lately. I’ve been exhausted for the past week, but hopefully I’ll start sleeping better soon. I’m not sure why I seem to need to much sleep in the first place! Barry and I ran a race this morning – it was muddy and then it started raining and got even muddier. Fun!
I loved your muddy shoe picture that you posted to Facebook after the race. That was a classic!
Ohmygosh yes. I love this post. Looks like my days lol running!!! And as a soon to be trainer our days may look even more similar!! 🙂 I require LOTS of sleep but rarely get it. I run best on a solid 7.5 hrs but usually wander around on 6 ha!! Have a great weekend!!