Tuesday morning brought us the first significant snow of the winter. What was forecast for 6-10 inches ended up being about 4 inches of packed snow due to slightly warmer temperatures and the snow turning over to rain for a while Monday night. By the time I woke up Tuesday, the rain had changed back to snow and I finally got to enjoy watching it fall for a few hours.
Just before noon Bill and I decided to head outside in the 34° (28° wind chill) for a run for me and bike ride for him. Bill quickly discovered that his tires weren’t fat enough for the snow and he took his bike back to our house and then joined me for a short distance on my run – a real treat for me.

As we ran past one of the creeks behind our house, Bill said, “It would be a really cool picture if you ran through the water…” Always up for a good challenge, I knew I had to do it, but I’m smart enough that I waited until I was finishing up my run and almost home before splashing in the creek. I think I heard a happy sigh from my Saucony Peregrine trail shoes (affiliate link) as I played in the water. I also heard, “Good grief, what are you doing, woman?” from my toes! After the initial shock of the icy cold water, my feet adjusted and I was fine on the short run back to my house where I immediately changed into warm clothes and made some hot chocolate!

Bill and I waited until Saturday afternoon between rounds of the NCAA wrestling tournament to head out for our run/bike so we wouldn’t miss a match of the Thursday through Saturday evening tournament. And while the Hokies finished sixth in the nation, we were disappointed with a couple of early upsets which left us with no one in the finals. Even without any VT wrestlers in the finals, it was fun to watch – collegiate wrestlers are amazing athletes! A quick shoutout and congrats to my buddy and fellow trainer, John, whose Nittany Lions dominated the tournament!

I haven’t been running with my friends for about three weeks as I’ve worked through my varying injuries. I’ve been keeping it slow and easy so I ran my eight miles at a 10:40 average pace. Even at that slower pace, I struggled. This blip in my training has happened during the winter for the last couple of years, and I’ve learned that it’s just a matter of letting my body heal as I work my way back.
On the blog this week, Tuesday I’ll have this month’s installment of Ask Coach Deb where I’ll answer your questions about gait, over-stretched hamstrings, and taking selfies. On Thursday I’ll talk about how aging affects muscle mass loss – I bet you’ll be surprised at just how early in our lives that begins… Looking ahead to next week, on Monday I’ll post my Race Linkup, which goes live the last Monday of every month. Please join me and let your readers and fellow bloggers know which races you’ll be attending so we can plan meet-ups!
In case you missed it last week, I posted My Ten Favorite Yoga Poses For Runners and my Gingery Chicken And Vegetables Stir-Fry recipe.
Back to my workouts, here’s how the week went down…
Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- What workouts have you done that have left you hobbling?
- Did you have snow this week or is it spring-like where you live?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

We had snow last Sunday night…but it slowly disappeared by Friday. Now, if it will just stay until December 24th (or so) 😉 My race went well…recap coming!
I just read Wendy’s recap. Can’t wait to read yours, too!
Our 10 inches of snow was almost melted by race time on Saturday morning. But it wasn’t warm by any stretch of the imagination. I’m writing this from sunny Florida. Nice change of pace!
Have fun in Florida! Enjoy your down time!
I can’t believe your hubs tried to bike in the snow! I would be terrified. Nice that you got to go out on the trail with him.
Bill doesn’t have one of the fat tire bikes, but the one he’s on in the picture does great on trails and in the mud so he thought it was worth a try! 🙂
Love that you got your tooties soaked in freezing water for a good photo opp–it did turn out to be a great photo! Hmm, I tend to have bad training cycles in winter too–maybe for the same reason? Of course my body will never tell me its secrets, ha ha.
What we’ll do for pictures… LOL
Oh yes; wouldn’t it be fabulous if we could get our bodies to tell us their secrets and exactly what they needed to feel better? 😀
Wow you are brave running through the water like that! We got a few inches of snow on Tuesday and it finally melted this weekend. No races yet for me as Im slowly building back from a long injury.
Brave or crazy! 😀
Ugh to injuries – it seems like this is the season for them. So many people I know are injured… Hope you recover quickly!
We got about 20 in last Tues. Not sure when it will be gone..it’s been pretty cold.
I am so ready for spring!!
You and me both!
I can’t believe Bill was ever able to bike at all in the snow! Thank goodness our snow didn’t stay too long! I’m ready for spring to “spring”. 😉 I love your water splashing picture! So fun!
Bill wanted to at least try to ride in the snow. I thought it would work since his tires are bigger and can go through the mud. I guess the snow was just a little too deep…
Sounds like some great things coming up this week! I am hitting 40 this year so I am interested in the muscle mass one for sure, I think I remember some things about that but I can’t remember specifics,
I do love the running through the water picture. It does look neat, although I bet it was cold!
About the picture of me running through the creek – yes, it was cold, but definitely worth the picture! 😀
It snowed most of the day on Tuesday, but it was a mix of snow and ice which was pretty yucky! I’m hoping that was out last snow storm of the year!
You and me both!
I did race this weekend and the conditions were awful! Definitely did not feel like spring time here. I would love to get over 7 hours of sleep.
Which race did you run this past weekend? I heard the Shamrock in VA Beach was miserable with side-ways rain. Were you down there?
This week was a fluke in my sleeping habits. I had several early morning cancellations due to the weather so I was able to sleep later than most mornings. Usually I’m just shy of hitting a seven hour average.
Thanks for the shout-out Deb!! Watching the finals Saturday night was the best 3 hours of sports I’ve witnessed in a long time. Obviously, Penn State winning all 5 matches was simply awesome…Scary part — all 5 champs are back next year…
Seriously, ALL Five? And we don’t even know who our coach will be next year and if any of our wrestlers/recruits might follow Dresser to Iowa State… Bill and Joseph seriously thought about meeting in St. Louis for the tournament, but eventually decided against it. Bill and I did watch the whole thing. Wrestling really is a great sport, especially at the collegiate level.
It was cool here in Alabama last week, but today it was hot! Have fun in Florida!
You’ve got me confused with someone else – I wish I was headed to Florida for vacation! 😀
That really is an awesome photo of you splashing through that icy cold creek …it should be on the cover a running magazine! I love that you and the hubs run/bike together as that is how me and Major Hubs rolls too 🙂 We’re either running together or he runs and I bike…every now and then he’ll bike with me but never him biking and me running 🙂 I’m trying to talk him into an organized bike ride in May …he says he’ll commit to 25 miles but that’s it…. I’d love to do a metric century myself. We’ll see!
Thanks for the nice compliment about the pic of me running through the creek! I just bought a bike on Sunday so you’ll be seeing biking pictures of us together now! My butt hurts just thinking about a metric century ride! HaHa!
I have to say trekking through the icy cold water looks fun until my feet got wet lol! I’m such a baby! It was an awesome capture for sure! My hubs use to ride bikes with me but hey now he’s running so I’m pretty excited about that! I do enjoy riding but if I was going to do any real distance I so need to get me some padded shorts!
Thanks Deb for lining up with us!
I got a bike on Sunday so I can start riding with Bill. I need to get padded shorts!
My feet are getting cold just reading this post! Fortunately almost all the snow is melted now – I am ready for spring! Looking forward to your piece on losing muscle mass as we get older – I’d like to do whatever I can to slow that loss down.
Wasn’t today a gorgeous day, especially early this moring? 🙂
Your life seems incredibly active!
It’s easy to see you getting into wrestling with everything you’re squeezing into your day.
Go Hokies for ACC and Nittany Lions for B1G.
Thanks for sharing.