1,530 – that’s how many pictures I took on my 9.5-mile trail run at Burke Lake Park this morning. I narrowed it down to 45, and then narrowed it down further to twenty. Twelve made it into the blog. You have to kiss a lot of frogs…..
=PR= Race Series held their second of four free trail runs this morning. Today’s run was at Burke Lake Park. The trail around the park is about 4.65 miles, so we ran it twice and then added a little more to make it a nice and tidy 9.5 miles.
In the light mist before the race, Gayle, Amanda, Angela, and I gathered with MRTT runners Evie and Erin from other chapters for our fun multi-chapter pre-run meet-up and group photo. There were a few other MRTT runners that we saw along the course that missed the photo.

Not to be outdone, the Cruisers got a picture, too; and as you can see, Amanda and I double-dip in both groups!

After a few instructions from a representative of Potomac River Running, we were off! I immediately started messing around with my GoPro – you can see the remote control in my hand.

Erin, from one of our local chapters, and I immediately fell into step together. We’d met briefly at the Algonkian Regional Park trail run on Easter weekend and recognized each other. She’s a very strong runner and kicked my butt. It was great! She pushed me just enough to make me work hard, but still kept it fun.

Cruisers Bill and Joe were right in front of us and we caught up with Joe pretty quickly. It was very overcast and a little too dark with the tree coverage for the earlier pictures to come out very well, but I’m sharing them so you can get a idea of how beautiful the trail is.

At some point early on, someone running in the opposite direction, shouted,”Hi Debbie!” as she ran past. I didn’t recognize the lady, and as she passed, I turned to ask, “Who’s that?” It was one of my readers – Katya! We haven’t officially met, but have been at several of the same races. I watched for her during our second lap, hoping to finally officially meet, but didn’t see her. Next time, Katya!

I regret not getting my iPhone out and snapping a few pictures of the beautiful trail, but running with my GoPro is still a learning process…

The trail goes around the lake, and for the most part, it’s tree covered. There is one section over the dam that’s open. I remember this part being incredibly hot as the sun beat down on us during a run here several years ago.

Once we finished our second lap of our Burke Lake trail run, Erin and I turned back around to find the ladies from my chapter, and found them within about a minute. All that time and they were just barely out of our sight… I held up the GoPro, and told everyone to follow me for some running pictures – Pied Piper style!

Post-run, we got one more picture before everyone headed home, and my heart was happy to hang out with both my Cruiser and MRTT friends!

After a week of getting too little sleep, and trashing my legs during the trail run, I took a three-hour nap this afternoon! It was rare, and amazing!
- Questions:
- Local peeps, have you ever run at Burke Lake Park?
- Do you prefer dirt trail or paved trail/road running?
- Who race today, or is racing tomorrow?
I LOVE Burke Lake! I did much of my training for my first marathon there — it brings back great memories. That dam you ran over IS super-hot, but I love it, because it is just about a mile from the end. 🙂 I would love to meet you for a run sometime there.
And I also loved your flying ponytail in the GoPro pics. Way to move it!
HaHa – yes, my ponytail likes to get in on the action when I run! I’d love to meet you at Burke Lake for a run sometime!
Love the perspective of the go pro pictures ! Looks like you had a great time.
It was fun, and I hope to get more efficient with my GoPro as I use it more.
I played around with my GoPro this weekend. You’ve inspired me to give it a try! I plan to take it water skiing. I think that will be a fun perspective. That’s a very pretty trail!
You should be able to get some great pictures with your GoPro while water skiing – both from the boat, and from your perspective!
sorry we didn’t officially meet! i was there with my husband, and it was our first ever trail run for both of us. we had agreed to do 30 min for our first time, 15 min out and back. probably could have/should have done more since it was a loop and not all that technical. i met some MRTT ladies the following day at fountainhead regional park, which is nearby, and THAT was technical and kicked my butt. i’ll try to make it next week to the PR run now that i know what trail running is all about!
I ran a race on the Fountainhead trail last spring, and you’re right – that’s a very technical trail! I think the Riverbend trail is a lot more technical than Burke Lake, but not as bad (or good) as Fountainhead. Hope to see you there!
That looks like such a nice place to run! I can’t believe you took so many pictures!!
Yes, it certainly is a beautiful trail. Each time I press the button on the remote I take a burst of 30 pictures. I think I’ll change the settings for next time so it takes fewer pictures per burst.
I’ve been so nervous to try out one of these trail runs, but I really think I should! This looks really fun. I’ve only ran on trails a few times, and am always thinking, “don’t twist your ankle, don’t twist your ankle!,” the whole time!
You would have loved this particular trail because it’s not at all technical. If I remember correctly, next Sunday’s run at Riverbend Park will be far more technical. The key is to run slower, and keep your eyes focused on where you’re stepping next. Unfortunately, looking down, doesn’t allow me to take in the scenery as much as I’d like!
The go pro shots are very cool, I especially like the what is behind you shot, the trail looks really nice. I love trail running, but I don’t have very smooth ones near me. I wish we had a crushed limestone option closer, my favorite place is a 45 minute drive.
It looks like you all had a fun running day!
Unfortunately, Burke Lake isn’t particularly close to me, either. If it were, I’d run there a lot more!
[…] meet Sarah-Joy whom I’ve been emailing back and forth with since last Saturday’s Burke Lake trail […]
Burke Lake is a great place for running, biking, and walking! I’ve run there many times, and my dad and I have walked it more times than I can count. Glad y’all got to enjoy it 🙂 That PR trail run series is a great one.
When I was little we would go to Burke Lake in the summer to ride the train, ride the carousel, and get ice cream! I also went to day camp there several times in the summers while growing up.
I remembered it as being more technical than it is. Perhaps I’m getting more used to running tough trails like the Appalachian Trail!
[…] Burke Lake in Burke […]
[…] Erin (a different Erin than I rode to the race with), whom I met and ran with at the spring trail series runs, Beth, and I started together. Beth had already run a few miles prior to the race because […]
Hello, Deb! Ran across this post doing a Google image search of the Burke Lake trails. I live in Fredericksburg and joined MRTT this spring. I’m thinking about running the Holiday Half at Burke Lake in December. I’ve never run a trail race before, and from the photos here (great pics, BTW!) it looks like they’re pretty flat and smooth. My question is, how much of it is paved, and how much isn’t? The race also goes out along the South Run Trail around Lake Mercer. I can probably finish in the time allowed (2:45) but since it’s a trail race I’m a little nervous (my most recent half this fall was 2:18, a PR for me). I’ve never run at Burke Lake and I thought this might be a great opportunity to check it out! 🙂 Thanks, and I hope to meet you out on the run sometime!
Most of the trail around the lake is either dirt or cinder. I think there was one very short place that was near a parking lot that was paved (I’ve only run there twice). I’ve never run around Lake Mercer, so I’m afraid I can’t be of any help there. Several of my MRTT friends are doing the Holiday Half, so be sure to look watch for info about a pre-race photo and look for the sign (assuming they bring it). As of now, I don’t plan to run the race, but with peer pressure you never know… 🙂
Hope this was helpful!