Say what? Can this really be training cycle number thirty-nine for me? I suppose so, unofficially… I don’t really have an exact count, but since the fall of 1997 when I trained for my very first marathon, I’ve had at least one fall and one spring marathon, half marathon, or ten-mile race on my training schedule.
Some training cycle plans were carefully laid out on paper and each run was checked off and documented, while others were simply in my head making sure my long runs were lined up so I’d peak at the right time for my focus race.
Last year I purchased Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) and used their plan as I trained for the Chicago Spring Half Marathon. I found it to be very good for an older runner who just might have put way too many miles on her body back in the day of routinely running 50-mile weeks.
These days, I’m careful not to overdo it and have found Run Less Run Faster’s approach to training perfect for me. With three quality runs per week (intervals, a tempo run, and a long run), I’m staying within what my body is comfortable running and rarely feel like I’m pounding the pavement too much.
This past Tuesday was the first day of my OBX Half Marathon training cycle. For those of you who haven’t heard, I turn sixty in mid-November and my husband and I have invited a group of my running girlfriends to our family beach house on the Outer Banks to stay for a long weekend, run the OBX Half (or one of the other associated races), and have an all-around fun time (Bill doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into)!
I determined my goal time for the OBX Half, and I matched that to the half marathon times on the charts in the book to determine my track, tempo, and long run paces. My goal is to run a 1:54:20 which would be a 14 second PR for me. How cool would it be to set a PR two days before my 60th birthday? Back when I was faster, I ran mostly marathons (if I ran a half, I ran it as a training run) and that’s the only reason I have a breakable half marathon PR at my age.
Anyway, back to my training… Run Less Run Faster (RLRF) called for my track repeats to include a 1 to 2-mile warm-up and a 1-mile cool-down with 12 x 400’s in the middle. My goal pace was to hit each 400 at 1:49 (7:19 pace) and I was pretty much on the money. I walked around for about 90 seconds between each interval as I recovered. I plan to do track repeats on Tuesday since that’s the day my friends are meeting at the track and it works well with my work schedule.

Thursday called for a tempo run with a 2-mile warm-up, 3 miles at tempo at an 8:13 pace, and a 1-mile easy cool-down. I met my friends at the trail and we all warmed up together and then did our own thing for the rest of our runs. I struggled hitting my tempo paces and ended up finishing those at 8:45, 8:45, and 9:35. I haven’t been able to get my speed back since my injuries in February and April, but I know consistency with my training now that I’m including speed work will do wonders.

Saturday’s schedule had me doing an 8-mile long run at an 11:18 average pace which I ended up running at a 10:40 average. I sneaked out between two huge rain storms when the temperature was in the mid-60’s, something I can’t complain about in mid-July!

RLRF also recommends cross-training as part of the training plan. This week’s cycling workouts called for 2 approximately 30-minute rides with tempos or intervals. Instead, I rode 50 miles with Bill today – more on that next week!
Looking ahead to this coming week, tomorrow I’ll post my July Race Linkup. Please feel free to join me and let your friends know which races they can find you at this racing season. On Tuesday I’ll have a special tribute to celebrate Bill’s and my 36th wedding anniversary. And on Wednesday, please be sure to join me for my monthly Wednesday Word linkup where this month’s word is breakthrough.
In case you missed it, this past week I posted the following articles:
- Tuesday – A Week In Salads – Like Mother, Like Daughter
- Thursday – Ultramarathon Runner Turned Ironman
- Friday – Runfessions Of An Old School Runner About To Turn High Tech
In addition to the runs I mentioned above, here’s a run-down of other workouts I completed this past week…

Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- Have you run the OBX Marathon or Half? If so, what did you think?
- How’s the weather been were you live? ~ I lucked out all three mornings I ran this past week. For July, the morning temps were not too bad.
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

