National and Global Days for the Fitness Enthusiast

On my post this past Tuesday about Global Running Day, Catrina asked if there as is a Global Cycling Day – little did I know, but Global Cycling Day had been the previous day. Catrina got me to thinking so I did a little research and came up with the following national and global days worthy of celebrating by us diehard fitness enthusiasts…

National Personal Trainer Awareness Day – January 2nd (my favorite day)

National Walking Day – first Wednesday in April

National Bike Month – May

National Ride a Bike Day – first Sunday of May

National Fitness Day – first Saturday in May

National Bike to Work Day – third Friday of May

World Bicycle Day – first Monday of June

Global Running Day – first Wednesday of June

Global Wellness Day – second Saturday of June

International Day of Yoga – June 21st

National Weightlifting Day – September 23rd

National Hiking Day – November 17th


Overview of the Week

Before getting into each day’s workouts, here’s an overview of my workouts from this past week. Scroll beyond the infographic for daily details…



Cycling: 27.14. miles
• Average speed: 12.1 MPH
• Bike: Salsa Warbird
• Surface: gravel
• Elevation gain: 1,906 feet
• Start time: 9:36 AM
• Location: Historic Goose Creek Bridge loop
• Weather: 69° and sunny, climbing to 75°
• What I wore: bike shorts, s/s jersey, and fingerless gloves

My husband and I met our Gravel Rat friends for a delightful gravel ride starting and ending at the historic four-arch bridge over Goose Creek, the location of the Battle of Upperville during the Civil War.



Strength training: 1 hour of full body

Walking: 2.07 miles
• Average pace: 15:19 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 94 feet
• Start time: 8:43 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 76° and sunny
• What I wore: shorts, s/s shirt, and visor

I didn’t realize (until Tuesday) that Monday was World Bicycle Day or I would have gone for a short ride around the neighborhood.



Cycling: 30.52 miles
• Average speed: 13.5 MPH
• Bike: Specialized Roubaix Comp
• Surface: paved
• Elevation gain: 1,467 feet
• Start time: 9:49 AM
• Location: W&OD Trail Ashburn/Leesburg loop with Thomas Mill and Woodburn climbs
• Weather: 83° (feels like 86°) and sunny, climbing to 89° (feels like 91°)
• What I wore: bike shorts, s/s jersey, and fingerless gloves

I loved having my husband join me for my bike ride, and loved even more that we were twinning in our 2023 Reston Century jerseys. We have the same Roubaix Comps, too, just different colors.



Strength training: 1 hour of full body

Walking: 3.02 miles
• Average pace: 14:40 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 107 feet
• Start time: 5:48 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 70° and cloudy with 100% humidity
• What I wore: shorts and tank

Running: .3 mile
• Average pace: 10:52 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 1 foot
• Start time: 6:38 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 70° and cloudy with 100% humidity
• What I wore: shorts and tank

Even though I’d been released over a month ago by my doctor and physical therapist to do whatever activities I wanted, I hadn’t run since my back pain reared its ugly head in late January. However, the only proper way to celebrate Global Running Day is to go for a run, so I gave it a try! I ran less than a half mile, feeling great while running, but as soon as I stopped my right foot started tingling and I felt mild nerve pain on the lateral side of my lower right leg. It just goes to show that listening to your gut instinct is usually right and that’s why I hadn’t started running again. BTW, the tingling and pain had gone away by the following day.



Walking: 4.02 miles
• Average pace: 15:30 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 180 feet
• Start time: 5:30 AM
• Location: neighborhood trails
• Weather: 73° and partly cloudy
• What I wore: shorts, tank, and visor

Cycling: 22.43 miles
• Average speed: 14.6 MPH
• Bike: Specialized Roubaix Comp
• Surface: paved
• Elevation gain: 679 feet
• Start time: 10:41 AM
• Location: W&OD Trail Ashburn/Leesburg loop
• Weather: 78° and cloudy with a few rain drops, climbing to 82° and partly cloudy
• What I wore: bike shorts, s/s jersey, and fingerless gloves

It was another beautiful, albeit humid day to get outside early for a virtual walk with Kim. I left my little neighborhood to walk around the pond that’s not much more than a half mile from my house. Kim also found a pond in her new neighborhood for our collage.

Collage credit: Kim

It was raining when I wrapped it up with my last morning client so I assumed I’d have to ride inside on my spin bike. After examining the weather app and map a little more closely (there was a 30% chance I wouldn’t get rained on), I decided to chance it and other than a very few rain drop shortly after I started, the weather held out and I stayed dry.



Strength training: 1 hour of total body

Balance and stretching: 45 minutes

Walking: 2.01 miles
• Average pace: 15:08 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 96 feet
• Start time: 10:34 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 83° and sunny with low humidity
• What I wore: shorts, s/s shirt, and visor



Walking: 1.05 miles
• Average pace: 17:35 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 43 feet
• Start time: 1:57 PM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 85° and sunny with low humidity
• What I wore: shorts, s/s shirt, and visor

This was supposed to be a rest day for Sunday’s big cycling event, but after I saw my MRTT friends posting that they’d earned this wellness badge, I went out for a 1-mile walk (and added Global Wellness Day to the list at the top of this post).


Last Week’s Blog Posts

In case you skipped checking in on my blog this past week, here’s what you missed…


  • • If you run, did you celebrate Global Running Day? ~ yes
  • • Are you motivated by Garmin, Strava, Peloton, etc. badges? ~ yes
  • • Did you run in race this weekend? ~ no


And that’s my rundown… Have a great week!




I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but those of the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!


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