Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is cautious…… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Cautious – careful about avoiding danger or risk
~ Merriam-Webster
Cautious is one of those relative words… Compared to my mom, I’m the biggest risk taker in the world. Compared to many others, I’m a scaredy cat.
I’m sure that becoming more cautious has a lot to do with getting older. I know that it takes longer to heal, and even though I feel very young at heart, I am realistic. The last thing I need is a side-lining injury, and I don’t just mean side-lined from running.
- There was a time I careened down trails on my motorcycle hitting bumps hard enough to get airborne. Today my spin bike does just fine.
- There was a time I stood high on a ladder leaning way to the side so I wouldn’t have to get down and move the ladder so often while painting the top of cathedral ceiling walls. Today I get queasy just thinking about it.
- There was a time I didn’t think twice about running along the side of the road during dark winter mornings without lights or reflective clothing. Today I’m lit up like a Christmas tree, and keep most of my runs on a non-motorized trails.
- There was a time I drove anywhere in any weather. Today I question whether or not I really need to go out. The same goes for running on slippery snow and ice. Today I hit the treadmill if I have the least bit of doubt about the safety of the trail.
- There was a time I let my body totally relax and glide down hills at a 6:00 pace. Today I put the breaks on just enough to slow down so I’m not banging up my legs and forefeet so much.
- There was a time I ran six days a week. Today I’m nervous about the possibility of an overuse injury so I run three to four days per week.
I suspect we are all cautious at times, and for a variety of different reasons. As I mentioned earlier, being cautious is a relative term…
Are you cautious? About what sort of things?
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Next Wednesday’s Word: Comparison
[…] See what others have to say about being cautious at Deb’s Wednesday Word link up. […]
My mom is forever cautioning me about pretty much everything. When I told her running isn’t bad for your knees (despite my occasional IT problems) she just said “I don’t know” in that motherly way, despite not having looked into it. Of course she’s 87!
I’ve never been a terribly adventurous person.
I do think, in some ways, though, running actually does make me less cautious – run a half for this former couldn’t run a mile girl (literally)? Crazy talk!
I guess to be fair, we have to remember that our moms weren’t encouraged to be adventuresome when they were young, so it’s not surprising they’re cautious. I know I’m getting more cautious with each year, so who knows, perhaps I’ll be like that when I’m in my 80’s.
I’m definitely cautious about running in the dark. And I’d rather climb a steep hill on my bike than careen down one! Great word and great post!
Thanks, Coco! I’m definitely more cautious on a bike than I used to be, too.
Hmmmm-great word selection!
I am cautious with certain things especially friendships and letting people in.
I agree that it increases with age-i think we are more aware and concerned with consequences.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
“Cautious with friendships and letting people in…” That’s a whole area I didn’t even think about! Perhaps it’s the wisdom with getting older that makes of think about the consequences.
The company I work for has a very pronounced safety culture so I suppose being cautious has been imprinted on me to the point where I risk-assess everything before I do it. I can really identify with some of your examples – I have some serious lights (for running and cycling in low light conditions)
I would imagine working in a safety conscious environment would make you very cautious. I have a friend who is an ER doctor and he says seeing the things he sees makes him extremely cautious.
You gave me lots to think about this week and yes I am cautious maybe too cautious about some things.
Giving you ideas about planning a kids’ fun run had to be more enjoyable though than making you stop and think about being cautious!
I think life makes us all cautious. It’s so much easier to play it safe. But not as much fun, right?
What is it they say? That until a male turns 25 the frontal lobe of his brain isn’t fully developed, and it’s the frontal lobe that controls risk-taking behavior. So perhaps that segment of the population isn’t cautious! 😀
This has made me think about just how cautious I’ve gotten, I guess with age. I find myself doing or not doing things because I’m afraid of getting hurt an not being able to run. Crazy I know! Thanks for the link up!
Same here for sure! Just today I saw a gym bag sitting on the kitchen floor waiting to be carried upstairs and I instinctually pulled the strap up and set it on the bag so I wouldn’t risk catching my toe on it and tripping. I don’t think that would have crossed my mind five years ago. 😀
As much as I’m an adrenaline junkie, I’m quite cautious, maybe even overcautious. I cannot and will not run in the dark, it just won’t happen!
I don’t mind running in the dark as long as I have a headlamp, I’m running with friends, and I’m on a trail rather than a road. With that being said, I’d much rather run in the daylight. My friends and I are hoping to get a few later morning runs in this winter instead of running at 5:30 when we start and finish in the dark all winter long (like last year). Looking forward to reading your linkup!
I am definitely more cautious than I was at a younger age. With experience comes wisdom. That’s not to say I do not enjoy a good adventure. I just try to avoid the “stupid stuff”. Haha!
Good point about age, experience, and wisdom! And I guess we have to be aware of the fine line between adventure and stupidity! 😀
This year I’ve become cautious in the shoes I wear. No more high heels for this girl! I’ve turned too many ankles, and I need these feet to run!
HaHaHa! That’s so true, and it’s a change I made several years ago, too! 😀
Fear of injury definitely make me more cautious with running. Actually, I’d prefer to say it make me smarter because I don’t really consider myself an overly cautious person. But you are so right…it’s relative.
I think “fear of injury” holds a tight grip on most of us runners. 🙁
I think I’m already more cautious now than you were in the past! No motorcycles or high ladders for me. But when I was younger, I would try almost anything. I think I had less of a sense of danger back then – and I bounced better than I do now. When I was a kid you could find me careening down a steep, paved hill on roller blades without a helmet and diving into the grass before flying into a busy intersection. Or you could find me climbing up on a 10 foot unicycle and falling repeatedly until I got the hang of it, and doing back flips off of swings. Not no more 🙂 Although I still will ride my 6 footer – less risk!
I’m glad you mentioned the unicycle and roller blades because both of those things seem pretty dare-devilish to me!
[…] Thanks to Deb for picking such a perfect word for me for today’s Wednesday Word link up. […]