I recently realized that I’ve never really talked about running form here on my blog. What? Talk about missed opportunities while skipping the basics!
If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fit It
When working with a new runner, I casually check out their form while they’re running, but without making it obvious. It’s amazing how self-conscious people can get and totally change their stride if they think they’re being critiqued.
Unless there’s something glaringly wrong, or the person keeps getting a repeat injury, I usually don’t recommend making major changes. Using the adage, “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it,” I mostly only make minor tweaks. Old habits die hard, and trying to make major changes to a seasoned runner’s form can result in an entirely new set of injuries.
When working with younger runners, especially those new to running, I’m more willing to work on their form and make significant changes. These new runners haven’t had a chance to form habits, either good or bad, and corrections to their running form can be changed with relative ease.

Four Components of Running Form
Running form can be broken down into four basic components:
- Posture
- Stride Length
- Arm Position and Swing
- Foot Strike
Posture – Runners should stand tall with their core engaged, keeping their back straight (not rounded) while pivoting forward slightly from the hips to utilized gravity’s pull. Runners should breath comfortably while looking ahead about a car length.
Stride Length – Most average sized runners can expect to have 160 to 180 steps per minute. Over-striding causes the body to stay airborne longer resulting in a harder landing, while under-striding results in a shuffle. Since both over and under-striding result in inefficient running, these runners can correct their stride simply by changing up their cadence to the recommended 160 to 180 steps per minute.
Arm Position and Swing – The upper body should be relaxed with the shoulders down, the arms bent to 90° at the elbows, and the hands loosely cupped as if holding a fragile item. Arm swing should be front-to-back, not side-to-side.
Foot Strike – The desired foot strike for a runner is that of an active foot where the heel and mid-foot hit the ground first before rolling forward to push off from the toe. For best form and optimal efficiency, the foot should land closer to the body, as opposed to reaching farther away leading to exaggerated heel striking.
Running Up Hills
When running up hills, your running form will need to be adjusted. You’ll want to shorten your stride slightly and engage your core even more. Keep your head neutral and gaze ahead, not at your feet.
Keep in mind that it’s super easy to revert back to poor running form as you get tired. I used to totally let my core relax, and slump forward during the later miles of my longer training runs. As soon as I did that, everything else started falling apart, and I had to consciously focus on keeping that tired/lazy form at bay.
Running Down Hills
Just like with running up hills, when running down hill you’ll need to adjust your form from that of running on a flat surface. Again, you’ll want to engage your core and shorten your stride slightly allowing for a faster turnover. Pivot forward at your ankles and hips to allow your body to be perpendicular to the ground while using your arms to keep your balance (they shouldn’t be pumping forward and back, but out and ready to make adjustments as your body moves). Land on your mid-foot and parallel to the ground as opposed to heel striking (over striding). Gaze about 10 – 15 yards in front of you so you can see where you’re headed.
Let gravity do its thing and pull you down the hill. When the urge to brake happens, relax your running muscles, and as long as you feel you have control of your body, allow your pace to speed up. This is a great opportunity to overtake your opponents who aren’t savvy to taking advantage of the perks of down hill running!
Next time you’re out on the trail, watch for these interesting types of runners:
- Toe runners
- Heel strikers
- Side-to-side arm swingers
- Hunch backs
- Shuffle runners
Now that you’re aware of what makes up good running form, these types of runners will be much more noticeable. Just remember, the running community is all about supporting one another, so don’t point your finger and laugh, especially if it’s me!
- Questions:
- Have you had your running form assessed?
- Do you have any running form quirks?
- What’s the oddest thing you’ve seen in another runner’s form or stride?
Arm swing has been the toughest thing for me to correct in my form. I practice it, although once tired I revert to the chicken wings with more side to side than driving back. Nice post!
It’s so easy to revert to poor form when I get tired, too. I remember slouching toward the end of my marathon training long runs. It was something that I had to focus on during every long run.
I’ve had my stride assessed a number of times and have somewhat made changes that were recommended to me. It’s hard especially when I am tired. I try to help the girls on the run girls begin running with better form to help them prevent injuries and have more energy.
Your girls are lucky to have someone looking at their form and making corrections when they are just starting to run! Now’s the time to getting them on a road to good and efficient running form.
I had my running form assessed at a running camp I went to this summer. It was really informative! My biggest issue is not getting enough “air” in between strides – my front foot is just about landing when I’m pushing off with my back foot. I guess it’s a glute/power issue. So I’ve been assigned skipping drills to work on it. Which I normally do in the dark, early AM before my neighbors are up!
Running camp sounds so fun!!! And yes, some things are best done in the dark! 🙂
I appreciate your comment “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”. I wish I’d followed this mantra a number of years back when I went through trying to change my running form. I was a heel striker and I was concerned that eventually my heel striking would cause me to need a knee replacement. I started with running drills and switched to the Newton running shoes. After 3 months of somewhat successfully switching to fore foot running, I ended up with a stress fracture in my fore foot and a walking boot. 🙁 Once I was healed, I started working with a physical therapist group that specializes in gait analysis and PT to fix/improve your running form. I went through a number of years of bad races and fore foot pain because I still hit too hard on my fore foot and it just wasn’t natural. A year back I went to my old form (although a little less of a full heel strike and a little closer to mid foot) and I started enjoying running again. I am much more aware of my form though because of this journey and focus on landing “light”. I’ve come to realize when my knees are bothering me, its primarily due to tight hamstrings and not stretching/foam rolling enough. Anyways, its a long story to say that I really appreciate this post! I’ll continue to be conscientious about my form. But not make major changes. Now my 12 year old daughter however… 🙂
I’m sorry to hear you’ve had such a tough time with your foot, and all from changing up your running form. Yes, now’s the time to check out your daughter’s form and get her pointed in the right direction. Hope all goes well for both of you!
After watching the elite women run the NYC Marathon, the first name that pops into my mind is Priscah Jeptoo and her running form. Totally unique, but it obviously works for her! 🙂
I know! The way she kicks her feet out to the sides makes my knees hurt.
I’ve been analyzed before at PT to see if i’m a heel striker to see if that was causing my injury, but thankfully I am not.
I know about keeping my core straight and not hunching over but I still end up hunching in those later miles too!
Now I want you to come run with me!!!!
When my body gets tired, it has a mind of its own! I have to keep checking my form and reminding myself to stand up straight, pick up my feet, etc. It’s a constant battle of mind over body.
When I was running Sunday, I was reminded of this! I passed a guy that I see quite often on the path, and he looks like he’s hopping. I think about all the wasted energy he uses with that kind of stride.
I see a couple of older runners regularly on the trail who have very awkward form that I’m sure is the result of prior injuries. They look so inefficient, but I remind myself that at least they’re out there.
Thanks for this post Deb. I think I tend to hunch over and can work on my posture. My PT is going to run perform a run analysis on me – curious what he will see!
I’m sure your PT is already aware of the number of miles you put in during marathon training, but be sure to talk to him about your form in the early miles versus the later miles. It’s worth considering tips for self checking your form when you’re exhausted from running twenty miles already.
I was looking for some running tips and found this. Good stuff! But I thought maybe you should consider again about foot strike point. It’s very difficult to consistently reproduce a mid-foot landing. I think the forefoot strike is a desire landing option for every runner because it leaves the joints unlocked and minimizes the joint string.
[…] I mention in Running Form in the Coaching tab of my blog, making major changes to your running form can result in a […]
Great article and to the point. Runners really need to take care especially of their foot strike while running.
[…] like to change running form on someone who’s been running for several years. As I mention in Running Form in the Coaching tab of my blog, making major changes to running form can result in a new set of […]