Brave – feeling or showing no fear, not afraid;
to face or endure with courage
~ Merriam-Webster
While heading out on a run one particularly rainy and windy Thanksgiving morning, I met our neighbor out walking his dog. Walter smiled, and through the howling wind shouted, “You’re just like the mailman; neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can keep you from running!”
Walter was correct. We runners will do just about anything to avoid running on the treadmill, or as we sometimes not-so-affectionately call it, the dreadmill. With a little planning ahead, we can get out and run under most conditions as long as we remain smart when making our decisions.
Tips for braving the elements:
- Always check the weather in advance
- Avoid heading outside during electrical or high-wind storms
- Wear appropriate clothing
- Let someone know where you’re headed and when you’ll return
- Always be aware of your surrounding
Using the mailman’s creed that neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can keep runners from running, here are those four elements broken down with suggestions on how to handle each.
Snow – Running on snow can be delightful when it’s light and fluffy, and creates a soft spongy surface. Running on snow that’s had a chance to melt and refreeze can be downright dangerous. Refrozen snow often becomes either icy or uneven due to melted footprints from the day before and wearing Yaktrax (affiliate link) might be in order. As snow starts to melt, be aware of black ice or icy patches in shaded areas.
Rain – Despite what many of my friends think, runners don’t melt. Chances are good that at least a few of your scheduled races are going to be in the rain, so you might as well train in it. Visors and caps are good at keeping pelting rain out of the eyes, and thin nylon shells work wonders at keeping in body heat as our bodies cool from the rain.
Heat – During the summer months of high heat, it’s best to run early in the morning or late in the evening when the temperature is lower. If you must run during the heat of the day, find a shaded area, wear light-weight wicking clothing, and stay well hydrated.
Night – When running at night, be sure to wear reflective clothing, a headlamp, a tail light, and carry pepper spray. Run with a friend, avoid running in unlit dangerous sections of town, and be aware of areas where animals might be congregate and easily become startled.
With a little planning ahead, runners can brave the elements just like the mailman!
How do you brave the elements?
Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is brave….. I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.
Several months ago when picking out words through the end of April, it didn’t even dawn on me to pick a special word for this week – the week of our very first Wednesday Word anniversary. Appropriate words that come to mind now include: thanks, appreciative, gratitude, grateful, or salute.
It’s hard to believe it’s been one whole years since I wrote my first Wednesday Word post, Learning To Love Solitude. I am grateful to Anne, Wendy, Erin, Jenn, and Meagan for linking to that very first post. Wouldn’t it have been embarrassing if no one had added their link? Instead, we’ve had a steady following throughout the year, and I don’t think that Meagan or Wendy have missed a single week. Holly, Coco, Tricia, Tamieka, Judy and Darlene all joined us soon after we started, and many others have become weekly regulars. There have been too many other great bloggers joining us for me to mention them all, but to anyone who has linked up even once, thank you!
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Judgmental
I will brave the cold and sometimes the wind, but I haven’t gotten YakTrax yet so I don’t usually brave the snow. Rain is tricky for me since I wear glasses!
I will take this opportunity to thank YOU for starting this link up. The words inspire me in unexpected ways and I really love reading what others write about!
You are so welcome! It’s been a fun year, and as an added bonus, I’ve discovered lots of fun new-to-me blogs!
[…] This week I am joining one of my favorite bloggers, DebRuns, for her Wednesday Word. […]
Happy One Year Anniversary to the Wednesday Word, I recently found your link up and love checking in every week to see what others are writing about. You have inspired me to write about so many topics both inside and outside of running and I am so grateful to call you my “blogging friend”!
Awww, thanks! I’ve loved getting to know you through your blog since you started linking up!
If I’d been blogging I’m sure I would’ve been linking to your first Wednesday Word — I always love seeing everyone’s take on the same word, so thank you for creating it!
Running in a snowstorm can be very soothing, but we get revelation here so much it can be hard to find somewhere to run in the winter — even this winter was challenging, despite the fact we didn’t get much snow; there was still icy patches forever — and hey, April has had the most snow of 2016!
I enjoy running in the rain when it’s warm; not so much a cold rain,which will probably have me on the mill tomorrow.
Don’t forget the ziploc bags for the phones!
