Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for my first ever Runfessions. Be sure to check her out!
I’m adding a fun little twist by making this a group effort with Erin, Amanda, Angela, Jackie, and Kathy as we ride over to Annapolis together to run in tomorrow’s ZOOMA Half Marathon.
Let the runfessions and shenanigans begin!

Runfession –
a formal statement admitting that one is guilty
of a particular running crime.
Jackie runfesses: I workout harder trying to get my sweaty sports bra off than I do on my run.
Angela runfesses: Sometimes my sweaty armpit noises drown out the music on my iPod when I run.
Erin runfesses: Sometimes I register for a race just so I can get a new outfit!
Kathy runfesses: I continued to do my track workout when I had to pee, and even though I could feel a little trickle, I wouldn’t stop.
Deb runfesses: My hubby and I once woke up to a tiny bit of snow on the ground on the morning of the Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler, so we went back to bed and skipped the race.
Erin runfesses: I once bagged a race because I forgot my phone and didn’t have music to listen to.
Deb runfesses: Half way to the Frederick Marathon, we stopped to get gasoline, but both my hubby and I had forgotten our wallets. We had enough gas to get home, but not enough to continue to Frederick, MD and back so we had to miss the race.
- Questions:
- What are your runfessions?
- Who is racing this weekend?
This is a fun link up! I bet it led to some funny stories on the ride to Annapolis.
My runfession: Sometimes I get tired of waiting for my Garmin to find satellites and I start running before it has signal! *gasp*
We are on our way to Conquer the Cove now!
How can you do that?
Posting at 4:18 AM… I would assume you’re on your way to a race. You certainly had an early wake-up call!
Too funny ! I have skipped out on more than one race because of pouring rain. I HATE running in the rain….
I guess we all have our limits of what we will put up with. I can do a light rain… Wind is my biggest annoyance when running; however, blowing rain is the worst!
Oh goodness these are priceless. I’m pretty sure this is our first group runfession! I bagged yesterday’s run because it freaking poured all day. Hope you had a blast running Zooma!
ZOOMA was hilly, hot, and humid, but the trip overall was a lot of fun. I’m hoping to have it recapped by tomorrow evening.
Thanks for linking up! I hope you join us again in June!
I would love to join in on the fun again next month!
I just know there was a lot more good conversation on that ride! I agree with Jackie. It is a CHORE to get out of some of those sticky running bras!
What was said in the van, stayed in the van! 😉
I love these!! Too funny!
It was fun coming up with these. We probably could have come up with more, but got distracted gabbing about other stuff! 🙂
These cracked me up! I relate to the sweaty sports bra, sometimes it is way too tough lol
HaHa! 🙂