Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is cherish….. I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.
Cherish – to feel or show great love for someone or something;
to remember or hold an idea or belief in a deeply felt way
~ Merriam-Webster
I like running, and I cherish the time spent with friends on the trails; but do I cherish running? I suppose, but what I really cherish are things far deeper, things I adore, things that tug at my heart, things that give me warm fuzzies…
I will always cherish:
- My family
- Friends, old and new
- Childhood memories
- My memory of the very first time I met Bill
- The intense look on my babies faces the first time they gazed into my eyes
- Laughing until my jaws and belly hurt
- The letters my my mom wrote to me when she was away at college
- My grandmother’s 1918 class ring even though she died before I was born
- The week I spent with my dad before he died
- Time spent with my mom helping her heal
- Seeing the sunrise most mornings
- The memory of my sons’ first visits home after going away to college
- The way Bill greets me when he gets home from work each and every evening
- The first snowfall of the winter
- The feeling I have the moment I walk onto the Virginia Tech campus
- Sitting around the table laughing – just the five of us
- The many photo albums I have from Joseph’s and Daniel’s childhoods
- The feeling of freshly cut grass under my bare feet
- Time spent on the Appalachian Trail with Bill
- The magical feeling of sitting under a newly decorated Christmas tree with all of the lights off except for those on the tree
- Family reunions
- Dimples in a baby’s hand
- Seeing the abundance of wildlife in our back yard
- The smell of curing hay when I visit the farm
- The strong manly hugs from both of my sons
Today would have been my dad’s birthday. He was smart, funny, athletic, and handsome; and he worked harder than anyone I’ve ever met. Dad was a good man, treated my mom like gold, loved his family and community, and in doing so set a great example for my brother and me. I truly cherished him.
I feel truly blessed during this month of Thanksgiving to have so much to cherish. My heart is full, and I’m grateful for every cherished memory.
What do you cherish?
Grab My Button!
Next Wednesday’s Word: Bountiful
Oh, thanks for sharing about your Dad. Today I am cherishing lasting friendships.
Last friendships – a true treasure!
Such a sweet tribute to your Dad! Big hugs.
And thank you for Wednesday word — I cherish the prompts & reading everyone’s take on them. 🙂
Thanks, Judy! Awww, glad you enjoy Wednesday Word! 🙂
[…] to Wednesday word hosted by Deb from Debruns. Today’s word prompt is simple and […]
Very touching! This is a good time of you to reflect on who and what we cherish. I cherish time with my sons and they will be home next week for Thanksgiving which I am REALLY looking forward to 🙂
Same here – I can’t wait to see my oldest son and daughter-in-law on Thanksgiving! Our other son lives pretty close by so we see him every week or so.
beautiful post! Perfect timing as we prepare for a holiday and cherish what is really important, time well spent 🙂
Thanks, Mary Beth!
I have my grandmother’s class ring from 1922. I used to wear it all the time! Both of my parents passed away quite suddenly. It’s important to cherish the time you have with them. You were very lucky to spend a week with your wonderful Dad. I would really have cherished the chance to do that.
I wore my grandmother’s ring on my pointer finger all through high school and college. I still wear it occasionally.
Yes, it was a true gift to have that last week with Dad while he was in the hospital. He felt pretty good at first, so we had plenty of time to have some nice conversations. We even got to watch one last VT game together on the TV in his room on Saturday afternoon. I’m sorry you weren’t given the same gift.
What a wonderful an fitting word today. I smiled when I read letters my mom wrote to me away at college. Tell me were you born yet? I got this idea I would write my daughter emails to a secret email along with pictures. Give her the password when she got married. I did this for about a year. I slacked a bit an didn’t login an they deleted the account 🙁 I was heart broken as I couldn’t replace them. I should have wrote them on paper.
My mom went back to college to finish her BS when I was little. Since there wasn’t a college near by, she had to drive to a university about two hours away. It was too long for her to commute, so she lived away from home for a little over two years, coming home each weekend. My dad was a dairy farmer with crazy hours and couldn’t watch me, so I stayed with my grandmother during the week. I cherished those letters mom wrote to me each week. I think she had to write them on Sunday nights to get them in Monday’s mail so I’d get them on Wednesday – the middle of the week. A mother’s true love! 🙂
So sad that you lost all of those letters to your daughter. They would have been priceless.
In this month of gratitude, your list of things to cherish is a wonderful thing. And you’re right: family is the most important of all of them.
Thanks, Anne! And like you wrote, it’s the little things that can mean the most.
Have a great weekend!
Beautiful post and tribute to your dad.
Thanks, Michelle!
This word was a great reminder for me. And in light of the world events, you couldn’t have timed it better.
Sadly, isn’t that the truth…
Thanks for sharing your memories of your dad. I feel truly blessed this Thanksgiving for my family and my close friends. The running community has allowed me to connect with some of the most amazing women.
Since my sons graduated from college, they’ve both lived nearby. This year with Joseph and Julie living in Chicago, Thanksgiving will be all the sweeter with the anticipation of them coming home!
Have a great weekend!
What a beautiful tribute to your dad. 🙂 I cherish many of the same things you do. I especially cherish the friends I’ve made through running and triathlon as well as all the experiences I’ve had by participating in these sports.
Thanks, Phaedra! I’ve made so many friends through the running community, too, and I cherish them all!
Beautiful thoughts 😉 I love laughing until you feel sore!
Isn’t it the best?! 😀
Your dad sounds like a wonderful man and it seems so fitting that today’s word is cherish on his birthday.
I find its the most simple things I cherish too!
Thanks, Meranda! My dad was pretty amazing, and I “may” have chosen the word cherish knowing that it would fall on his birthday! 😉
Have a great weekend!
Happy Birthday to your father ♥ Birthdays are about celebrating life, and I feel even when people pass that loved ones can still celebrate for them. It’s nice of you to share the celebration of his life and the things you cherish most about him.
Thanks, Caroline! I hope my sons celebrate my birthdays after I’m gone with margaritas! 🙂
It’s been a bit of a rough year for us, but there’s still so much to cherish. We especially learned how precious family is this year and not to take anyone for granted (no matter their age) because any day could be their last. We are definitely giving thanks this Thanksgiving for friends and family in our lives, and our many other blessings.
I’ll be thinking of your family on Thursday. The first year of each holiday without a loved is the hardest.
[…] November 18, 2015 – Cherish […]