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Meeting Nikki Kimball While watching ultra running documentaries about a month ago, I was introduced to Nikki Kimball, an American ultra marathoner. Not only did she pick a doozy for her first 100-miler, but she finished as first female at that 2004 Western States 100 – no small feat. She was also the winning female at […]


Inspired By The Greats To Run On The Appalachian Trail

This post contain an affiliate link… A few weekends ago, Bill and I curled up on our basement sofa and watched a couple of ultramarathon documentaries on Netflix. We were inspired to make time to run on the Appalachian Trail to McAfee Knob on our recent trip to Southwestern Virginia and left our home bright […]


Ellie’s Self-Made Ultra Marathon

I first met Ellie at Miles’ Pancake Run in June, but had the opportunity to get to know her a little bit better at Julie’s bridal shower, bachelorette party, and then the wedding when Ellie was one of Julie’s bridesmaids.  Ellie and Julie ran track together in high school, have stayed close friends, and ran […]


Five Reasons To Run An Ultra

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run!  Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! This week’s theme is Five Reasons to Run ________ (a marathon, an ultra, a 5k, whatever you fancy)… I’m am choosing to […]


I’m Doing Another Ultra!

I’m doing another ultra!  Well, not really, but it certainly did feel good saying that!  🙂 I am planning a very informal ultra for our running group, and here’s the scoop…  On Sunday July 14, 2013 (yes that’s just around the corner), I’m planning the Cruisers’ W&OD Trail 45-Mile Ultramarathon Training Run. The Cruisers have […]