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~ Runfessions ~
A collection of statements admitting
that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…
It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscious of recent running, biking, fitness, and nutrition related faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll give you a laugh or two in the process!
I runfess: Even though I love my Garmin, I still love logging my runs and other workouts in an old school log book. Up until this year, I’ve used the free Runner’s World log that comes with a subscription, but since I didn’t re-up RW this year, I ordered The Complete Runner’s Day-by-Day Log (affiliate link). Time will tell if I like my new one as much as the basic Runner’s World versions…
Inside pages…
I runfess: As I walked into Trader Joe’s one day in the fall, I notice a huge pile of almond flavored Danish kringle and asked a crew member if he’d tried them. He said they were very good so I bought one. Seriously, it was so amazingly delicious that I went back to buy more to freeze for the holidays, but they were sold out. They told me they were expecting a shipment that night and to call the following morning to make sure they had arrived.
When I arrived, the kringles were still in boxes in the freezer, but one of the crew retrieved several for me. These almond Danish kringles (affiliate link) can be purchased at Amazon for $21.49 plus $9.99 shipping, but I paid $7.99 each at Trader Joe’s. They thaw in an hour or so and are coming in handy for holiday entertaining.
A little slice of heaven…
I runfess: Speaking of Danish kringle, I might have been a little looser (okay, a lot looser) than usual with my eating during the last six weeks (since my birthday) and need to start focusing on eating for fuel, not as a pastime. I told Bill that we’re going on a body builder’s diet after the holidays – chicken and broccoli three meals a day. Just kidding, but I do need to buckle down.
I runfess: When I have my GoPro (affiliate link) set up on the ground for my running pictures, I often have to pause to let people run, walk, or ride past. Sometimes they notice the GoPro, but often they don’t. Earlier this fall, this particular lady noticed it and had the most inquisitive expression on her face. I didn’t want to show her face so I changed it so she’s laughing at me for running back and forth past a little camera.
I runfess: I’m not good at stretching immediately when I come in from a run, but I almost always fit in at least eight minutes on my foam roller. When I roll I use my RumbleRoller (affiliate link) to dig deep and focus two minutes each on the following areas.
- butt, glutes, sides of hips, inside thighs
- hammies
- quads
- calves
I runfess: I still haven’t made anything from my Run Fast. Eat Slow (affiliate link) cookbook by Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky; and I’m going to keep runfessing this until I embarrass myself to the point of making something… anything! Apparently, I’m not easily embarrassed because I’m now going on three years…
There you have it, my most recent runfessions; and you can bet that it feels good to get another set off of my chest! See you next month in the runfessional.
- Questions:
- How do you log your workouts: online, on paper, or both?
- Have you tried kringles from Trader Joe’s?
- What are your runfessions?
Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup. Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up.

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I’ve never seen Those Kringle maybe that’s a good thing! I use my Garmin and Strava to keep track of total mileage etc but I am also old school and write down my workouts n my calendar each day.
It sounds like a lot of us like combining modern technology with old school logging.
Hee hee now that you’re up to 3 years you can’t break your streak with Run Fast Eat Slow. I runfess that I checked it out from the library once. I also runfess that in addition to tracking my runs in Garmin, Strava, and Smashrun, I also keep them in a spreadsheet, and I get so much satisfaction from entering them each day. I use the spreadsheet to track my shoe mileage, my treadmill vs outside mileage, and just about any other data point that I want to look at. Merry Chirstmas Deb!
LOL, but did YOU make anything from RFES while you had it checked out from the library? 😉
Your spreadsheet sounds like it’s to die for – it sounds like a lot of us like combining technology and old school logging.
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!
I’ve used the Jerome running log since 1992 when my sister bought one for me. Tried a few other logs, but always came back to this one. I hope you like it!
Oh, that’s great to hear. Thanks for letting me know!
I have about 3 running log books here and runfess I don’t stick with any of them. Ugh. I believe those Kringles originate from a bakery in Racine, WI. My SIL lives there and has been showing up bearing Kringles since the beginning of time. There are a whole bunch of flavors. Thanks for ‘fessing up!
