It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! While you’re there, be sure to check out other bloggers who are participating in the linkup, too. This week, the DC Trifecta chose Five Ways To Organize Your Running/Fitness Gear as the theme…..
“A place for everything, and everything in its place.”
~ Benjamin Franklin
My friends, who know me well, will say, “Of course you do” after each of my descriptions of how I keep my running gear organized. Some may call it “being anal,” but I call it “always being able to quickly find what I need!” Yes, just like Ben Franklin, my motto is, “A place for everything, and everything in its place.”
1. Running Drawer – Bill and I share a divided running drawer in our laundry room which is conveniently located off of our kitchen, and only a few steps from the garage. Each evening before a run, I get everything together that I’ll need and lay it on the washer. As soon as I finish my run, everything goes back into the drawer unless it needs to get washed or get fumigated from me sweating on it. Guess which side is Bill’s, and which is mine!
2. Miscellaneous Laundry Room Storage – We keep gloves, hand-warmers, ear-warmers, hats, my headbands, and our shoes in one of the cabinets in our laundry room as well. During the summer, everything is tucked away neatly, but during the winter we keep a couple of pairs of gloves, hats, etc on the counter top in the laundry room. We also have a muddy shoe tray in the floor right next to the laundry sink for our shoes. Bill has trained me to wash the bottoms of my shoes as soon as I come in from a muddy run so they can dry in the tray, and be ready to put on inside the house for our next run.
3. Running Clothes Shelves – Bill and I each dedicate two of our shelves in our closet for our running clothes. I keep my shorts, capris, and long pants on one shelf, and my tops on the other shelf, and I hang my jackets. Since I work in workout clothes, many of my running clothes also serve as work clothes. I know, I’m lucky!
4. Running Socks and Sports Bras Drawers – I keep my running socks (Feetures, of course), compression socks, sports bras and singlets in two drawers with my closet. When I need to get my clothes out for a run, everything is close by, and of course I do it the night before my run. When I wake up in the morning I have a tidy little stack of running clothes ready to put on with no thinking required – unless there’s been a drastic change in the weather from the previous night’s forecast.
5. Training Bag and Racing Bag – I keep a bag to take with me on my Saturday morning longer runs. In it I keep a towel, Body Glide, chap-stick, paper towels, hand sanitizer, and most importantly, sunscreen. I also have a separate racing bag. I have Mylar body wraps saved from marathons, large Heafty garbage bags, throw-away pants and a long-sleeved shirt, Body Glide, safety pins, hand lotion, and lipstick (gotta look good for those post-race selfies). When heading out to a race, I tuck my training bag inside my racing bag so I’ll have everything I could possibly need – except for my wallet which I forgot to take with me to the Fredrick Marathon one year…
- Questions:
- Are you an organized person?
- Where do you keep your fitness equipment?
- Are you racing this weekend?
You are well organized! I keep all my running gear in one spot. But my clothes is another story. Between the transitions of the seasons recently. I have long pants mixed w shorts. I need to have separate drawers for each.
After reading some of the other posts, I realize that I need to purge some of my running stuff.
Great ideas. I live in an apartment, so have much less space but definitely ideas for me to steal.
LOL about the lipstick ! I always put on mascara (waterproof) before I run… it makes me feel feminine ! And the sunscreen is not something I always think of.
Yeah, my eyes pretty much disappear if I don’t have on mascara! For that reason, sunglasses are a wonderful thing! 😎
I don’t have a running drawer, but I think I need to get one!
Do it! It makes getting ready for your run so much easier.
I had my stuff all rolled up and organized in bins and then all of the sudden it’s back to a big mess!
Yep, that’ll happen; and isn’t it amazing how much easier it is for everything to become a mess than it is to get it organized again?
I can’t say I’m surprised by any of this. I love it! My stuff has flowed out of one drawer in the TV stand in the living room into my entire office, which is now my “running room”. I realllllly need to reorganize and purge some stuff and that’s on my agenda for Sunday.
Just because my running stuff is organized doesn’t mean I don’t need to give a lot of it away. Reading people’s posts and comments today has made me want to start purging now! Have fun on Sunday!
I wish I was an organized person like that. I’m impressed!
Thanks! I get it honest – both of my parents are/were extremely organized.
That def helps. That means there’s no hope for my kids!
Your organization takes it to the next level and I love it!!
Organized, but overflowing. I need to throw out some stuff so I can buy more! 😀
I really like this idea for the training/racing bags, Deb; I keep saying that I’m going to make some kind of stash for long run days and this is perfect! I have plenty of bags, so I can do this right away. Thanks for the motivation and inspiration! Hope you have a great weekend!
Awesome, glad to be of service! Hope you have a great weekend as well!
My stuff is in different places all over the house! I need to put it all together. Thanks for the inspiration!
No problem. Hope you’re having a great weekend!
I’m envious of your drawer! I also have a bag that I grab if I’m driving a good distance for a race. It has things like safety pins, a towel, paper towels, body spray, hair band, snacks, water, flip flops, jacket etc. You never know what you might need.
It definitely makes life easier and less stressful to have things together in a bag before a race so I’m not rushing around trying to remember what I need to take with me!
You win for most organized. I wish I had drawers in my laundry room. That’s one area of the house that is lacking in storage. We have a couple shelves but that’s it. I’d love to gut out some space to specifically design storage for all my running gear. How awesome!
Also, love the Ben Franklin quote. I’m a big stickler for putting things back where they belong. I say that quote to my husband once a week.
I didn’t realize that Ben Franklin was the person credited with that quote until I looked it up for this post! 🙂
OMG you are so organized! I need a friend like you to come organize my apartment. haha
HaHa! You should see my regular clothes -they’re not so organized.
You are super organized! You would make my hubby so happy! LOL! I need a couple more drawers!
The more drawers, the merrier!
Love how organized you are!! And here here for Feetures 🙂
Love Feetures so much! 🙂