Shockingly, I took very few pictures this week… Focusing on putting the final touches on my presentation, it was workout, shower, work; workout, shower, work…
Yoga and my Runner’s World Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training plan seem to be doing the trick and making me feel great – knock on wood… My workouts look very similar to last week, but with new distances and paces. It’s fun, it’s different, and it’s holding my attention.
- Monday
- Lift – 1 hour
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link) – Yoga Basics
- Teeter Hang Ups – 15 minutes
On Monday afternoon I stopped by my neighbor’s house for a short visit and to see my favorite girl, Stella. Last Tuesday was her first birthday. I should have taken her on a birthday run, but didn’t… What kind of friend am I?

- Tuesday
- Interval Run – 1.5-mile warm-up, 6 x 800 intervals all at 8:19 pace, 90 second easy recovery between each interval, 1.5-mile cool-down
- Yoga For Flexibility
- Teeter Hang Ups – 15 minutes
Even though the public schools were on spring break and I could have gotten on the track mid-day, I chose to save time and do my intervals on my treadmill (affiliate link). I had a minor accident and didn’t even realize it until I’d gotten blood all over the place. I’d knocked the skin off my pinky knuckle and apparently I kept hitting my hand on the treadmill before I even noticed what had happened. All is well now, and I’ve cleaned up the mess.

- Wednesday
- Lift – 1 hour
- Bike – 15 miles – 56:33
- Yoga for Energy
I got up early on Wednesday to lift weights before getting ready to teach my “Staying Fit Through the Ages” class. After class, I ran a few errands while in the area and then headed home to train my clients I had rescheduled for the afternoon. By late afternoon I found time to hop on my spin bike (affiliate link), and then wrap my workout up with some yoga.
- Thursday
- Tempo Run – 1-mile warm-up at 9:04, 3 tempo miles at 8:30, 8:32, 8:27, 2-mile cool-down at 9:52
- Yoga For Flexibility
- Teeter Hang Ups – 15 minutes
Once again it was only Mary and me meeting at the trail on Thursday morning, and once again, it worked out well because Mary paced me for my tempo run. Our times were about 15 seconds per mile faster than last week, yet about 10 seconds slower than my goal pace. I did the best that I could and feel great about my times. My goals are to run strong races in the spring, not PR, and these paces will get me the results I want.
Once home, I decompressed my spine on my Teeter Hang Ups (affiliate link) to this fabulous sunrise. Yes, the picture is upside down because I was upside down!

- Friday
- Lift – 1 hour, 30 minutes
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link) – Integration – 25 minutes
Once my final client left at noon, I headed out to shop for Easter basket surprises for the Cruisers‘ annual Easter Bunny Hop on Saturday.

- Saturday
- Long Run – 10.1 miles at 9:57 average pace
- Yoga For Flexibility
- Teeter Hang Ups – 15 minutes
Saturday was a big day for the Cruisers, but first I met my MRTT friends for a quick five miles. Once back from that run, the Cruisers and I had our Bunny Hop celebration and then took off for our group run – another five miles for me. You can read all of the details on yesterday’s recap here.

