Overview of the Week
Before getting into each day’s workouts, here’s an overview of my workouts from this past week. Scroll beyond the infographic for daily details…
Cycling: 32 miles
• Average speed: 14.6 MPH
• Bike: Specialized Roubaix Comp
• Surface: paved
• Elevation gain: 1,125 feet
• Start time: 8:16 AM
• Location: W&OD Trail Ashburn/Hamilton loop with some side roads
• Weather: 73° and sunny, climbing to 92° (feels like 97°)
• What I wore: bike shorts, s/s jersey, and fingerless gloves
I hadn’t ridden with my friend Betsy in two years. We rode a lot during the first and second summer of Covid, but now that things are opened back up, her commuting and work travel is making it hard for us to find time to ride together.
Strength training: 1 hour of total body
Walking: 2 miles
• Average pace: 14:31 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 94 feet
• Start time: 6:20 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 72° and partly cloudy
• What I wore: shorts and tank
Three clients were out of town for the Labor Day weekend so I had a lighter work load and was able to get out early for my walk before the day got too hot. By the time I walked one of my elderly clients to the gym (about four blocks), the temperature had climbed to 90°. When I asked him if he was too hot, he replied that he was from Sicily and it didn’t feel hot at all.
Cycling: 40 miles
• Average speed: 12.9 MPH
• Bike: Specialized Roubaix Comp
• Surface: paved
• Elevation gain: 2,037 feet
• Start time: 6:50 AM
• Location: W&OD Trail Ashburn/Hamilton loop with Thomas Mill and Woodburn climbs
• Weather: 76° and sunny, climbing to 89°
• What I wore: bike shorts, s/s jersey, and fingerless gloves
This ride was very social! About four miles into my ride a voice from behind commented on my Key West jersey. The voice belonged to my good friend Chuck who was on the very ride that ended in Key West almost two years ago when we bought our jerseys. We rode together for four miles before he had to turn around and get back home. Bummer – I forgot to take a picture.
About six miles from the end of my ride I met three of my running friends and stopped to catch up. They suggested they join me for a ride soon and I’m going to hold them to it!
Strength training: 1 hour of total body
Walking: 5K
• Average pace: 14:19 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 133 feet
• Start time: 6:06 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 73° and clear
• What I wore: shorts and tank
Walking: 5.1 miles
• Average pace: 14:50 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 202 feet
• Start time: 6:03 AM
• Location: neighborhood streets
• Weather: 77° and partly cloudy
• What I wore: shorts, tank, and visor
It was 77° when I stepped outside for my weekly virtual cardio workout with Kim. After a few weeks of it being warmer in Iowa than Virginia, Kim’s temps were in the chilly low 50’s.
Cycling: 52 miles
• Average speed: 14.7 MPH
• Bike: Specialized Roubaix Comp
• Surface: paved
• Elevation gain: 1,896 feet
• Start time: 5:15 AM
• Location: W&OD Trail to Reston with Hunter Station loop
• Weather: 69° and cloudy, climbing to 77° and partly sunny
• What I wore: bike bibs, s/s jersey, and fingerless gloves
Balance and stretching: 45 minutes
With my early morning client still on her cruise, I was able to once again join my husband and our Dawn Patrol friends for a super early bike ride. As we were finishing up 40 miles, my husband asked if I wanted to ride a little farther and get to at least 50 miles since we couldn’t ride on Saturday. You bet I was game, but misjudged my timing and had to rush like crazy once home to take my shower and get to my 10 AM appointment on time.
Running: 5K
• Average pace: 9:44 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 130 feet
• Start time: 7:16 AM
• Location: neighborhood streets
• Weather: 68°, cloudy, and humid
• What I wore: shorts, tank, and visor
Stretching: 10 minutes
With a busy day on tap of family commitments in the morning and teaching a fitness machines orientation class at the gym in the afternoon, I got my run in early. After intense storms the previous evening, it was a beautiful, albeit extremely humid, morning.
