Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers.
Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post.
Today’s word is anticipation…… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Anticipation – the action of anticipating something;
expectation or prediction..
“Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.”
I thrive on anticipation; but then again, I suspect most people do. Sometimes the anticipation is more enjoyable than the event itself. Sometimes it isn’t.
Anticipation gets me through our cold and dreary March each year. I anticipate spring flowers, running in shorts, and smelling freshly cut grass.
Anticipation accompanies me as I plan our next big party. The hours I spend cleaning, shopping, and setting up get absorbed in daydreams about how much fun our guests will have, and how appreciative they’ll be of an enjoyable night out.
As a runner, I plan out my race schedule at the beginning of each year with great anticipation. Of each of the races, I wonder: Which of my friends will be running… What will my age group competition look like… Will I be healthy come race day… What will the weather be like… Most of those factors are out of my control, and that adds to the excitement and anticipation.
Often though, the things that are completely out of our control are things that can be so frustrating when they don’t measure up to the anticipation. They’re silly in the big scheme of things, but when you have high expectations, the disappointment can be real.
Things that didn’t/don’t always measure up to the anticipation:
- Redskins football (most DC sports for that matter)
- Hokie football
- Some first dates
- Teaching physical education
Things that exceed/exceeded my anticipation:
- Christmas
- Going off to college
- Getting married
- Becoming a mom
Things that I greatly anticipate:
- Vacations
- Grandchildren (when the time is right)
- Runs with friends
- Travel when I retire
How does anticipation effect you?
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Next Wednesday’s Word: Perseverance
You’re right – anticipation does add to the fun! Thanks for the link up!
You are welcome!
Sometimes the anticipation outweighs the actual event. I was anticipating a fun Memorial Day weekend out of town, and was excited to pick up my new kayak. But it rained 90% of the time…. ugh…
Oh that’s a bummer. Hopefully you’ll be able to use your new kayak again soon!
I guess right now I am anticipating and kind of freaking out about my daughter’s HS graduation in a few weeks but I will certainly get over it on our trip to Hawaii to celebrate!
How fun that you’re taking your daughter to Hawaii! We took our sons to Italy for their college graduations. For their high school graduations they got a party in the back yard! 🙂
I think you always have to have a certain amount of anticipation to make things fun and enjoyable. The nerves, jitters, and expectations are a nice build up – like doing the “Let’s Go Hokies” cheer right before Enter, Sandman starts, OR those moments that you are jumping up and down to Enter, Sandman right before the team takes the field. The things I anticipate most in life right now are starting a family someday and exploring where I can go in my career.
I love your anticipation analogy with Let’s Go Hokies and Enter Sandman!
As for as your “life anticipations,” I keep waiting for an announcement! 😉
Oh the pressure!
Loved this weeks Wednesday Word link up and I’m so glad I found it through two of your readers who I’d like to give a shout out: HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home. I do anticipate a lot and I think that is what gets me through the tougher times, thinking ahead to the fun things. Yea sometimes they don’t always live up but its ok, just around the corner is another big event or fun time that will. It’s funny how when I was younger anticipating leaving home was always big on the list, now I can’t wait to get back there. We’re camping this week so home is on wheels, but I can’t wait to get off and head back there! Hope you have a great day! 🙂
I love both Holly and Wendy!
I agree – I couldn’t wait to go off to college and move away, but now I love going back to the community I grew up and visiting. I don’t think I could live there though… too rural.
I’m right in there with Deborah’s comment above ^^. Anticipation is a huge part of getting ready for Cora’s HS graduation and her move to Alabama in August. Part of it’s the big anticipation (having my “baby” move on to college) and part of it is the little anticipation (will I be able to find a gluten free dessert that my MIL likes?). But I like the idea of “anticipation” so much more than the concept of “worry.” 🙂
You do have a lot to anticipate! It’s such a fun and exciting time for your whole family.
I anticipate a lot of fun in our back yard this summer with family, including my new grandchild (2 total). I anticipate some fun travel this year too. I anticipate water skiing soon – hope the weather cooperates. There’s always something brewing. I also anticipate I will keep linking up for Wednesday word!
Sounds like you’re anticipating a lot of fun! 🙂
I kind of love the anticipation of looking forward to something and working towards it, like running the Richmond Half last year, or when i signed up for a Disney event 6 months in advance – it gives me a focus. Other wise i just wake, go to work…repeat, a lot of the time!
Anticipation definitely helps build up the excitement while waiting for the event.
I have missed participating in the Wednesday words but I’m so behind with blogging ….
Love that feeling of anticipation. Somedays I even feel it when I know Chris is on his way home from work:)
And that’s what a great marriage is all about! 🙂
We miss you in the blogging word, but know how busy you must be with your new business.