- Sunday
- Yoga – 6 sun salutations
- Teeter Hang Ups – 15 minutes
Today is Easter and our son Daniel is here for the day. It’s such a joy having him live close enough to stop by for easy visits. Tomorrow I’ll spend the day driving so I can visit my mom for the week. I’m hoping next week’s recap will be filled with pictures from runs along the countryside and yoga outside on her deck next to spring flowers!
Weekly Overview:
- Weight Training: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
- Run: Tuesday – 7 miles , Thursday – 6 miles, Saturday – 10.1 miles (Total: 23.1 miles)
- Bike: Wednesday – 15 miles
- Yoga: Daily
- Teeter Hangups: Monday,Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday
- Average Steps Per Day: 14,759
- Average Hours Sleep Per Night: 7:02
- Questions:
- If you celebrate Easter, what did you do today besides attend church?
- Are the trees and spring flowers blooming where you live?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Love the upside down photo. Brilliant !
We didn’t do anything for Easter as a family because my daughter had a gymnastics meet in the middle of the day. Isn’t that crazy to schedule a meet on Easter ? !
We were just commenting on that same thing this afternoon when we were surprised that two of the Elite Eight round of NCAA basketball games would be held this evening.
Hope you at least enjoyed family time today. Happy Easter!
Omg Stella is adorable! You definitely owe her a run! Happy Easter!
Yes, Stella is a sweetie!
Happy Easter to you, too!
Yikes on the bloody treadmill! Glad the injury wasn’t as bad as it looks. I spent my Easter on an airplane and then unpacking, but my husband did get me a chocolate bunny.
Awww, your hubby is sweet to get you a chocolate bunny! Happy Easter!
Yeah, the injury was hardly anything, but bleed a lot.
Great 10 mile run – that is a fast pace to me.
I had dinner at my mother-in-law’s and ate A LOT!!
I ran a 5k yesterday and added 7 miles after to complete my long run (at a very slow pace but got it done!)
We ate a lot, too – filet Mignon, asparagus, corn-on-the-cob, and roasted mushrooms with cannoli for dessert! Very non-traditional Easter food, but none of us are big ham fans.
Geez that’s a lot of blood on your TM! Glad it was a minor injury…
This morning I saw all kind of kids having egg hunts in their backyards. So cute!
Yeah, it was really minor – just knocked the skin of of my knuckle.
I miss the Easter egg hunts. Guess I’ll just have to wait for the grandkids. 🙂
Happy Easter!
I celebrate but didn’t go to church. I did go with my dad and the kiddies for a community garden clean up.
All the trees are blooming in the DC area. I am in New York this weekend and not many trees/flowers have bloomed yet. My allergies are thankful though 😉
No racing for me this weekend.
Love you Easter Hop celebration!!
How wonderful that you and your family gave back to the community on Easter weekend!
I drove to visit my mom today on the opposite side of Virginia. It’s higher elevation here, and as a result cooler, and the trees are a week or two behind ours at home.
Great job on your runs this week. I really like the Run Less, Run Faster approach since it gives you three very specific runs for the week and then some cross training mixed in. That’;s great that your son lives close enough for brief visits. I wish we lived closer to our daughter, but we did have a wonderful weekend with she and her husband.
So cool that you got to see Christine for Easter! Our other son and his wife live in Chicago, and we’re going to see them in late May and run the Chicago Spring Half Marathon while visiting!
No races, and only a few things blooming, not to mention springter could hit us hard this week with a forecast for snow showers for my race this coming weekend!
I just bruise myself hitting the treadmill; I’ve never actually bloodied it!
Sounds like you had a great training week. I had trouble hitting paces last week, too. I blame the wind!
Oh man, I hate those April snowstorms. I hope it blows by and doesn’t affect your race.
No racing for me, but I did get in a great 7-mile run with a friend. We discussed all of our upcoming races, plus pros/cons of a bunch of others that have potential….there are several fall destination races we have our eyes on, and it’s difficult to pick which one we will do. All of them are at about the same time, and all have fee increases this week YIKES!
So many races, so little time! 😀
Wow! What a nice way to spend a 10 mile run!!
Glad your minor mishap on the TM wasn’t major. Loved the upside down picture!!!
My sister and her family stayed with us a few days over the Easter weekend. We spent the weekend eating lots of food and doing touristy type things in SC. I did manage a 4 mile run to help counter balance all the Easter candy and heavy meals. I think I need to run more and eat less junk, lol!
Happy Monday!
Mixing up our run like we did certainly made it go by quickly, and I always love seeing so many different running friends!
Your Easter weekend sounds fun. I’m sure you’re back on track already!
It sounds like your training plan is working well. I admit I struggle with wanting immediate results. Your Cruiser party sounds like a fun event. I watched my grandson hunt a few eggs but that was about it. We were tired from traveling. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your Mom. Thanks for linking with us Deb.
I just found your comment in my trash folder on WordPress (obviously I don’t look there very often). How dare WordPress think that the host of Weekly Wrap’s comment is trash! LOL!
The trees and flowers are definitely blooming here in Virginia-although the allergies are not fun, running and cycling along a row of cherry blossom trees makes for some great scenery!
I drove over 300 miles across Virginia yesterday, and the trees along I81 were beautiful, especially near Roanoke. I’m sure they’ll be even more in bloom on my return trip on Friday. Fortunately, spring allergies don’t bother me too much.
We are just starting to get flowers poking out of the ground here in Michigan!
I’m visiting my mom this week and all of her jonquils and hyacinths are in full bloom. So pretty!
It looks like you had a great week and a fabulous Easter! That’s so cool your cruisers do a Bunny Hop….how fun!
One of the Cruisers told me the Bunny Hop is his favorite run of the year! 🙂
I’m glad you’re still liking RLRF and I’m glad it’s holding your attention. It’s nice to mix things up! I saw the treadmill picture before I actually read about your run, and I was kind of wondering what was going on there. Knuckles bleed so much sometimes! Do you remember when I busted my knuckle from excessive cowbelling at a race while I was cheering? (I’m still shaking my head over that one)
Hi, Stella! She’s such a cutie!
Yes, I do remember when you had that cow bell injury. Didn’t you get it after your half while waiting for Barry to finish a full?
That’s right! I meant to mention, too, that I hope you have a good time with your mom this week and safe travels when you head home!
Thank you! See you in two weeks and then again in two after that!
Great week! and I love the upside down picture- funny! Easter was great we got it in a movie after church. Enjoy your visit with your mom, sounds like you have a nice week coming up!
Thanks! The weather was cool, but beautiful today!
I’m exhausted and am in need of oxygen just reading this :-0
HaHa – just trying to stay fit and healthy as I get older!