Last Week’s Blog Posts
In case you skipped checking in on my blog this past week, here’s what you missed…
- • Sunday – Weekly RunDown: August 27 – September 2 / Bringing Out the Beach Cruiser
- • Tuesday – Training Tip Tuesday: Make Exercise Fun
- • Have you ever misjudged the time and gotten late to work because of your workout? ~ Almost!
- • Which workouts were your most enjoyable, toughest, and/or memorable? ~ I loved Friday’s ride with my husband and friends. We pushed hard the last 20 miles and I was quite tired when we finished. In fact, my legs felt like noodles while teaching my balance and stretching class. LOL
- • Did you run in race this weekend? ~ No
And that’s my rundown… Have a great week!
I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but those of the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!
That super early bike ride with the Dawn Patrol sounds like a lot of fun! So nice that you got to do those extra 10 miles. The rush was well worth it!
I’m an expert at misjudging my runs back home and often end up in a mad rush.
Weirdly, no matter how pressed I am for time, I always make sure I have a cup of tea (to go if needed).
I had so many fun workouts this week! It is fun to run into your running friends while out on a ride. Nice work this week with all the heat
That sky in your run photo looks lovely!
By the time my brother & his family arrived at my moms yesterday, it was over 80 in there. I’d waited to turn on the AC because I knew it would heat up when everyone came.
I don’t usually have an appointment to get to after a run, and that’s a good thing because I look a mess!
A very active week for you. Glad you enjoy biking so much. Good job on the 5k….
No race for me… but 15 mile run so I am happy that’s over.
How fun to run into the Key West friend while out on your ride. Looks like you had lots of social workouts this week. I’ve most loved my time on the trails this week because it cooled off and the colors are starting to pop. We saw some upper 40s here and it felt wonderful!
Ha! I can tell it’s hot there, based on what your running friends are wearing in that photo. It sounds like you had an active and fun week! Lots of workouts with friends (near and far- I always love the photo of you and Kim.) But you need more sleep! Ha ha… I always look at the sleep box on your infographic, and I’m usually impressed that it’s over seven hours- sleep is something I’m working on.
WHat an active week and fun with friends! I typically work out by myself at the crack of dawn before anyone I know is up, so my workouts are pretty lonely. We had warm temps in the beginning of the week and then it cooled down to 60s later, which was great for running but i miss summer weather already!
As always I’m impressed with your cycling mileage! Nice too with a social bike ride. I had some really good workouts this week and the highlights were doing squats again although just bodyweight at home so far, then the barbell lifts in the gym standing on my two feet for the first time since April.
Nice week of riding (and running). How cold is too cold for you to ride?
To answer your first question…now you know why I am ‘taking the long way home’, lol. It’s not always a miscalculation, just sometimes i think i have more time to go farther!
I’m quite skilled at misjudging the amount of time I have (or don’t have, LOL). There are a lot of mornings when I sport a “stylish” messy bun, by default, due to not having enough time to wash and dry my hair (a simple blow-out and spritz of dry shampoo will do in a pinch).
Love that you have so many friends – in person and virtual – to ride/run with! 🙂
I definitely have been running a little late to work because of a longer workout… thankfully, it’s not a big deal as I have flexible work times.
That’s great that you have the flexibility at work and can finish your workouts if they go over.
A good week of sport. Your cycling mileage is impressive.
A very good job on the 5 km.
When I was in the Coast Guard I couldn’t be late at work because I was the so-called boatswain of the port (my job was to check the arrival and the departures of the ships and the related planning).
Thanks, Stefano!
Great week! You are balancing fun and fitness so well.
I have misjudged plenty of times. I always make it, but sometimes less gracefully than others.
No races this weekend. Boo.
I haven’t been feeling great, so nothing too memorable
HaHa, I can’t say that I got to my first appointment all that that gracefully either. I was still sweating even though I’d showered. Eww, but at least it was at a gym. 😉