Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is consistent….. I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Consistent – always acting or behaving in the same way;
continuing to happen or develop in the same way;
of the same quality
~ Merriam-Webster
If nothing else, I’m consistent. Some people might call it predictable or uninteresting, but I like the sound of consistent better. I’m comforted by running on my familiar running trails. I like knowing what to expect, where there will be hills, where there’s shade… This type of consistency might be detrimental though. Running on the same trail at the same time allows patterns to be observed, and leaves me more vulnerable.
Today, though, I want to talk about the positive aspects of consistency. In March I picked yoga back up after about a twelve year hiatus. All along, I knew I should find the time for yoga; but running and weight lifting always took precedence. It wasn’t until I put it out here on the blog that I finally held myself accountable, ordered three yoga DVD’s, and actually started practicing.
Within a week of bringing yoga back into my life, I started to notice a difference. My form might not look very pretty, but I’m seeing subtle improvements in my flexibility and that’s what matters. I know that it will only be through remaining consistent with yoga that I’ll continue to reap the benefits.
The same is true with my running. Disappointment from no longer being able to run marathons took me out of the racing scene for a few years. While I was having a blast going on relaxing easy pace runs with my friends, I wasn’t happy watching my pace grow slower. It wasn’t until I met my MRTT friends and started hitting up races with them that I brought speed work back into my training plan.
I discovered that regular interval sessions at the track and weekly tempo runs helped me get faster, and quickly. I carefully planned out my schedule for each training cycle, and maintained consistency in following my plan. And you know what? It paid off. My race times came down, I set several age adjusted PR’s, and I actually found myself on the podium for some age group wins. Consistency in training was the key to my success.
Now if only I could find time to be more consistent with my blogging…
How has being consistent improved your life?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Procrastinate
I’m definitely not consistent about where & when I run — a good thing!
But I am consistent with running. And yoga. And foam rolling. And ST. And my WW meetings! It helps to not work!
I need to be more consistent with my foam rolling. Thanks for the reminder!
Consistency in training really does pay off Consistency in blogging is hard because there are only so many hours in the day!
I’ve found that writing, reading, and commenting is so hard to keep up with while trying to do all of the other things I’m responsible for doing. I need a 28-hour day! 🙂
I think your blogging consistency is something to be admired! It’s HARD to find things to write about, but you knock it out every time! 🙂
Thanks, Anne, that’s very sweet of you to say. My best blogging ideas come to me while I’m running, but unfortunately, I forget them by the time I finish my run. HaHaHa!
Congrats on getting back into Yoga and blogging consistently is a challenge that also deserves congrats. I’m consistent about running 3 times per week, but sometimes my strength training is lacking due to motivation. I really need someone to kick my butt into shape! Can you send me the link for age adjusted PR’s? As I move further into my 60’s, I would love to know that my hard work at the track and tempo runs are paying off!
I set my own age adjusted PR goal’s a few years ago and now reset them as necessary. I wrote about it here. Basically, I looked at my old PR’s and adjusted new goals to times that I thought would be challenging, but doable.
I’ve been pretty consistent with running and blogging. But without something to train for, I’m starting to struggle a bit with staying on track with both! I think I need goals to stay consistent..
Goals definitely keep me on track, and having a 5K on the horizon helps me keep speed work on my training schedule.
My yoga has been waivering….thanks for the reminder! Even though I have not been consistent with yoga class (or extended time doing it on my own), I still can see the benefits and do a lot of yoga poses/positions in my stretching. Blogging is a tough one….there are not enough hours in the day (or days in a week) to get all the writing (and reading!) done that my heart desires.
I think we can all use a reminder to stretch more consistently. If it weren’t for my yoga DVD’s I’m not sure I’d be doing as well right now.
I like this. All though my running is all over the place (sometimes fast and sometimes really slow), my sister is pretty much Always consistent. I could guess her time on any race with in a 2-3 minute time frame!
That’s pretty cool. I used to be able to pace my runners around the track during our interval workouts. I’d tell them we were going to run our 800’s at a 3:15 and we’d hit them every time. I’m not so good at that anymore. 🙁
Consistency is where it’s at. It seems that the more frequently and regularly we do things, the more it becomes ingrained in our lives, which makes reaching our goals a little easier. Great word!
Indeed! It’s great to have you back this week!
I love reading your blog and I love that you are incorporating more yoga into your weeks…you are inspiring me to do the same!
Thank you!
My running is up and down lately, but I have found consistency is the key when it comes to weight training. It is hard to make gains if you don’t keep working and upping the weight in a regualr routine. My problem is I get bored and want to change it up!
Isn’t that the truth! Try changing up your workouts with traditional weight lifting, tabatas, cardio intervals, compound moves, etc. It will keep your workouts more interesting AND keep your muscles guessing what’s next.
I totally notice a difference when I am consistent and not consistent at yoga…so noticeable! Good job getting back into it and being consistent with it!!
I love your positive aspects of being consistent!
Thanks, Tamieka! I always love hearing when other runners incorporate yoga into their routines. It took me long enough to get back into it!