Fatigued from over five hours of intense yard work on Sunday, I had to convince my sore body that it really would be for the best for it to work with me, and at a minimum, go through the motions of strength training on Monday. Once I got started, my muscles decided to actually cooperate, and I ended up with a pretty good session working through the soreness.
Tuesday I headed out for my run before my mid-morning clients arrived. Tradition prevailed and I ran to our local polling place to cast my vote in the Super Tuesday primaries of which Virginia was one of the states and commonwealths participating.

On the way home, I chose to explore on the hill between our house and the elementary school where I’d just voted. I’d heard a lot of hammering and ruckus while working in the yard on Sunday and had to see what had been going on. Someone had built a swing, a bench (using logs lashed to trees as the base), an artistic wooden sculpture, and a stone fire pit. What surprised me most, was that there was no trash, empty beer cans, etc. strewn around. I don’t know if it’s a dad and younger kids or high schoolers making a little hideout, but I do know that I would have loved a place like that when I was little (minus the fire pit – I was afraid of fires).
This afternoon I could hear more voices of all ages coming from the hill, and I’m anxious to check out the progress later this week while the kids are at school. I took pictures on Tuesday, but I’m still debating on posting them, or letting their secret hideaway remain private.

Thursday was another gorgeous, mid-40’s day. I ran alone later in the morning after I choosing to skip my run with my MRTT friends. Last week’s struggle which ended up with me running alone, temporarily knocked the wind out of my sails. I feel that I’m at a cross-roads and need to figure out what’s wrong. More on that later this week…

Friday we woke to the perfect snowfall. The trees had a beautiful thick covering of snow, but the roads and trials were clear. With my first client arriving at 7:30 AM, I headed outside at about 7:10 for a few GoPro strides while the snow was still stacked on the trees, knowing that most of the snow would be melted before I could get back outside for my long run later in the morning.

By mid-morning I had found my way out to the trails behind my house for just over five-solo miles before hopping in my car to drive to meet Erin for three more miles.

There were small pockets of snow, but as expected, most of the snow was gone from the trees and the grass by the time we finished our run.

Once home from my run, I had one more client to train before I could call it a day. Too fatigued to lift on my own after she left, I promised my body I would lift on Saturday before plopping on the sofa to watch the “Fuel Like Meb” webinar with Meb Keflezighi and Generation UCan (affiliate link).
Just after midnight Saturday morning, Joseph and Julie arrived for a whirlwind two-day trip home. Today Bill and I are enjoying watching the ACC Wrestling Championship with both Joseph and Daniel here.
The Hokies are doing well and heading into tonight’s finals in pretty good shape for either first or second place, and our family is together… life is good!
Weekly Recap:
- Weight Training: Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday
- Runs: Tuesday – 6.2 miles, Thursday 6 miles, Friday – 8.3 miles (Total: 20.5 miles)
- Bike: None
- Yoga: Moved my DVD’s back from the workout room closet to the basement bar
- Stretching: Almost daily
- Average Steps Per Day: 15,157
- Average Hours Sleep Per Night: 7:15
- Questions:
- How’s your running going at the moment?
- What additional exercise would you like to add to your routine, but just can’t seem to get started? ~ yoga for me
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