I’m also linking up with Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC for her Training Recap linkup. Be sure to check out how Courtney the other great bloggers joining the linkup are doing on their fall marathon and half marathon training.
That would be pretty darn amazing to PR for your birthday! My money is on you Deb 🙂
It would be an amazing birthday present, wouldn’t it?
Great job with your training this week! I’m sure that the OBX birthday race weekend will be a great success. What a fun way to celebrate! I’m interested in this RLRF plan and I’ll be tracking along with you! Happy training.
I really liked how RLRF got me prepared for my half last spring and I’m hoping for similar results this fall. I would definitely recommend giving it a try!
Whoa! That’s a lot of training cycles!
Great job with your workouts this week! I was blessed with much cooler temperatures during the beginning of the week and it made me super happy!
A lot of training cycles = I’m old and I’ve been racing for years. LOL
Isn’t it such a welcome relief when we have cooler temps and lower humidity during the summer? It feels so amazing when that happens. 😀
Love that you are still at it after all these years and miles! I’m still hoping to do a 5th marathon, but I don’t know if my body will let me. Today’s run was humbling and a reminder that RA is bigger than me.
Thanks, Wendy. I hope that fifth marathon happens for you!
I bought the RLRF book last year, but have not done much with it. When I get cleared to run (early September, I’m hoping), my training will be touch-and-go. I am doing R’n’R LV in November, so I’ll have enough time, but I have no idea how easy it will be to start back up after a 2.5-month hiatus. Fortunately, I have no time goals because I’ll be running it with a slew of fun-loving gals and my focus will be on FUN 😉
I think your one-and-only goal for Rock ‘N’ Roll Las Vegas should be to have fun with your friends and enjoy the gift of running again. Use the fall and winter to gradually build up your base again.
Your girls running trip to the outer banks sounds like a fabulous way to celebrate your birthday! You are still killing those paces lady! I love that you are enjoying cycling so much ….maybe one day we can get a group together for a fun ride!
I’m really thinking I need to buy this RLRF book for my next training cycle…. 3 runs per week works great for me. Much more and I always end up injured.
Wouldn’t a big group ride be fun? 🙂
I’d definitely recommend checking RLRF out of the library to see what you think. I bet you’d love it and end up buying it, though!
Your race weekend sounds like it will be super fun! I’m storing the idea for my own future birthday celebration 😉
Doesn’t it sound fun? I’d love for you to borrow the idea! 🙂
Wow, that’s a lot of races! Glad to hear you’ve found a training method that works well for you. I turn 44 in a month and realize that I need more easy running in my training, so I found a plan that includes that. For me, it’s not running lots of miles that wears me down but lots of speedwork.
Yeah, I hardly raced (only one race) the first half of the year so it seems like I’m making up for that. LOL
It’s good that you found a race plan that works for you. If too much speed work is your Achilles heel, I doesn’t sound like RLRF would be a good match for you.
Wow! 39 that is impressive. I have 13 under my belt right now and I would like to get to 20 by 2020 so we will see. I doubt that will happen now that I got this new position at work that has been very demanding. Hope your training cycle goes well. I have never ran the OBX. I have had a few friends that did and they really liked it. I think there is a challenging bridge on the course though.
With the starting and finishing elevation right around sea level, the bridge will seem like a big hill to climb. I wonder if it will be freaky running across it…
No, I haven’t run the OBX Marathon or Half Marathon! Looks like your birthday weekend will be a fun one! I also have the RLRF book and have thought about using their plan.
If you do you RLRF in the future, I’d love to know what you think.
Wow, I never would have guessed that you’re turning 60! It looks like your training is going well. Nice job on the track!
Thank you! The only downside to running at my age is that injuries can happen so easily. It’s more important than ever to listen to my body.
You so inspire me! I can’t wait to see you crush that PR – and what a fun weekend you will have!! Are you running the Leesburg 20k this year? After three great runs on the Leesburg section of the W&OD, I think I’m ready to go back there!
Bummer, I’m not going to be able to run the Leesburg 20K this year. I’ll be sad to miss you! Good luck!