A few weeks ago, Amy wrote about her upcoming marathon on her blog, Run / Write / Hike. She talked about her marathon goals, how running is a stress reliever for her, and how for this particular marathon she isn’t chasing a particular time. Amy went on to discuss how blogging has impacted our running:

For better or worse (and mostly for better), I think the blog world has enabled this constant idea that we all have to continue to improve by getting faster and/or running longer. Each race is a competition with ourselves. I love that idea and support and encourage it. I completely understand the feeling of failure that comes when you do not PR a race you were expecting to crush. But I refuse to sit and wallow for days or weeks about a failed marathon.

Her post gave me an idea…..

At 56 years old, I don’t fit the runner-blogger “norm.” Actually, I’m about 20-30 years older than many of the people I’ve met in the health and fitness blogging community. Although I agree 100%, I chuckled when Amy said, “I think the blog world has enabled this constant idea that we all have to continue to improve by getting faster and/or running longer.” I know that I can no longer hit those times I ran when I set my marathon PR, and my running distances have gotten shorter,not longer.


1999 Steamtown Marathon PR
3:29:04 (7:59 minute/mile pace)

As I get older, my times are slowing down a little bit and I’m completely okay with that. It’s normal and to be expected. Have I sat back and said that I’m too old for this? Absolutely not! I’ve just adjusted my goals to be a little more realistic. Would I have reset those goals if I weren’t blogging? Perhaps in my head, but probably not on paper where I would hold myself more accountable.

Writing my blog has inspired me to strive to be the best that I can be and to set “new PR goals” that are appropriate for my age. On January 1st, I set the following two time goals and some softer fun goals.


Are these time goals realistic? I’m having second thoughts, but why set goals you know you will reach… then it’s just a plan. My 5K PR is 22:57 (7:23 minute/mile pace) which was set 15 years ago. Last Sunday I ran a 25:57 (8:21 minute/mile pace) without any recent speed work, but I’m not sure that I can shave two minutes off of my time and get it within a minute of my 15-year old PR. It will be a challenge that I’m up for, but I won’t beat myself up if I don’t reach it.

My half marathon PR is 1:56:38 (8:54 minute/mile pace) which was run on a very hot and humid day. My most recent half was run in nearly perfect race conditions and I ran a 2:06:45 (9:40 minute/mile pace). Again, it seems pretty lofty to shave 6:45 off my half distance, but I’m willing to try it.


Whatever happens, happens; but you can bet that I will push myself to be the best that I can be! Stay tuned!

  • Questions:
  • What are your racing goals?
  • Do you feel you are close to reaching your racing PR’s?
  • Who raced this weekend?