Last week I shared a picture of my runner girl decal (affiliate link) Bill had gotten me and several people asked where he’d found it. Bill ordered it from Amazon and it’s only $2.98 with free shipping (marked down from last week’s price of $4.49)!
As I’ve recovered from my Grand Teton Half, I’ve taken a little more time off from running than I usually do after a race. The first week after the race we were still on vacation and doing a lot of hiking, exploring, and biking in southern Utah so I took advantage of being active while allowing my running muscles to rest. The following week I ran three days, but the many hours sitting in our rental car covering over 1,600 miles the previous week did a number on my back, and running brought out some sciatic nerve pain and numbness. As a result, I decided to take this past week completely off from running.
I lifted three days, did yoga four times, and worked on my core like a boss. My body thanks me.
That being said, I sat in a car for about seven hours on Friday afternoon as we drove to visit my mom. We drove mostly in rain and had to slow or stop multiple times due to accidents and that added a couple of hours to our drive. The later than expected arrival time treated us to this beautiful sunset as we crested the mountain separating the interstate from the valley I grew up in…
We’re on our way home as I type, and fortunately, Weather Bug is showing clear skies all the way up the New River Valley and the Shenandoah Valley. 😎 Edited to add: About two hours from home we got into rain and severe thunder storm warnings, and very slow traffic. Sigh…
Here’s to a happy spine when I get home and regularly scheduled runs this coming week!
In case you skipped checking in on my blog this past week, here’s what you missed…
- Sunday – Getting Back Into Running After Vacation And A Father’s Day Shout-out
- Thursday – 2018 Grand Teton Half Marathon Race Recap
Looking ahead to this coming week…
- Monday – Please feel free to join me for Race Linkup and let your friends know which races they can find you running in the next few months.
- Tuesday – Review of the bed and breakfast where we stayed for the Grand Teton Half
- Thursday – I hope to post my recap our Phelps Lake hike the afternoon of the Grand Teton Half where we met CL.
In addition to the exercise I mentioned above, here’s a complete run-down of my workouts from this past week (completed mostly in our home gym)…

- Questions:
- How much time do you take off after a race?
- What’s your favorite core exercise? ~ Mine is definitely planking!
- Did you race this weekend?
And that’s a wrap… Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking The Long Way Home for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

I think you were smart to take some time off after your half. Sometimes, you have to listen to your body! The amount of time I take off after a race usually depends on the length and difficulty of a race. I often take only one day off after a trail race, because trail races tend to be easier on my body.
That’s such a good point about trail races being easier on our bodies. I wish I had more trail races nearby…
I really love that window decal – thanks for sharing!
Sorry you had to deal with so much rain on your road trip this week but you’re right, it paid off with that awesome view. Wishing you safe travels back home!
I know, isn’t it cute?
I’m definitely a fan of planking for core work!
I know you are, and, you inspired me to start planking daily! 😎
What a great decal.
I don’t take time off but I wold if it were a hilly race and I was sore.
No race this weekend but a 15k next.
Oh cool, have fun at your 15K!
One of my least favorite times to drive is during severe weather. Talk about stressful!! Glad you guys made it through all that safely!
No races for me until October! And, at the rate things are going, that’s a smart decision on my part. 🙂
And definitely planking! My strength coach had me doing wall planks this week, 2 rounds of 3 sets of 30 seconds. Talk about tough!!!
I totally agree, I despise driving during heavy rain, especially on the interstate with lots of tractor trailers…
I sure hope you’re feeling better this week. A week off sounds perfect! Have a good week!
Thank you, I ran this morning and I’m feeling great!
Sitting in cars/planes does a number on my body too. A good massage usually helps! I love doing planks at the end of my workouts.
I personally don’t like massages (I know, I’m weird), but I do like having my sport medicine chiropractor work me over when I’m feeling off.
Thanks for the info on the decal! It’s so cool. That’s a beautiful sunset you were greeted with as you arrived home. I know you enjoyed your visit with your Mom too. I took 10 days off with no running after my latest marathon. And like you say, travel recovery plays a big part in that too! Thanks for linking!
If you decide to order the decal, enjoy!
I’m learning to love the plank. Two races this weekend and actually remembered (OK, put it on my calendar) the race linkup so I’m ready to go there.
Awesome! Can’t wait to check it out!
I love to do planks with forward and backward rocking as well as lifting and lowering opposite hand/foot.
That’s great! I like changing it up to side planks and moving from straight arm to bent arm just to keep my planking interesting.
I need to get back to daily planking too. Maybe tomorrow 🙂 Thanks for sharing the decal super cute and a great gift
There’s always tomorrow! 😉
sitting so long in the car would have done a number on my back too! that’s the downside of traveling by car!
how much time off after a race really depends for me! I actually love active recovery and anyway it sounds like that’s what you did after your race as well! but if I don’t have anything coming up for a bit I might take a week off max. I’m not good at doing nothing, to be honest…
I can’t say I have a favorite core exercise! I’m still working on changing my view of core work as a necessary evil to something that I like 😀 maybe at the end of the year I’ll have a favorite!
no racing last week but this week I have a race on Saturday evening and quite possibly I’ll do a 5 and a 10K race on Sunday (since I have a long run anyway and the timing is right – I should only have about 20 min in between the two).
We actually flew into Salt Lake City, but then put 1,641 miles on our rental driving up to Wyoming and then to southern Utah and then back to SLC to catch our flight home.
Oh, have fun at your 5K and 10K. I’ve never run races back-to-back like that!
Cute decal! you can find anything on Amazon. I am so bad at doing core exercises. Isn’t running enough? Ha
To answer your question, I learned the hard way and sadly, the answer is no.
I get bored planking, but I love bird dogs!
That’s a great core exercise. I just have to remind myself to keep it slow and controlled when I do it.
[…] Sunday – Clear Skies And A Runner Girl Decal […]