I’m glad you found us when you started blogging! And yes, a Ziplock is a must for protecting our phones.
Congratulations on one year of the Wednesday Word link up! It’s a fun one. 🙂 Braving the elements is what I”m apparently going to be doing this Saturday. I have watched with dismay as the weather forecast has gone from 60’s and sunny to freezing temp’s, snow/rain, and high winds. Ah well. Come race day it is what it is. But I still have a few days to hope that the forecast will change back!
My fingers are crossed that the weather forecast will change by Saturday. Why isn’t there a crossed-fingers emoji? See you Saturday!
Mother Nature has surely tested our reserves this spring! This past week, we’ve had all 4 seasons–it was 70 and windy on Sunday and it snowed on Monday. Today it’s storming. Yikes! We need to be brave!
Thank you for hosting this link up. I love the word prompts and trying to stretch my writing muscle! It’s been a lot of fun, and I look forward to more creativity in the upcoming year!
It’s been cooler than usual here, but so far we’ve avoided snow this week. We might see some on Saturday, though!
Thanks for your Wednesday Word loyalty; it’s appreciated!
Happy anniversary of that first post! And it’s a reminder that I need to get back to linking up! My posts have been a little more sporadic and I need to fix that.
This runner most certainly does melt in the rain LOL! I hate hate hate getting wet when I run, but I deal with it, when I can. I have had the pleasure of running in snow just once (and it was fun simply because it’s something I don’t ever get to do). For me, braving it is going out there when it’s 100 degrees, with 100% humidity, and hoping I can outlast the beating sun.
We’d love to have you join us again!
In my book, heat and humidity are about the toughest elements to brave. Except the wind… I hate the wind.
Happy Birthday Wednesday Word! Deb, I’ve really enjoyed this link – even though I missed a few (the Weekly Wrap is taking a lot of my time now). Giving us an assigned word is very helpful! It’s like homework, but much more fun. The different perspectives are always very entertaining.
I never have to worry about snow, but heat is the one I BRAVE the most. I always run early in the morning, but that is also when humidity is at the highest level. It’s something I never get used to.
I, too, have learned that hosting a linkup takes a tremendous amount of time. We’re happy to have you join us whenever you can!
I’m not a fan of heat and humidity either.
I’ve braved the elements of cold, snow, rain, heat, though most often in snow it turns to ice after a few footprints so I don’t do that very often so I’d run indoors rather than risk slipping. I’m a klutz!
It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
Happy anniversary to the Wednesday Word! Now I am bummed I did not participate today. I’ve really enjoyed your prompts and look forward to many more years of the Wednesday Word.
Thanks, Deborah!
[…] that revolutionary ideas gain traction, or at least decent facsimiles of such. My friend Deb (of Deb Runs) poses a weekly challenge, Wednesday Word. Of all days, it falls on Wednesday, in the midst of the […]
a year, already. Thanks for setting this up. I love it.
I do hate the treadmill and as a result, I have braved the elements more than most. I run in the wind, snow, rain (though I hate this the most), heat, humidity.
I have run half marathons in all of the above too.
We love having you a part of our linkup each week! Thanks for always joining in on the fun.
I dislike the wind most, then the humidity, then the heat…
I’m going to encourage my guest posters, who normally go live on Wednesdays, to write about your Wednesday Word, so I can keep getting in on this. It’s awesome.
As for braving the elements – I wear thermal underwear and under armour shirts under my soccer coaching clothes, so that, with a beanie and a scowl, i can totally look like a bad-a$$ when the temperatures plummet. (Or, feel like one, anyway. Who’s looking at the coach anyway?)
Thanks, Eli – that would be great! And I’m sure you totally look badass!
great tips! You know I am a Florida runner so no way am I ever running on a treadmill! I just have to adapt to 100% humidity and I am good! and congrats on the year!
Thanks, Mary Beth! Humidity – ugh!
Happy Link-Up anniversary!!! How has it been a year already!!
Your Wednesday word always seems to go perfectly with my life (most times)…today is no different…post coming soon!
Thank you for the opportunity each week! so much fun!!
I love having you as a regular with our linkup, and it amazes me that my words usually fit so perfectly with your life. I still crack up when I think of the time you said, “It’s like Deb lives in my head!”