I’m struggling because of my PF. This week I really aggravated it, and now I’m trying to rebound a bit. I did a bike ride today instead of a long run (it was on the plan). And that was a good thing.
Yoga tomorrow!
What do you think is going on with you?
My running is not going at the moment due to a seized up back. Sad trombone, womp womp. I just indulged in a bunch of retail therapy trying to make myself feel better. Looks like you had some nice runs. The weather looks like it will be good this week so I”m hoping to at least get out on my bike.
Yup. Yoga is on my things I know I should do but never get around to list for sure. I’m pretty good about cross training, but I always suck when it comes to proper stretching & relaxation.
I told my husband that we just need to pick an evening and put yoga on our calendars like we’re going to a class. I’ve decided that’s the only way I’m going to add it back into my routine. Hope you figure out to fit it back into your routine, too.
Bummer about your back. Hope you get it back to feeling better ASAP.
Sounds like we’re jumping right into summer temps by the end of the week with highs in the mid 70’s. Yikes!
I would enjoy that snow! I did a good bit of yardwork both days this weekend. I’m afraid of what I may feel like in the morning. I’m embarrassed how I’ve let me yard go. I used to really love working out there. There isn’t enough time any more. Well, I did have a fractured foot for a while – I guess I can cut myself some slack. Funny you mentioned fires. That used to worry me as a youngster too! Thanks for linking with us Deb. Hope you figure things out.
My yard was covered in snow most of February so there really wasn’t anything I could get done… Even if I could have, everything is pretty much dormant so there’s not much to do anyway. Late March/early April will find me outside whipping everything back into shape.
Ha! I wrote something really similar about Friday’s snowfall here. It was perfect! Glad you got to enjoy it.
Thanks; sounds like you enjoyed the snow as well!
I need to go to the gym. I need to do yoga. But I seem to only have time to run..
Congrats on a strong training week.
Thanks, Darlene. It’s definitely easier to fit in our runs than the other less-fun stuff. 😀
Great job on your workouts for the week. I’m with ya on the yoga. I’d say I need to do more but really I just need to do it. Bc right now I don’t do any. My running is going pretty well. I did 13 Miles today.
Good for you on getting 13 miles done. That always feels great!
My running is going pretty well right now and I am trying to listen to my body better and resist the urge to add extra miles just because. I am also struggling to get more yoga in but it feels so good when I do. Hope you have a great week
LOL on your yoga. I brought yoga stuff to work on Friday but couldn’t get all my work done in time. I’m going to try again tomorrow.
Hope you can find time for yoga tomorrow. I need to just put it on my calendar like I tell my clients to do…
Sounds like you had a great week of running. How do you get such great mid run selfies? I needs tricks 🙂
I use my GoPro and shoot video of me running by, and then grab my favorite image from the video. A little practice will make you pretty good at it! 😀
Oh, interested to read more this week. I love that you track your sleep. I’m trying to consistently get 7-8 hours. On that note, I’m heading to bed!
The sleep tracker was one of the features that I was most interested in when I got my Fitbit, and it’s forced me to get better about getting enough sleep. Last summer when I first got it, I was consistently getting only five hours and some change each night. Now I force myself to go to bed earlier, or sleep later. We’ll see what summer does to my sleep habits…
Running…what running..ha! Struggling over here 🙁 . Between the knee pain and the lack of motivation….I am not sure how I am going to do any of my Spring long races.
The pistol squat is the one move that I want to get better at but haven’t consistently tried to master.
No racing g for me this weekend, I was suppose to do the Pacers ru. On Sunday with Ainsley’s Angels but I had some weird foot pain so I backed out.
Looks like you had a good week. Wasn’t that snow so pretty. Perfect picture weather but didn’t disrupt the day (my kind of snow fall )
Have a great week!
Nice job on your workouts this week! That hideout sounds really neat…I definitely would have loved something like that when I was younger. After spending several months in PT, I was hoping I was on the mend and back to running but my knee has been giving me more trouble. I’m hoping it was just overdoing it a bit too much last week. Fingers crossed!
Hope your knee turns a corner and heals quickly!
Your snow pictures are lovely!
And about the yoga — I had a rare occasion where I had to work all day yesterday, typing away on my computer. Before bed I did a quick legs-up-a-wall and it was — yep, I’ll say it — amazing. Pinterest is full of quick yoga sequences you can do before bed, and I think it really might be worthwhile.
I did legs-up-the-wall a couple of times last week, and didn’t even think about that being a mini yoga session. 🙂 I like your idea of finding mini routines on Pinterest, or even if I’d just do a couple of sun salutations that would get me moving in the right direction. The good news is that I plopped my new DVD in the player today and did the 30-minute yoga basics routine. It’s a start!
