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Listening to My Body When I noticed that climbing the stairs made my legs feel like lead, I immediately recognized the feeling. I’ve been a cardio maniac the last few weeks with two run/walks and three to four rides per week. Yes, I’m a self-proclaimed cardio junkie, but I do know my limits and I’ve […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   It’s Only a Tendon I haven’t mentioned it on my blog… mainly because I was in denial and didn’t want to talk about another injury, but sometime in late May I hurt my left wrist (I’m left handed). Initially, when my wrist started hurting the next day after […]


Beach Week We had planned to come down to the Outer Banks in mid-August, but work precluded us from coming so we rescheduled to this week, Wednesday to Wednesday. See Wednesday’s workout for why we didn’t make it to the beach until late Thursday night… Anyway, we’re having a great time and are getting our […]


Deb Bikes? I finished the week with 134 miles in the saddle and at that rate I’m contemplating renaming my blog Deb Cycles… just kidding. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a cardio junkie and I’ll take my cardio high from where ever I can, but my first cardio love will always be […]


A Tail Wagging Good Time Pablo and his hoomans spent Saturday through Sunday morning with us. The dance he does when he comes into our house at the beginning of each visit cracks us up. His little tail wags so hard that his entire body from his shoulders back sway in a dance-like rhythm.    […]


Pablo’s Exciting News I’ll keep this short and sweet, Pablo and I are pleased to announce that his dad and mom got engaged last Saturday, and yes, Pablo was there to witness the happy event!   Overview of the Week Before discussing each day’s workouts, here’s an overview of my workouts from this past week. […]


Flash Flooding On Wednesday evening we had another round of torrential rain which lasted less than 2 hours. I walked out back at 7 PM to check on the bridge on the trail that runs right beside our house. The water was rushing over the bridge – I once saw water flowing over the top […]


Thunder, Lightning, Torrential Rain, and That Doesn’t Include the Tropical Storm The weather has been rather unsettled in our area recently. We had several afternoons, evenings, and nights of storms; so many in fact, that they’ve all run together at this point. Thursday evening, totally unrelated to Tuesday’s tropical storm, parts of our county got […]


Thirty-nine Fit Years Together Bill and I celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary on Saturday and I thought it would be fun to take a look back at each of our exercise choices for staying fit over the years… College dating years: Bill – tennis, basketball, intramural softball Deb – tennis, Frisbee, intramural softball, intramural track […]


Monsoon Season I don’t recall a time when so many storms passed through an area one after another like they did this past week on the farm. Starting with Tuesday, most of my outdoor workouts were delayed and disrupted by thunder, lightning, and/or rain. The storms were not particular about what time of day they […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Visiting the Farm Bill and I hit the road early Friday morning for our annual summer trip to the farm to spend some time with my mom. Normally, we’d have my mom’s side of the family’s annual family reunion on the first weekend of our stay and my […]


Barbecuing With the Fam The kids were over for a visit this weekend since we couldn’t get together last weekend to celebrate Independence Day. It was great seeing everyone – we grilled out and had a wonderful afternoon together. At the last minute Pablo decided to stay with us for the week so expect to […]


Weekly RunDown: June 28 Through July 4 / Independence Day Version

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Independence Day Celebrations The week was capped off with a subdued Independence Day celebration. For the first time that I can remember, we didn’t grill out, instead ordering pizza (we were both too tired – see Saturday’s workout). Impromptu fireworks displays popped up in front of various neighbors’ […]


Overview of the Week This week had a little bit of everything thrown in except for running. There was walking, hiking, biking, lifting, and even a little stretching… Here’s my complete rundown of workouts from this past week. Scroll down for details from each day.   Sunday My ride on Sunday consisted of a mixed […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Overview of the Week Biking has become more of the focus of my cardio workouts because I finish my ride with that feeling of being completely spent like when running, something totally missing with walking, even at a faster clip. I feel so fortunate to have found a […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Overview of the Week Here’s my complete rundown of workouts from this past week completed either outside or in our home gym. Scroll down for a details from each day.   Sunday We had another gorgeous Sunday on tap so Bill and I took advantage of cooler temperatures and […]


Overview of the Week Here’s my complete rundown of workouts from this past week completed either outside or in our home gym. Scroll down for a details from each day.   Sunday The weather couldn’t have been more perfect on Sunday when Bill and I went on a 20-mile bike ride in search of this […]


Getting an MRI and the Ensuing Results On Wednesday I had an MRI and x-ray to see if they could figure out what’s going on with my back. Of course, these past few days my back has felt better than it has in weeks… go figure. Friday morning I met with my spine doctor to […]


Weekly RunDown: Memorial Day Weekend Version, May 17 Through May 23

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Memorial Day Weekend It’s Memorial Day weekend, a time to honor those who fought and paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we might live freely in this beautiful country. The corona virus has put a damper in the celebration of the lives of men and women who died […]


Changing Things Up This week I’m trying things a little differently and throwing my weekly rundown back to the way I had it laid out years ago, looking at what I did (workout wise) on each day of the week rather than listing each type of workout and what I got done. Perhaps this way […]