You are correct, the kringles do come from Rachine, WI. While visiting friends at Thanksgiving they served both raspberry and almond kringles, but in my husband’s and my opinions, the raspberry didn’t even begin to measure up to the almond flavoring. 😀
I have a strong Norwegian heritage, and make Kringle every Christmas. Maybe it’s a Norwegian thing (?), but I’ve always seen them shaped into a figure-8 or pretzel. Maybe I can send you some 🙂
The kringle we bought is shaped in a ring, but while researching them, I saw that they’re often shaped in figure eights. You could definitely send me your recipe! 😀
I runfess that I have never kept a log of my running. Or my training at all. My strength coach is pretty distressed about it! I keep asking her what my one rep PR is and she just glares at me. Isn’t that what I pay her for? LOL
HaHa, I couldn’t even imagine… 😉
OMG, three years on the cookbook! I know I made a few recipes. The question is, did I make them again? I don’t think any were “keepers” but that’s because my husband doesn’t like “alternative” grains or lots of veggies. LOL on the Go-Pro. Since I go straight from the holidays to a business trip, I’m giving myself until January 11th to return to 100% dedication to healthy eating.
One of my problems is that I tend to make the same things over and over and I don’t even think of pulling out my RFES cookbook until I sit down to write my next set of Runfessions.
I’ve used that Runner Log before and I really liked it. Hope you enjoy it too!
One thing I loved from Trader Joes this year was their sparking cranberry drink. It was delicious on it’s own and even better with vodka 🙂
That’s great to hear about the running log. I think I’ll like it once I get used to it and where to log my various other activities.
I’ll have to try TJ’s sparkling cranberry drink – with vodka of course. 😉
Despite the technology, I still like to keep a running log too.
I chuckled at your Run Fast, East Slow runfession only because I still haven’t made anything from the book either – heaven only knows how long I’ve had mine. I keep saying I will … 2020 will be the year for both of us LOL!
It sounds like I’m not alone with the duel methods of keeping my running/exercise stats.
Okay, let’s make 2020 the year of making something, anything from RFES! :DS
Make something from your cookbook! It will be the perfect way for you to get back on track!
Trader Joe’s has some incredible little treats. We don’t have one super close to us, but when we do go, we stock up!
I like to log all my runs in Strava, but I do write down my mileage and workouts in my paper calendar so I can refer to it quickly when I do my weekly recaps.
It sounds like a lot of us like combining current technology with old school logging. And I agree, it’s so much easier to refer to a log book for writing my weekly recap.
We didn’t have a TJ’s close by until two years ago. I love finally having one that’s convenient!
Pretty sure I have tried the kringle in the free bites they give out, but never bought any. I’ve been pretty good with eating, but even pretty good gets pretty loose in December even when you’re not Christian!
My Garmin syncs automatically to a couple of online sites, but I also write it in a planner, and that’s generally what I go by. I’m getting a new planner today (hopefully) — I runfess I’ll keep trying until I find the perfect one.
It’s been several years since I’ve been this undisciplined during the holidays…
It sounds like a lot of us like using old school logging along with our fun technology. I hope you like your new planner!
Love Kringles! I hear you on eating as a pastime, sigh. I need to start eating healthy again asap.
I borrowed that cookbook from the library and returned it without trying anything…
We’ve eaten most of the delicious, unhealthy food so hopefully our healthier eating will happen sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, though, I still have a couple of kringles in the freezer.
Ha ha. I have that cookbook too. Nope never made a thing.
I’m heading to TJs in search of that Kringle. Lol.
My blog is my running journal. I don’t use my Garmin or Apple Watch to track.
Happy new year. Hope it’s a good one.
I’m glad to see that I’m not alone with the whole RFES thing!
Happy New Year!
Oh that Rumble Roller looks amazing.
My Trader Joe’s crack is the winter sangria.
I runfess I’m giving away my Run Fast cookbook. It’s a dust collector
The Rumble Roller is amazing. It digs deep and hurst so good!
Yeah, I should probably do the same with my cookbook…
[…] eatfess: Last Runfessions I admitted that I had been a little looser on my nutrition during my birthday to New Year’s […]