I really like your action running shots! The snow looks beautiful! We had a dusting on Friday that didn’t make it to the afternoon, though it was really pretty! Great job on all your workouts!
Thanks, Janelle!
Looking at your pics makes me miss running. Time with my hubby these last couple weeks was more important though, but I hope to get back at it this week! Have a great week, Deb!
Yes, I have to agree that every second with your hubby is a must. You’ll have plenty of time to pound the pavement once you start counting the days until he returns.
I love your photos. I am only starting to get into taking action photos.
You’ll have so much fun taking and posting the action photos!
What I’m really enjoying at the moment is (relatively) pain-free running!!!! My off-season (with limited mileage) has, indeed, paid off! Yes, I raced this weekend (vacay in Florida, and the husband and I found a 10K in the same town as our son’s Nationals swim meet). What would I like to add? More cross-training, and cycling (but I am gun-shy of the huge investment upfront).
How cool that you found a 10K in the town where you’ll be traveling for swim nationals. Have fun!
Definitely yoga for me. I have a hard enough time fitting in training for 3 sports, ha ha. I’ve just started running again after a two week layoff due to an irritated piriformis muscle. I have to work on strengthening my right side. It’s so much weaker than my left. I love your running shots! I think I’m going to invest in a GoPro. 😀
You would have so much fun with a GoPro! Mine was a gift from my hubby last year for my birthday, and it’s the best birthday present ever!
It’s amazing I can find the time for long runs but can’t find the time for even 10 minutes of good stretching a few times a week. Just baffles me!!! I am trying a runstreak on accident actually but nevertheless, it is a runstreak, On top of that., Yes I can’t do just one thing at a time I have to add everything at once, then get burnt out and doing it all over again. Sigh…. #runnerproblems I’m adding a plankaday. This one is very doable! I think the secret hideaway is very cool!
You’re not alone with the missed stretching. I hear that from my clients all the time. Yay for the #plankaday!
Look at that snow! I feel your pain on the yard work, doesn’t that count as cross training? I worked this weekend on helping my husband replacing the wood on our dock. It is that time of year 🙂 I am headed to Sarasota Sunday morning for a big half there- can’t wait!
Have fun at your half on Sunday! And yes, yard work counts as cross training. 😀
I was supposed to race this weekend but had a DNS because a work conference took priority and I had to travel. I was very disappointed ! My big race is in less than 4 weeks…. but with 2 weeks business travel I need to run on a treadmill instead of outside. It complicates things a bit but I am making do.
What a bummer to have work cause a DNS. My hubby has had that happen to him a few times, too. 🙁
Can’t wait to read all about Paris after you run it! So exciting!
Running is going alright, and I’m trying to find time for more bike rides and yoga. I squeeze it in when I can but would like to do it more often.
That’s a common thread among runners – wishing we had time to cross train. It’s hard to find the balance.
I found running enjoyable again after a bit of a hiatus. There has been a lot of mentally and physically exhaustive busyness for the past month or so. Running was once a stress reliever became a energy sucking chore. I decided to put my sneakers away. I focused on sleeping and eating right. Getting life back on track with healthy habits is #1 for me. At the moment, running is not about racing. But surely, I’ll have a bib on fairly soon.
I agree, even though I push myself hard during my training cycles when I have loftier goals, if running becomes a stress in itself, it’s no longer fun. I think that’s why in the past I ran most of my marathons just for the sheer joy of running with friends, not to really push myself. I hope you do get that bib back on and I see you zipping past me during a race again soon! 🙂
Today we are finally getting that springlike weather everyone else seems to have already enjoyed, so I am literally going to run to the grocery store.
I would REALLY love to get a swim in, but I just can’t seem to squeeze it in this week.
Had I known about it, I would’ve been interested in the Meb seminar!
Here’s the YouTube link to Meb’s interview: Fuel Like Meb. Enjoy!
Ugh – the link’s not working, and I’m not sure why… Search YouTube for “Fuel Like Meb” from March 4, 2016 and hopefully you can find it that way. Sorry!
That was a really pretty snow fall! I think we may have one more light snow this Sunday (y’all are probably expecting more accumulation than us with this one) and then hopefully that will be it for this season. I like your yoga workouts for the week 😉 I need to get back into yoga, too.
I am feeling so much more flexible already after just two weeks of yoga. I’m still pretty entertaining to watch, though!
Yeah, I’m not very excited about the snow that’s on its way. For once, I’m hoping we don’t get very much.